MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1327: Dispatch

Li Yao asked suspiciously: "Now that the fallen elves are so powerful, there is a strong if there is a strong, and an army has an army, why do we need a few of us to take action."

Rose projection sneered: "This **** is born with a treacherous nature. If the army can solve the problem, will I find you. This **** started to gather believers in the underground world secretly 30 years ago to build a large-scale city, waiting for me By the time I found out, it has become a big climate. My army has wiped out their no less than 50 stronghold cities, but this guy has always avoided and never showed up. I once secretly trained a group of people to hunt her ten years ago , The result fell short."

Edward frowned slightly: "Sir, we are very willing to serve you, but the problem is that the lion and scorpion are also the main god, let alone whether we can find her, even if we find her, can we really deal with it."

"Don't worry about this. This little **** was severely traumatized during the main **** war, and almost fell. Even now, he is still seriously injured. It is only because of a special reason that he is temporarily sober, so he has divided a projection, but his strength is strong. Heaven is also a faction level, you few of you have a good fighting power, if you are in partnership, it will not be difficult to kill her." Rose Spider Queen said lightly.

Li Yao suddenly rolled his eyes. It's not difficult, it's not difficult to shit. Others don't know him, but it is clear that the goddess of lion and scorpion is not that simple. If it were really easy to kill, Rose would have solved it. It's their turn to shoot. Obviously it was to comfort them, but Li Yao also gradually understood in his heart that the Queen Rose must have arranged other back players, and the few of them were just bait.

"This is a small bottle of God's source, the holy medicine for healing the wounds of the gods. It is now extinct. Wearing it on your body, the little guy, it will release a very strong breath. Of course, other than the gods can't feel it. I got the news. Which little bitch's projection should be near Undercurrent City, you can pretend to be adventurers looking for her trail, or you can use the gods to lure her out." The Rose Spider Queen took out an old small bottle.

Li Yao's eyes lit up and took the small bottle, cautiously placed it in his backpack: "Is there no specific place for her to stay?"

"I said, this **** is too cunning, and you still need to find it yourself. I know this task is difficult, but as a god, I will not be stingy with rewards. If you complete the task, in addition to promising your rewards, I will It will satisfy one of your wishes." The Rose Queen's figure slowly disappeared: "Go, I hope you don't let me down."

Then Li Yao and the others replenished them, dressed as an adventurous team and set off toward Undercurrent City.

Undercurrent City is a city that only emerged more than ten years ago. It is said that the water system here is developed, with many underground rivers, and there are several dangerous areas around it. According to rumors, there are ancient ruins and treasures. The town became a city.

This city is very far away from Black Pearl. It took Li Yao a whole week to get to the periphery of the city, and everyone has really seen the dangers of the underground world. In addition to various poisonous insects, other adventurers must be raised. In the underground world, it's normal to kill people and steal treasures.

Even though their team is strong, they still have encountered a lot of troubles. The most dangerous is being besieged by poisonous insects, and being chased by a group of thieves. When a few people finally entered the Undercurrent City, everyone was tired. It took a good rest in the hotel for a day to relax.

Li Yao rubbed his brows and walked on the streets of Undercurrent City. Even though he was exhausted from nervous tension these days, he had rested for more than ten hours before he was relieved.

Everyone has dispersed to find the clues of the lion and scorpion. Li Yao's goal is the Adventurer's Hall, which is the most lively place in the Undercurrent City, and the release of various tasks can let people know a lot of useful information.

"I hope Rose is really ready for it, otherwise."

As far as Li Yao knows, the goddess of lion and scorpion is the top existence even among the many deities.

There is also a very mysterious legend why the Queen Rose hates the lion and scorpion. It is said that the Queen Rose and the lion and the goddess are still good friends when they have not achieved the gods.

The two supported each other and survived many crises, which also laid a solid foundation for them to become gods.

It is rumored that they also fell in love with a male **** back then, and the two agreed to a fair competition, but I don’t know why the Rose Spider Queen suddenly disappeared from everyone’s sight. When Rose reappears, although he has successfully consecrated the gods, it is also successful The lion and scorpion have come together with the male god.

Later, people only knew that the two turned against each other and became enemies of life and death.

In fact, that male **** was also a hapless ghost, with little combat effectiveness, and was completely lost as cannon fodder in the early stages of the war of the gods.

Rose and Lion and Scorpion have been promoted step by step and become the Lord God, but their hatred has not been This hatred has also affected the race that believes in them, and wars have erupted continuously for hundreds of thousands of years.

Of course, this is not the key. The key is that the goddess of lion and scorpion has experienced many battles. According to Li Yao's memory, lion and scorpion are powerful and weird both in frontal combat ability and magical means.

The two struggled for tens of thousands of years without knowing the outcome. Although they are facing a projection now, even Li Yao is not absolutely sure.

Li Yao had long been bored and crooked in the dark underground world. Even if Li Yao rose to level 52 within a few days, Li Yao didn't want to stay in a depressed place.

Li Yao learned what he wanted to know through various tasks in the Adventurer's Hall, and then returned to the hotel.

In Li Yao's room, everyone gathered: "What useful information did you find?"

Everyone shook their heads, Edward said: "Strange, I have asked many people, they all know the lion goddess, but it does not seem to be respectful."

The trainer also said: "I am also puzzled. Didn't Rose Queen say that this city is controlled by the lion goddess, but there seems to be no temple of the lion goddess here."

Li Yao lightly coughed and said: "I have learned a message. It seems that this city seems to be maintained by a mercenary group, but secretly there seems to be an undercurrent."

"Undercurrents, I also inquired about this organization." Vivian frowned and continued: "But it seems that this organization is very mysterious. I only heard that they released some collection tasks, but I didn't hear that they had other activities."

Edward said, "Then what do you mean by this undercurrent?"

Li Yao shook his head: "This is just my suggestion. Based on various information, I marked up the map around Undercurrent City and found many interesting places. These places may also be secret locations for lions and scorpions."...

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