But this is not a basement with a narrow terrain, but a zone with a wide space. Although the three gods snakes have average defense and vitality, they are one of the easiest beasts to kill, but their attacks are even more difficult.

A large number of three **** snakes shot out like sharp arrows. Although this team's spells were dense, there were still a large number of three **** snakes attacking their shields.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

Layers of shields shattered, and then in everyone’s unbelievable gaze, the members of these teams first turned green, and then their lives suddenly cleared and fell to the ground. It was only a moment that most of them were composed of Faye 'S team has been overwhelmed by the three gods.

"This Nima, do you want to be so dick."

"How could this happen? It's easy to see Liaoyuan and Edward use this upgrade."

"Caibian don't understand, don't talk nonsense, if it's so easy, everyone will already be more than fifty levels."

"This kind of snake is really scary."

"The three sacred snakes will die in three blows. It's terrifying."

"It seems that only the Heavy Armored Corps can break through."

"A warrior with heavy armor that covers the whole body can only persist in less than five minutes, and the armor will be corroded for durability. It is also extremely difficult to kill the three gods to upgrade."

"Then why are they all spikes in the video."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Singing Plains is already a real race-level boss with a natural high attack. His pets are all against the sky, especially the Black Dragon Queen, the world-class leader. How do ordinary players compare."

"Don't say that ordinary players are incomparable to top players. The attributes and equipment are crushed."

The players who were still eager to move have been honest, and those adventurers and mercenary groups also did not dare to act rashly, they were really scared.

The terrifying red crystal ant eats everything, the temple dog has tenacious vitality, and the three gods snake attack is strong, and the three races have a strong sense of cooperation in combat. It is not easy to enter the deep level in a large number of cases. .

At least this mess is definitely not good, the representatives of several mercenary groups and teams on the periphery have begun to gather together to discuss their want to attack together.

Regional Channel: After we discussed together, after half an hour, everyone agreed to adjust the formation and attack and enter the deep layer. After entering the deep layer, they will rely on their own means, but before entering the deep layer, everyone can’t sit back and enjoy their success. Everyone will supervise each other. Will become the enemy of everyone.

This is the conclusion that everyone reached after more than half a day when the number of people didn't increase much, and it was accepted. In fact, it won't work if you don't accept it, and everyone will be rejected.

"It looks like it's almost time."

Li Yao put away all the tools, and jumped off the platform at one point. Li Yao quickly fell. When he was about to touch the ground, his toe point again. An imaginary line of words dragged Li Yao and Li Yao took a step. Already on the ground, he exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Li Yao didn't but found a warlock: "Man, what is the price to get people."

The sorcerer Li Yao spoke to was a dwarf, and said quickly: "The young man is not deceived, five silver coins per person."

"It's really dark." Li Yao smiled.

"It's all right, it's all about the market. You are the same as someone else. After all, this kind of opportunity is hard to find." The warlock shrugged.

"Well, I want to recruit nine people." Li Yao directly gave the other party money.

"If you are far away, you need to build an amplification circle. You need to be responsible for this. If you don't have money, I have some spars..."

Before the dwarf warlock finished speaking, he saw Li Yao throw out the red spar, forming a magic circle in a moment.

As Li Yao input magic power, the magic circle centered on the Demon Portal flashed for a while and then dimmed.

Li Yao and the dwarf warlock began to pull people. They were naturally members of the core group, but according to the list of available personnel provided by Hitomi, some changes have taken place.

Tank; Fruit Knight, Guardian Angel

Treatment: Tianxiang, gorgeous fireworks (light and dark animal husbandry)

Output: Li Yao, Hitomi, Newcomer Muzi, Peerless Enchantress, Demon Apostle (Demon Warlock), Endless Gloom (Death Knight)

Sister Li, Qin Fengyi, and Shadow Dancer all have their own things that can't get away from them, and in fact they are also giving opportunities to newcomers.

The internal competition of Spark is fierce, and there are competitions and battles every month. The level 50 mainline copy is a copy of forty people, the main force of forty people, and the substitute of ten people are selected at the beginning of this month.

Want to enter the mainline duplication wasteland reclamation team is not only the strength, but also the contribution to the guild. If the contribution is not enough, you can't join the group. This kind of contribution is not a holding contribution. After all, everyone will consume if they have a contribution.

This contribution is the total contribution obtained after joining the guild. Only after reaching a certain value can you be eligible to enter the land reclamation group~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Needless to say, the newcomer Muzi joined the guild very early and never entered the core group. Strength or qualifications are enough, gorgeous fireworks, demon apostle and endless gray are relatively low-key players with great contributions and strong strength.

Gorgeous Fireworks is a glamorous young woman, the Demon Apostle is a tender-faced student, and Endless Grey is an uncle.

The crowd was lively for a while, Li Yaocai said: "I won't talk too much nonsense. I believe you have understood the specific situation. I believe that everyone's technology has also passed the test. Let's prepare for battle in a while."

Hitomi shook her small fist and said, "Hmph, have you finally used us? I know you can't be alone without our big brother."

The newcomer Muzi said excitedly: "Boss, I can still follow you again, this time it's cool."

Li Yao waved his hand: "I'll talk about these things later. I could go inside and summon you again, but it's even more dangerous inside. If you don't pass this level, it doesn't make sense. We may agree to dispatch after a while and we will meet inside."

At this time, someone was already shouting and began to rectify the formation, requiring all the plate professions to line up in front.

“Let’s get into the formation first, and cooperate with others, but be careful to protect yourself. This time it’s a mobile battle.” Li Yao patted Tongtong’s head and said, “Be careful.”

"Big brother looks down on people again. I am now at level fifty, okay? I won third place in this month's guild competition." Hitomi said unconvinced.

"Okay, you are not good enough."

Everyone in Xinghuo separated. With the scheduling of those big guilds, if the respective teams were allowed to fight on their own, no one was willing to take the lead, so they could only break up the team and agree to the scheduling to reach the deep level.

Li Yao did not join in the excitement, but watched them adjust their formation, waiting for the impact to start...

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