MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1333: Treasure

Soon Li Yao returned to the original team, and then began to kill from the direction of the Hydra. The snow of the Hydra was really against the sky, which could greatly limit the speed and facilitate the harvest.

Although there are two quicksand areas, Li Yao still chooses to lean on the quicksand. Compared with the original one, he needs to defend in one more direction. But the King of Temple Dogs is also killed. Relatively speaking, the pressure is not much different from the original. Yao is a lot more serious, so although it seems dangerous, it is actually as stable as Mount Tai.

Two hours later, the last sideburn was also killed, and the continuous high-intensity battle was exhausted.

Li Yao and Edward only started collecting items for the mission. As for the other materials, except for the Warcraft material Li Yao above the leader who can be eye-catching, the other Li Yao really didn't bother to collect it. Get the task items and sit on the battle scorpion to rest.

"I said you are also the president of the most powerful guild anyway, and the boss, are you almost a bit shattered?" Li Yao took out a bottle of fine wine and said.

"It's bad, it's naturally bad." Edward is very quick and quick in collecting materials.

"I almost believed it." As soon as Li Yao poured a glass of wine, the other partners let the bottle take away, and even Xing Yao clamored to drink.

"You think you are all like your sparks. I don't have that much money to invest in the ancient gods. It's not easy to run the guild." A gleam of light flashed in Edward's eyes: "You sparks are very hot, otherwise you look like this, we two How about a guild working together to organize a competition."

"Then you have to ask Sister Li, I don't care about the specific operation." Li Yao said.

"It's really unfair that your attitude has developed Xinghuo into this way." Edward was speechless, but still said: "Xinghuo has so many financial resources, really don't consider finding a partner. You know, the cake of the ancient gods is so big, You have so many channels, but you haven't fully realized the potential of those channels. After all, Spark is just an emerging guild."

"It's still the same sentence, you can find Sister Li for specific cooperation. I don't understand this, even if I know a little bit, I don't want to be professional, so I don't want to bother with that. I just need to do what I should do." Li Yao Shrugged.

Edward helpless: "Then what do you think should be done?"

"I increase the popularity of Xinghuo, then decide the general direction of the development of the guild, and try to provide better development opportunities and conditions for Xinghuo. I think everyone's energy is limited, as long as each character makes the best use of it. It's like a dynasty. If an emperor has to deal with everything, then this emperor has three heads and six arms and he can't finish it for a hundred hours a day." Li Yao smiled and said, "Forget it, tell you that there is always a kind of trickery. a feeling of."

Edward shook his head slightly: "You are polite, you are very right, and Spark's results are also visible, but I did not expect you to have such a great courage, and such a good understanding of people."

"You look up to me, it's just that my luck is better. When the game started, I met good people. In reality, Sister Li is a big boss, a top 500, and a small guild is not easy. Demon Fairy is even more lucky, she can be regarded as a chance encounter, otherwise, even if Xinghuo will flourish for a while, it will not have any fighting power."

The two chatted with each other, and Edward was very serious and it took more than two hours to collect the materials.

"Go deeper?" Edward asked, sitting on the battle scorpion without any image.

Li Yao shook his head: "Don't you think this secret realm harvest is a bit low."

"It's not low, I got these materials to make at least 10,000 sets of green quality standard military uniforms." Edward said.

"But the problem is that this secret realm has an exploratory nature, coupled with an adventurous nature, how can there be no treasure chest. There are several treasure chests in the Temple Dog King's lair, just to open it."

Soon, everyone came to the lair of King Temple Dog. It was said that it was a lair, but it was a ruin, with a huge statue of the **** of kobold in the middle.

There are several treasure chests below the statue, two of which are glowing with golden light and three are glowing with silver.

"It just so happens that we will open one by ourselves, but what will be negotiated and allocated and how?" Li Yao suggested.

"Actually, without you and your combat partner, we cannot win. If you need something I will give up." Edward said seriously.

"President Edward is really particular about people." Then the two opened the treasure chest.

"System: Opened the golden treasure chest of Temple Dog King Treasure."

"System: Acquired the blueprint: Temple Dog Set."

"System: Get the blood of prayer."

"System: Obtained the prayer mask."

And Edward also obtained a blueprint, a blueprint for the unit building: a temple dog lair, prayer blood and a piece of golden equipment.

Other silver treasure chests were opened by others, and the loot was put together.

"I don't take advantage of it. We formed a team. Although Vivian is your combat partner, UU reading, but there should also be one. The three of us take turns to choose the trophy until the end of the division, how about it. Of course, you contribute the most, what is your first choice." Edward added the original proposal again.

"It's fair." Li Yao looked at the spoils: "Then I'm not welcome."

The quality of the temple dog lair is a golden legend. It is a large-scale lair that can regularly produce Warcraft-level temple dogs, and spend enough prayer blood to recruit the temple dog king. Although the prayer blood is precious, it is not impossible to buy Arrived.

This is a monster of Warcraft. Although it looks ugly, after possessing the Temple Dog King, the combat effectiveness is exploded and the vitality is tenacious. If it were not for Li Yao's fierce firepower, they would have been destroyed many times.

Although Li Yao can't use these units, the Starfire Guild needs it. The guild can have an extra strong combat force. Spark players can also recruit another type of unit, which has the greatest value.

"What a good vision." Edward said.

"You can pull it down. It is estimated that if you are the first to choose, you will also choose the suit drawing." Seeing Edward put the suit drawing in the backpack, Li Yao laughed.

"You guessed it right. With this blueprint, my 10,000 sets of equipment made of these materials will have the attributes of the suit, and there is a one-tenth chance of becoming a blue military uniform, which is far more powerful than the original. I happen to have an elite army of 10,000 people. Although it is equipped with the original blood suit, it does not match my army." Edward said.

"You are really dishonest. This is not 10,000 sets. This place is not the only place with sideburns. With this blueprint, God knows how many materials you can buy. It is estimated that your elite army will have all blue suits." Li Yao smiled. Said with a smile.

"Ahem, who told you not to choose the suit drawing, it's too late to regret it now."...

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