The turn of the battle was too fast, and this battle allowed them to truly experience the evenly matched cruel battle, rather than the one-sided crush of the previous few games.

The first few games can't be said to be unexciting, but in the final analysis, it is the same as adults beating children. It can only prove the strength of the gods, but the strength of the gods has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. So basically there is no suspense for the audience.

But this one was different. The Shenwei didn't actually make a move, but instead let the Flying Snake Demon and the spellcaster compete for the two-month champion.

The Flying Snake Demon has a powerful bloodline, and its methods are weird and changeable.

The spellcaster is mysterious and powerful, using fire spells to the extreme, and he is obviously a super spellcaster, neither the spell effect nor the cast range can be compared with ordinary fire spells.

Controlling the two kinds of profound meanings is basically a strong one, as long as you control the three kinds of profound meanings, then you can become a real master.

After being stared at by the flying snake demonized and then killed by a single blow, but with the means of resurrection, the combat effectiveness was restored again, and it must be said that it was a turnaround, at least in the eyes of the audience.

"I want to see how many times you can resurrect." The Flying Snake Demon is not afraid. Since her debut, she has never been unbeaten in the same rank except for Li Yao. Even if she failed once, she was almost choked to death by Li Yao. But now that she has become Li Yao's combat partner, it hasn't affected his confidence in the slightest, but made her more cautious, with a hint of arrogance.

"Then try it. Your shield has disappeared. I see how you can resist my attack."

The caster's body suddenly swelled, and then the extremely dense fire elements gathered crazily. The huge staff in her hand shone with dazzling light, and then her hands were raised and the staff spun wildly.

"Look at my secret skills to break your phantom, Burst Red Flame Meteor."

Countless fist-sized fireballs spun out with the staff, and dozens of fireballs shot quickly, and the fireballs continued to sputter.

What surprised everyone even more was that the seemingly scattered fireballs were not actually scattered, but each had a goal, and they blasted at the dozen or so welcomes of the Flying Snake Demon and Li Yao on the stone pillar. It can be seen that mental power is also very strong, at least the use and control of mental power is already very good.

Li Yao directly stuck the big sword on the stone pillar, but he continued to stand still, without moving his footsteps.

Flying Snake Demon's complexion finally changed, her eyes suddenly turned silver, the magma on the ground suddenly boiled, and the magma **** floated and collided with the fireballs.

Huge explosions continued to be heard from the arena, and the fires shining brightly in the arena.

Both of them are very powerful, like thunder and fire, and they often burst out with applause, especially the battle between the two beauties, which is even more pleasing to the eye.

After another half a minute, the spellcaster's spell finally ended, and the magma ball of the Flying Snake Demon continued, and the caster had to dodge temporarily.

"What's going on now." The Flying Snake Demon was unrelenting, and a string of magma **** condensed crazily.

"Your phantoms are gone. There is only one target for spellcasting. Killing you is easy." The caster saw that the magic shield cd was ready, and immediately put a magic shield on himself.

Hardly resisting a string of magma **** quickly cast, and the obscure spell sounded again.

"I'm afraid you have no chance."

Mental flogging!

mind control!

An illusory whip slammed on the caster's soul, and the caster let out a painful scream, and then he was directly controlled by his body.


First, five darts, and then purple long hair swept across.


At the moment of life and death, a strange light flashed on the caster.

Then a huge illusory spider appeared. Although this spider is not big, it is full of oppressive power.

"Goddess Rose!"

"This is impossible."

"Idiot, this is just borrowing the power of Goddess Rose."

The audience was in an uproar, but turned into a spider spellcaster and suddenly bounced. Her target was not the flying snake demon, but Li Yao on the stone pillar.

She had no choice but to fight the Flying Snake Demon, but Li Yao had to be killed if she wanted to truly win.

Li Yao drew out his big sword like a lightning bolt and slapped it directly on the speeding spider as a door panel.


With the huge power, the huge spider flew upside down in the unwilling gaze of the caster, and bombarded the walls of the arena like a cannonball.

The spider phantom crashed to pieces. It was obviously too strong this time. The spider phantom could not withstand such a powerful and domineering force.

When, when, when...

"According to the high priest's order, the victory or defeat is divided, stop immediately, and be responsible for the killing."

The Flying Snake Demon who was about to shoot slightly frowned, but the light in her eyes was dim. Although she was not a slave and was not dispatched by the high priest, in this city, the high priest's order was naturally The audience booed suddenly, but they were afraid to say anything.

"A few of you come with me, there are nobles who want to see you."

The three followed the goblins to the passage, and the caster drank a bottle of healing potion and said, "President Liaoyuan, it seems that I am also exposed."

"I didn't expect to see you here. It's so surprising, President Edward." Li Yao suspected that the opponent was Flaming Lips and Edward when the opponent released the fire method, but when the caster became a spider, Li Yaocai It must be Edward, no doubt.

"I was also very surprised, but fortunately, I didn't fool you, I didn't go to your station to assassinate you stupidly." Edward smiled: "If this news is released, it is estimated that the city will be overcrowded. "

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "It doesn't matter, but I guess I will leave here soon, and they won't find me when they come."

"I don't think so." Edward said.

"Oh?" Li Yao was taken aback.

Edward said: "Based on what I know about Guild Master Liaoyuan, if it is not foolproof, even if you are promoting your guild's activities, you will not expose the attributes of the Divine Bow, and the concealed equipment conditions must be tricky."

"Chairman Edward is so insightful." Li Yao didn't hide it, and directly sent out all the attributes of Star Bow.

"Sure enough, so." Edward then changed his expression: "But you can use it. No wonder it is so violent and powerful today. This bow is useless for others, but it's still a bit wrong. You deliberately missed it. At this point, others don’t know, it’s still possible to **** it, or it’s possible to lose it. Could you let me take a look at the first weapon today."

Li Yao took a look, his seal had quietly disappeared, he directly took out the star bow, and threw it directly to Edward: "Let you have a look at it temporarily."...

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