MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1354: Tit for tat

This is a magical world, and there are real gods, so idols will naturally not be ordinary statues.

However, there are very few methods for deities to have spiritual power and function. The first is to obtain divinity, and the method is that the spiritual power of the gods comes back on the gods.

The second is that believers can also gain the power of some gods by worshiping for a long time.

The top level is the divinity bestowed first and then worshipped by believers. In fact, the gods who have faithful believers do this.

There are also various statues in the guild, and they use tribute to sacrifice for a short time to gain power, which is also a kind of idol.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of bargaining with gods. Sacrifices and tributes gain a certain power, each taking what they need, and not owing each other.

The appearance of the statue of the lion and scorpion goddess is clearly ready for a duel with the goddess Ross. Although it has not appeared, this battle is obviously intended to wipe out the slaughter.

Li Yao looked at the fierce fighting outside and didn't directly provoke or fight. Now, if he wants to kill the projection of the goddess of lion and scorpion, he is simply looking for death.

What surprised Li Yao even more was that another dark spider-shaped portal appeared, and teams of night elves and goddess Rose's temple guards appeared.

As the main god, Rose Queen naturally has its own **** system, but after the dusk of the gods, more than 90% of the gods have completely fallen, and there are too few gods in this world.

Although Rose's spider queen herself survived, all of her gods died in battle, and only three gods survived. They were the three direct gods she gave power to, the spider goddess Shiluo, and the fallen elf goddess first mistress Ai Li Silk and Corruption Maiden Werner.

However, although the Corrupted Girl survived, it is said that she was beaten and almost fell to the position of God and fell into endless sleep. Her followers and churches could no longer contact her, and naturally disappeared.

And Shi Luo was also beaten to almost annihilated, hiding in an unknowing place and lingering, while the first mistress Alice was an abyss where the kingdom of God did not know how many levels of the abyss had been knocked down.

Had it not been for Rose's injury to be lighter than that of the lion and scorpion goddess, and the layout of the main plane, it is estimated that he would have fallen short.

The two sides started to grudge because of a male god, but it is no longer at all.

Now that the **** of death, the great power of the abyss world, has fallen, the gods who can fight for hegemony with them have not been seen for tens of thousands of years. The two, including their followers, are fighting for hegemony in the abyss world.

It's not that the lion and scorpion goddess did not have a layout on the main plane, but when the sky and the earth broke, a large number of continents shattered. Her layout happened to be located in the shattered area and had disappeared.

Now that she wants to gain a foothold on the main plane, the Rose Queen will naturally not seem to have her own advantage, and without divine assistance, that is to say, her injuries can be lighter to fight against the lion and scorpion goddess.

If things go on like this, let the opponent get the resources of the main plane to supplement the three gods, and the result will be very unfavorable for Rose.

"Ross really monitors all the time." Li Yao saw that the guards were dispatched, but he was not relaxed, indicating that it was even more dangerous.

In Li Yao's opinion, the role of a few of them is to find the location of the temple. Now they have no effect. What can they do to deal with the goddess of lion and scorpion?

But why is their mission to kill the goddess of lion and scorpion? In fact, Goddess of Rose didn't want them to complete the mission at all, but to let them die in the process of completing the mission, and didn't want to pay them for the mission at all.

In the previous life, I don’t know how many players were juggled by the evil and chaotic gods, thinking that they had received awesome missions, and they paid a huge price.

Knowing his situation, Li Yao now understands what he should do. The best result is to let the other goddess lose both so that he can leave safely, otherwise he would be too dangerous.

Li Yao knew too well that it was a great advantage to gain the goddess himself, and the character of Goddess Rose was not investigated. This was too inconsistent with the character of Goddess Rose. It would be so easy to take advantage of her.

Half an hour later, the **** players had entered the deep world, the team had also separated, and several people from Xinghuo gathered around Li Yao.

On the side of the fallen elves, many boxes were moved out. As the boxes opened, countless strange lights made all the players drool.

Some boxes contain golden coins, some boxes contain colorful magic gems, some boxes contain various equipment, the lowest is also purple epic level, there are a few boxes with gold, and a huge box with dark golden light .

The high priest of the dark elf that Li Yao had met said with a smile: "You warriors are here to fight. As long as you kill these monsters, you can get corresponding merits. You can use merit points to exchange these precious equipment and jewelry, and even It’s a powerful magical skill."

Players originally came here to explore the temple and these monsters are also insurmountable. Whoever is not ready to fight, now kills monsters can gain merits, players have begun to yell.

Many people have checked the dark gold equipment, all of which are top quality, if it weren't for the powerful guards, maybe someone would want to **** them.

"It's a good method. This is to let people go to death." Li Yao sighed, even he also had equipment that he liked, not to mention other players, if it weren't the last time countless people suffered a loss, maybe Li Yao himself would have to do his best. Meritorious.

"Is there any fraud?" Demon Ji asked: "That leather armor bracer actually increases sensitivity. It's too rare."

"There is also the construction props, which can actually construct the suit attributes based on their own scattered equipment, as if they have been obtained." Hitomi also said with saliva.

"Let's pull it down and see how much merit is needed. This is impossible." Li Yao said seriously: "We will participate in this battle, but it is not for merits but to get other benefits. Then you send each other. I'm going back."

"Well, let the warlock directly pull you hard." The guard said.

"If it's really that simple, what I asked you to do, I would have returned to the guild a long time ago." Li Yao briefly said about his experience.

Others immediately understood the importance of this matter. As long as Li Yao or leaving the underground world is the most important thing, other things are no longer in mind.

At this time, a priestess also appeared at the top of the temple, and her voice spread throughout the deep world.

"You adventurers can't be deceived by the cunning Roth believers. The space here is shrouded by the divine power of my god. If you fight against my god, you will be cursed. Those who fight for my **** will be blessed, and for everyone The adventurer prepared the trophy."

In front of the temple, there were also many boxes carried by the devil...

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