MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1322: violent


The female elf on the Unreal Platform squirted out the wine she had just drunk, and quickly waved the floating wine to dissipate in the air: "What a funny guy."

The audience was also demented at first, and then burst into laughter, ears tickled. This Nima, a magic technique that can affect hundreds of thousands of people, is actually described as such, it is really...

"You **** it." Compared to others, the Flying Snake Demon is simply annoyed. Her powerful magic skills will be described and evaluated in this way. The key is that there is really nothing at all.

Recalling what happened just now, Li Yao's eyes really did not change, which shows that people really have not been affected by the scream of her soul. It is not carried down by skills or something.

The Flying Snake Demon suddenly began to go wild, and a series of skills were released.

Soul shock!

Mental flogging!

The mental skills don't need money to impact Li Yao's brain, but Li Yao has been carrying the big sword on the door and slowly walking towards the Flying Snake Demon.

When Li Yao approached the Flying Snake Demon, the Flying Snake Demon had already released more than a dozen mental abilities, especially the last time he directly mobilized his mental power to impact Li Yao's brain.

"Go to die."


As if a firework exploded with a burst of spiritual energy, the Flying Snake Demon bleeds like a heavy blow, but when he saw Li Yao walking slowly, he immediately activated his wings and flew away crookedly and far away from Li Yao.

Kneeling on one knee on the stone pillar, her eyes were full of disbelief. She suppressed the urge to vomit blood and slowly said: "Why, why my spiritual spells are of no use to you, but I suffered a backlash."

Li Yao turned his head and looked at the Flying Snake Demon: "Don't you have the answer? Why do you still ask. But I am a very principled person. Since you asked, I will tell you that it is very simple, you are too weak. "

Li Yao absolutely possesses this kind of self-confidence now. Before becoming a race leader, his mental power can only make his perception sharp and deductive calculation, but after becoming a race-level leader, spiritual power is even more important.

Moreover, Li Yao has been able to exert a stronger mental power. Although he can't mobilize the law or something, he has begun to play a role in mental strength and defense.

Today, Li Yao is the spiritual power of the main **** level. Although without the blessing, stability and condensing of the godhead, it is impossible to truly fight against the spiritual power of the main god, but facing the spiritual power of the main god, others want to use the skills of the spirit system to smash and destroy His spirit is basically impossible.

And compared with the spiritual power of the main **** level and the spiritual power of the race level leader, it is really the difference between a small pond and the sea. If you want to hit the sea with the water of a pond, it is simply a mayfly shaking a tree.

Therefore, Li Yao said that the other party's mental power was too weak, and there was nothing wrong with it.

However, these words are particularly harsh in the heart of the Flying Snake Demon. She perfectly inherits the advantages of the two royal bloodlines, and her spiritual power is even more different from ordinary people. It is really a different level of talent. With strong spiritual power, she has more than With her normal combat power, she has mastered both melee and long-range combat techniques and skills by virtue of her mental power. This is also due to the influence of the blood of the two royal families, but it is mainly because her spirit is different from ordinary people that she will have today's achievements.

On the one hand, coming to the main plane is to be framed by others, but it is mainly for experience, to make yourself stronger and then return to the abyss to get back your own things.

She has never been disadvantaged, but today she encountered such a monster, the opponent is so powerful, she directly gave up the idea of ​​melee combat, and it is estimated that she would fly by herself when she touched the weapon, not dead and seriously injured.

As a result, the mental power skills were used, and once they were used, the result was backlashed. It really made her annoyed, but there was also a faint fear in her heart, but she knew that only one person in this arena could survive. One must defeat the opponent.

"I do not believe."

The eyes of the Flying Snake Demon have changed from gold to silver, which is a manifestation of the extreme use of spiritual power.


The gray gravel floated directly with the shock of mental power, and then hit Li Yao as quickly as a cannonball.


Li Yao waved his great sword accompanied by a harsh howling sound, the dust that was broken into the sky by the great sword one after another at any time.


Along with the dust pole in the sky, Han Xing flew like lightning, Han Xing directly blocked Li Yao's dodge route.

Li Yao took a deep breath, didn't rush to block the big sword in front of him, but suddenly raised the big sword when a few poisonous darts were about to hit him.

Ding Ding Ding...

A few darts were directly bounced back, and Li Yao directly launched a counter-reaction defense.

While mobilizing the spirit power again, the Snake Demon and the others did not expect that Li Yao could defend against anti-darts. You must know that because of the spiritual power, the speed of darts is lightning fast, although not as fast as her petrified gaze, it is also extremely fast.

In her opinion, this kind of dart can only dodge even if the enemy reacts, and it is too difficult to defend against counter-reverse, so she has never considered being counter-reversed.

Moreover, the anti-reverse darts are faster than before. Her mental power is naturally sharp, but her physical sensitivity is not as fast as the She dodges a few darts, but there are two more. Two darts hit her wings and mouth respectively.

The Flying Snake Demon rolled down on the stone pillar and crashed to the ground.

And Li Yao didn't want to play anymore. He was too satisfied with this Flying Snake Demon. He was indeed outstandingly talented, and his combat effectiveness was exploding. If his mental power were not too strong, he would probably capsize in the gutter.

Therefore, after Li Yao defended the anti-reverse, the big sword in his hand was also lost. He directly activated his skills and flashed to the side of the Flying Snake Demon, kicking his foot on the Flying Snake Demon’s wrist, and the oily paper umbrella in the Flying Snake Demon's hand came out. .

Then five strands of spider silk popped out of her hand, two strands wrapped around each other's hair, and three strands directly wrapped around each other's body.

Then the palm of his hand grabbed the neck of the Flying Snake Demon and pressed it on the stone pillar. The Flying Snake Demon struggled violently, but Li Yao directly activated the power of the Dragon Father. His strength was originally like a wild dragon. Lihou even possessed the strength of Father Dragon's leader-level period, how huge this is.

The Flying Snake Demon clearly felt a monstrous force that stuck to himself, as fragile as a weak flying insect.

As time goes by, the body of the Flying Snake Demon is getting weaker and weaker, and the light in her eyes is getting darker, but there is no fear in her eyes, and only unwillingness and sadness are left in her eyes. She has outstanding talents and thinks she is invincible of her class. As a result, he encountered a more severe perversion, and ended up like this.


As the Flying Snake Demon closed her eyes, her body directly turned into an abyssal demon snake with arms four or five yards long. The demon snake seemed to have a savage consciousness struggling again.

Li Yao immediately took turns and threw it on the ground fiercely. The Abyssal Demon Snake was twisted on the ground, but he did not dare to resist. At this time, Li Yao smiled.

"Very good, the devil snake form can be captured, but fortunately it has not been killed."...

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