MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1329: Land of quicksand

Several people decided to arrive at the mission hall to accept the relevant mission, and walked out of the hall in the eyes of everyone watching fools. After all, the forbidden area is not just talking.

It makes sense to be regarded as a forbidden area, and with the increase of players, there are many recruits who have accepted the task in the previous period, but basically they have not completed the task.

Over time, only newcomers will be tempted by task rewards to accept this kind of death mission.

Li Yao and the others were naturally regarded as rookies, but Li Yao and the others naturally ignored them.

Then the two teams were separated and prepared the required materials according to different needs.

The Land of Shifting Sands was a hundred miles south of Undercurrent City. When he reached a sparsely populated place, Li Yao directly summoned the Hell War Scorpion, and several people sat on the Hell War Scorpion safely.

The environment of the underground world liked the Hell War Scorpion, and it was much faster than usual, but it still took a long time to reach the outskirts of Quicksand.

And there is no trace of the adventurer here, Li Yao directly summoned the fire eagle, and the fire eagle flew high to investigate.

"How is the situation?" Edward asked.

Li Yao frowned and said, "It's a bit weird here, and the temperature is very low. These black sands seem to contain dark power, but they are more like a magical vein, which is hard to say. Because my fire eagle can only see less than 10,000 yards of vision. , But I can't feel the existence of the magic circle, and there is no fog blocking it."

Edward also frowned: "My vision seems to be affected, too. It's not as good as my usual vision to activate the special magic eye. It's really weird."

Vivienne said: "I don't feel strange, because I feel the breath of the abyss, and it's the breath of the abyss. As for the problem of vision and temperature, it is too normal in the abyss, even if it is super strong, it will It is impossible to be endless under the influence of the special laws of the abyss."

"The aura of the abyss, I can be sure that there can be no way to the abyss here, otherwise it is impossible for the Queen Rose to not know it." Li Yao pondered for a moment and said, "I don't like this side now."

"Why?" Edward raised his eyebrows and said.

"According to the news I heard, it seems that the land of quicksand formed suddenly. It is said that there was a small city here, and the Undercurrent City had not yet formed. So I guessed that this is the place where the lion and scorpion goddess projected across the plane. Then there is a strong atmosphere here, and the Rose Queen naturally explores it, so the lion and scorpion goddess cannot continue to be here. Of course, it is hard to say that the lion and scorpion goddess and Rose are both known for their wisdom and deceit, and the most dangerous places are also the most dangerous. A safe place, coupled with the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, the Queen Rose will not explore this place again and again. After all, she is also afraid of being ambushed, so even if there is a chance, it must be the hiding place of the lion and scorpion goddess."

Being able to stand out from the age of the gods and become the main god, and to survive the fall of most of the gods is a big problem in itself. Even Li Yao is not sure if he wants to speculate on them.

"So it's better to explore, anyway, it's here now," Edward said.

"Also, just some tasks can be completed, and the rewards are huge." Even Li Yao was tempted by the generous rewards. Of course, the key is the extremely rich experience. You must know that it is very difficult for him to upgrade now, purely killing monsters. It is estimated that one month of killing may not be able to upgrade, but the experience reward for completing these tasks is more than half an experience.

"The two claws of the leader of the race-level temple dog, the one hundred units of sand devil scorpion venom, the eyeballs of the rattlesnake king, and the 50 units of the rattlesnake venom, the 20 guts of the leader-level devil snake, and the queen magic spar. It is estimated that we will be able to do these tasks along the way, and tasks that are very beneficial to us." Edward: "The only thing to worry about is the quicksand, which is difficult to detect, and the huge quicksand pit is that your **** scorpion can sink. ."

"Don't worry about this." Li Yao directly released the mechanical snake and then summoned the Spider Tank and Reaper 4000.

The team set off directly. With the mechanical snake pathfinder, most of the quicksand mechanical snakes can detect. Even if the mechanical snakes cannot detect the spider tank and the death four thousand pathfinder, the **** scorpion can avoid any abnormalities. Quicksand zone.

"No wonder this place is called a forbidden land. It is said that these quicksand zones can move and it is difficult to detect the law. Not to mention these inexhaustible sand scorpions, it is these quicksands that can isolate this place."

The three of Li Yao were not idle on the battle scorpion. During the journey, the sand magic scorpion appeared to attack the team. Although the number was small each time, the outbreak of battle was impossible to prevent.

That is to say, the three of them have been fighting the scorpions in hell, otherwise it would be enough to deal with the scorpions that have come out of the ground.

But with the weird scorpions of the Hell Scorpion, they have never attacked three people, and the spider tank and the cleaning of the Reaper 4000 are also comfortable along the way.

"Huh." Li Yao suddenly shouted in surprise.

"What?" Edward asked.

"I found the trace of the race-level shopping leader through the perspective of It has been more than five hours, and I can finally complete a task." Li Yao pointed in one direction.

Under Li Yao Xinnian's command, the Hell Scorpion reached the top of a sand dune, and Edward and Vivian's eyes suddenly turned color, shining with weird light.

"Master, are you kidding? We don't have the strength to kill them."

Vivienne and Edward both took a breath at seeing the situation of the temple dogs.

"There are thousands of sideburns, one racial-level sideburn king, hundreds of senior leaders and leaders, countless silver-ying elites, how do you fight this. In addition, the adventure team cannot summon the legion to complete it. To provoke them is simply killing them. I see this Give up the task. Even if you go against the sky, you can't complete this task."

Just kidding, it’s not difficult to kill a racial-level leader with Li Yao’s abilities and her own strength, but the problem is that so many temple dogs above the leader-level have the ability to kill them in seconds, plus thousands of silver elites. , To provoke them is simply looking for death, but it is possible to summon the legion, but then it does not count them as completing the task, this is an adventure task, not a legion task. Moreover, the Legion has gained little experience in killing them, and there is no point in fighting the temple dogs.

"My own words are indeed a bit difficult, but aren't you two, plus my other combat partners, you can try it." Li Yao explained.

"That's not enough. There are too many sideburns, and you have also seen that they are like the army. They can't stop us from besieging us from all sides. Although your pet is powerful, it can't hold up the crowd." Edward thought seriously. Said after a while.

"You’re right, but don’t forget the quicksand. Quicksand is a dangerous trap for us, but the same is true for the sideburns. We find a good terrain and use the quicksand to prevent the sideburns from being surrounded on all sides. It should be able to fight."...

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