MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1307: Ares Guard

Li Yao took a deep breath. This time he was actually facing the leader of the faction level. He had broken through to the race level. At the faction level, he had truly become a real powerhouse.

In the three major camps, the leader of the camp level is the real backbone, and the world class is already the top force in the mortal world. Although the camp level is not as good as the world class, each camp-level powerhouse can guard one side. This is not only a literal meaning, but also because of the qualitative change in the level of strength.

Although the opponent has only just gained true wisdom, it is just a junior camp that has just accumulated strength, and the fifth-tier camp-level and the sixth-tier camp-level are not a concept, but even weak is a camp-level.

Li Yao himself is only a race level, in contrast, his attributes are no longer on the same level. Regardless of his 5 million HP, it is definitely NO1 among players, but in the face of camp-level powerhouses, as long as they hit the critical point, they will be killed in seconds. Even if it is not the critical place, the racial level attribute that is crushed by the camp will also be three. Kill him in the next. Except for the plate armor defense profession, the blood volume is just imaginary.

But this is enough for Li Yao, just like a hunter with a crispy skin, facing the Xeon boss one by one and being killed in seconds, now Li Yao has three chances, which is equivalent to three lives for him, plus skills, He has at least four chances of being attacked. This kind of fault tolerance rate is against the sky for Li Yao, and his soaring attributes can use some methods that are not available at other times, so even if he is facing an opponent whose attributes are crushing him, he is not in the slightest.

Being able to break the defense is a challenge for Li Yao, not to mention now.

So Li Yao didn't mean to be nervous or flustered when the opponent directly launched a charge.

The body of this guard is the body of the ghost hunting spider. The upper body is the devil, and the lower part of the ghost hunting spider. Among the gods, they are good at strength and resistance. They are often called the undead Xiaoqiang. Among the gods of the Rose Queen, it is definitely Tyrannical, once made great achievements in the battle of gods. In the ancient times, the gods were twilight, and the queen Rose participated in the battle of gods. In the case of serious injuries, she could escape back to the abyss. Her guards of gods were very important.

It is also the reason why Rose's queen can quickly recover and become a miracle or even a miracle at this stage. It is because although the ancients was seriously injured, it did not hurt the origin, plus one hundred thousand years of self-cultivation, it was plasticized earlier than other gods.

The ghost hunting spider is characterized by its huge body but not cumbersome. It is like a heavy tank. Because of its thick **** skin, it is very resistant to beatings, and its legs are strong, so it is not sluggish when running.

At this moment, as the guards charged, the ground of the cave was trembling, Li Yao's eyes flashed with blue light, and the moment the guards approached, Li Yao stepped on the ground suddenly.


When Li Yao didn’t come here, he had already broken a thousand strength because of the divine bow. Now he has become a race-level leader. In addition, he has made up for his origin. Even if he does not use the power of the dragon father, his power has surpassed the previous power of the dragon father. With a strength of two thousand, Li Yao has now broken two thousand five thousand without mobilizing any strength to bless him. He is completely a human-shaped tyrannosaur. Li Yao's delicate body and the strength he possessed were completely out of sync.

With the explosion of the ground, the equipment scattered on the ground rose one after another, and countless equipment rose, directly blocking the sight of the gods.

Li Yao's brain also began to deduct like lightning, and Li Yao activated the skill at the moment when he completely blocked the sight of the guard.

The call of the wind!

Li Yao's figure appeared directly behind the guard, and Li Yao launched a squally shower in an instant.

The moment the three Li Yao appeared, they started to wave their sickles at the same time.

Wind pile!

The wind of tearing!

Countless bright blades covered the body of the Shenwei densely, and with the sound of cutting, traces appeared on the body of the Shenwei, but his stratum corneum was too thick, and he did not lose much. blood.

"Get out of me." The **** guard yelled, and the wind piles bound to his spider legs broke apart.

But the moment he turned around, three mechanical snakes caught his three feet again and directly caused him to fall.

The crazy knife blade cuts continuously and I don't know how many times it has been cut. The guard just stood up, and a gleam of light flashed in Li Yao's eyes: "Break it to me."

Wow la la...

With hundreds of cuts of blades and Li Yao's strength, the cuticle on the body of the **** guard spider collapsed, exposing the normal spider body.

The easiest way to kill the ghost hunter is to break the cuticle of the abdomen, so that his back is almost undefended.

The guard uttered a sharp roar. Although the stratum corneum was broken, he wouldn't be painful, but he lost his balance for a moment and fell down again.

It's just that he has a higher intelligence after all, his body suddenly curled up, and a spider silk that soared to the sky was linked to the top of the cave.

Shenwei's body moved out like a swing as the spider's silk stretched and sprinted, directly avoiding Li Yao's subsequent crazy Shenwei understood the defense of his stratum corneum too. Now, this seemingly weak little guy has extraordinary judgment, attack power and strength. The stratum corneum is broken. If he bears his next attack, he will be easily maimed.

His idea is very simple, the opponent's clone is too strong, basically it is impossible to continue, and when he swings, it is not a pure avoidance skill.

Li Yao decisively stopped the strong wind and showers, and his figure flashed.

While Li Yao dodged, the spider that came back ended spraying a wide range of sticky silk.

With the spray of spider silk, there was also a green mist and the sound of the mist corroding the ground. If he was bound by the sticky spider silk and faced such violent toxicity, Li Yao would be in a few seconds. Was poisoned to death.

Every rippling was accompanied by ear-piercing, as well as the spread of spider silk and poisonous mist, and Li Yao flickered every time.

"It's useless, you and my spider silks and poisons are endless. They can actually break my shield. For your ability, I will treat you as a delicious meal."

"Really, since you like swinging, then I will let you continue to swing." Li Yao stomped on the ground hard, and with an explosion, Li Yao rushed out like lightning.

This time Li Yao didn't dodge but directly greeted the rippling **** guard. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he saw Li Yao rushing over and spraying spider silk and poisonous mist again.

Li Yao's figure flicked directly past the spider silk and poison, and appeared on the side, and at this time the guards just reached Li Yao's magic brush.


Li Yao directly slammed into the body of the Shen Wei. This blow was an unpleasant attack to be precise. Both sides did not lose much blood. Instead, Li Yao smashed the opponent out with his own strength.

It directly changed the direction of Shenwei's swing...

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