MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1313: God Punishment Lock

On the way Li Yao was escorted, he was thinking about the rules of the Fallen Elf Arena. Basically, there will be a King of the Arena tournament in the first half of the year. In other words, there will be one month champion every month, and the six-month champion will hold the duel king. The title will be free.

The arena is very cruel, and every month champion must defeat at least 100 opponents to become the monthly champion.

Every time you win a game you get a number, starting at 1, and when you win against an opponent, it becomes 2 until it becomes one hundred.

On the surface, isn't it just defeating a hundred people, in case you encounter weak people.

This is basically impossible, because each battle will only increase the number if the person with the same or higher number wins the battle.

For example, if the number is 2, only a battle with 2 or a number higher than 2 can be counted as winning an increase. If the battle with the number 1 is won, it will not be counted as a match.

Imagine it seems that everyone has gone through a hundred battles, but too many lives have been sacrificed.

99 vs. 99, both of them defeated ninety-nine opponents, but in the last game, it was four duels each defeating ninety-eight numbers. Pushing forward, this month's champion is actually the bones of countless people. Cast in blood.

So this caused the arena to be very popular day and night duel scenes. Of course, there are two days of the year that the duel arena is only open in the afternoon, and that is the game of the king of gladiatorial fields.

The six-month champion competes for the title of King of the Arena, and the winner can get freedom and some other rewards. In fact, the attraction of freedom alone is enough for these slaves.

Li Yao was taken to the vicinity of the arena and was frightened by the deafening cheers and screams. This Nima, as for being so excited, countless people screamed too crazy. In fact, Li Yao didn't know that the arena where their guild resided was no worse than the atmosphere here.

He was quickly led into an underground passage, and then Li Yao could see the situation outside through the transparent spider silk. The two are fighting in the arena. There are traps and mechanisms in the arena, as well as more than a dozen huge stone pillars. The light illuminates the entire arena, and the sky above the arena is also enveloped by the Spider King, obviously not giving the gladiator any chance to escape. No need to think about the tenacity of these spider king enchantments.

"Hey, you can't break the sacred contract, how can such a weak guy participate in such a sacred battle." A goblin manager said dissatisfied.

"Damn dwarf, this is the order of the priest," said the black-robed man in the lead.

"You can insult me, but you can't insult the contract, we said yes..."

The black-robed man sneered: "This is the will of the gods, and this person has passed the trial of the gods, the only victor from the killing of the 50 million army, you so-called king of duels compared with him, hehe. "

"Oh my God, how is this possible." The goblin's eyes lighted suddenly: "I said long ago that the guards should participate in the duel, and now it is finally realized. I am going to make a fortune. No, the guards are too strong, can I... "

The headed black-robed man laughed and said: "You know, in order to be foolproof, we have used the highest level of gods. If we let go, it is estimated that we are all slaughtered, this kind of 50 million army killed A lunatic dare to look down upon it, so the priest specifically allows you to use two divine punishment locks."

"OK, so we can see the wonderful battle, not the side-to-side slaughter, and we can make a lot of money." The goblin carefully took two claw-like objects from the shelf beside them, and buckled them directly on Li Yao's shoulders.

Li Yao's expression changed, his attributes had been suppressed and he had reached the junior leader.

"Hehe, then we're waiting for a good show." The black robe people went out, closed the spider silk with the seal and waved them away, and took away the **** silk that had bound Li Yao.

The goblin clapped his hands and attracted Li Yao's gaze: "Young man, don't think about running away. This arena is built with the goddess power. Unless you are a demigod, you will never be able to get out. Accept your fate."

"I'll explain to you briefly, God Punishment Lock, every God Punishment Lock can suppress certain attributes. Now you have two, suppressing your attack and defense life three attributes to the primary boss level, but your strength And sensitivity will not be affected much."

The goblin said and pointed to the outside: "Seeing that, these guys outside also have locks, but theirs is a god's grace lock. Contrary to yours, every channel can improve its attributes as long as it is within the arena. The battle of the king of the arena has risen to a level that is infinitely close to the camp level."

Li Yao had activated his divine eyes a long time ago. This arena is full of super magical formations, once again blocked his idea of ​​escape, and had to fight, as long as there is a hope of freedom, he is not willing to gain himself. Throw away.

The only thing that made Li Yao relieved is that the two in the arena have blessed the spirit and attributes of the God's Grace, although they are close to the faction, they are actually far from the faction level. If it is really a faction level battle , Facing such an opponent with extremely rich combat experience, attribute crushing estimated that he was crushed to death.

After all, one's own attributes are suppressed by the junior leader, and if the attack gap is too large, one's own defensive strength and agility will be useless.

Although he hurriedly glanced, Li Yao could also see that the fighting qualities of these monthly champions who competed for the king of the arena were quite good, and they could not be abused casually.

"I'm very curious, how did you offend the high priest and play with you like this." The goblin did not wait for Li Yao to answer and continued: "You want to live, it's very simple. You won the championship for five consecutive months. If it's your original That’s all about the state, and you have to wear the God's Punishment Lock.

Li Yao smiled slightly and didn't care. Isn't it just five battles?

"It seems that you are very confident. I know how powerful you are to become a guard in the state of a high elf. You must have your own means. But look, can you still use your weapons." The goblin looked at Li Yao happily.

Li Yao's complexion changed, and he realized that he could not summon pets anymore. That's all. What's more, the space of his backpack, even the star bow on the back of his hand, could not be summoned.

"There is a weapon rack on the edge of the arena. You can choose to take advantage of it. This is the rule. I hope you can win, my friend." The goblin walked out of the spider web gleefully.

The spider web against Li Yao was the wall that did not stop the goblins in the slightest. In the middle of the field, a big barbarian hit a strong half-orc with a mace, and the half-orc fell to the ground.

The barbarian threw away the mace, and then grabbed the half-orc's head with both hands. With a click, the half-orc's head was pulled out. With the crazy spew of blood and the crazy cheers of the audience, the barbarian was half The head of the orc is raised high...

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