MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1358: growing up

The ancient gods have been running for more than half a year, and the first level cap is approaching. There are too many players with luck against the sky, and various skills, secrets, and props in the ancient gods are endless.

Coupled with the ingenuity of the players, at this stage, it is not impossible to pass this red crystal ant sea, it is just a matter of casualties and speed.

When outside, there are naturally overpowered players, but the same many powerful players did not make a move.

It's not that they don't have the ability to go in alone, but they just don't want to make wedding dresses for others. Only then has there been an outside alliance, but now that everyone has become a competitor, naturally they have begun to have no reservations.

Xinghuo's team didn't use any precious props, it was just that Li Yao made preparations in advance and made a strategy for thinking.

In fact, it is nothing more than two points, one is to enhance one's ability to resist the attack of the red crystal ant, on the one hand, it increases the lethality.

The moment the team rushed out, an illusory matrix appeared all over Li Yao, superimposed on the halo skills of the Fruit Knight, he used the spar to activate the special effects of the ring, and the sky was net.

It can reduce the sensitivity of the red crystal ant by at least one-fifth, which is a considerable special effect.

"We can't fall behind even without using that expensive reel."

The golden sword light that the fruit knight turned into flew into the sky, and then suddenly fell into the formation of the red crystal ants.

Sword of Retribution!


A huge golden giant sword phantom with thunder and lightning wrapped the fruit knight's body and landed on the ground, a golden arc shock wave rippling, and the golden arc shock wave also carried a special curse color, which was an attached attribute scroll.


A large number of red crystal ants were rushed out, and the others in Xinghuo followed closely.

Li Yao's eyes burst into light and shot out several inches, and one arrow shot out. With each arrow he could kill an important special ant responsible for conveying orders, most of which were at the leader level.

With his current attributes and strength, a longbow that is almost an artifact, and a meteor, his attack power is terrifying to the extreme. It couldn't be easier to kill these fragile Warcraft-class ants in seconds.


A group of red crystal ants with wings swooped down, Li Yao's expression changed, and he shouted: "Muzi, Queen Dragon, Vivian."

"Roger that."

Muzi's figure was shrouded in blue flames, and with a call, a phoenix phantom composed of blue flames first met the flying ants in front.

Then the blue phoenix burst, and a large amount of flames drowned the flying ants. Some of them had stronger attributes, but their wings were weaker, falling like raindrops.

The figure of the black dragon dragon queen floated, without the slightest flickering power, just threw the staff in her hand.

The staff was separated from the dragon queen's staff, and it was good at facing the wind, and soon became a huge staff of hundreds of yards. Numerous illusory red lines appeared like blood vessels and veins, as if the staff was a towering flame. Giant tree.

In fact, this was indeed a staff refined by a demi-god-level sacred tree. Numerous red light spots appeared, and the fire element in the entire space became agitated.

Then these light spots quickly expanded into fist-sized magma balls, like countless mature fruits condensed on a giant tree.


Countless fireballs shot out like bullets, colliding with flying ants in the sky.

In terms of attack, Li Yao holding a divine bow is far behind the black dragon dragon queen. As long as the flying ants covered by the magma ball fortress are not alive.

The flame tree also descended on several large magma **** and fell on everyone's heads, one by one illusory flame shields appeared.

Vivienne's eyes flickered with silver light, her long hair was like a waterfall, and her purple hair was windless and automatic, just like steel needles with a whistling sound.

Those flying ants that slipped through the net were directly killed by penetration, and the horror was extreme.

The melee profession is to use smoke bombs, fire oil bombs, and the team with fruit knights as arrows and sparks almost unimpeded all the way.

Although the number of Xinghuo is small, but the only team with only a dozen people can go hand in hand with two thousand teams.

Other teams with a small number of people looked envious and hated. They chose this place. Naturally, there were ways to deal with the red crystal ants, but they couldn't be so quick and clean.

In less than half an hour, the three teams had already pulled the rest of the teams away, and the other thousand teams had apparently discovered the Spark team, and it was shocking to find that they were on par with them.

However, the distance between the three parties is so long that even if they want to besiege Spark's team, it is temporarily impossible.

The red crystal ants were unable to attack repeatedly and began to change their strategies, and countless ants began to condense into huge balls. Obviously, he wanted to take a group tactic to cover the team.

Li Yao, who killed the leader all the way, summoned the meteors to blast away wherever there were huge ant balls.

But Li Yao is only one person after all, and the red crystal ants here are almost endless.

"Hitomi, Tianxiang, and the apostle are ready to will take the place of the apostle to guard the rear." Li Yao quickly ordered: "Take a hard time with fireworks and support the treatment alone."

"Received!" everyone shouted.

"We are alone in charge of the ant ball in one direction, to my left."

Hitomi blew the whistle, her battle mount caveman appeared, and Hitomi jumped onto the caveman directly.

"Totem, guard!"

As a totem glowing with earthy yellow light fell on the caveman's head, the power of the earth condensed crazily, forming a set of airtight earth armor covering the caveman and pupils.


The caveman's huge body suddenly jumped up, and then raised his huge golden fist high.


The huge caveman smashed into a huge ant ball with a diameter of more than ten yards like a cannonball.

The earth trembled, and a little golden light appeared, followed by countless golden lights. The huge ant ball burst and splashed all around.

Then the huge caveman jumped out again, aiming for the second ant ball.

And Tongtong's curse had also stopped, and the curse in his hand had condensed.

"Upright, Communication World, Earth Collapse!"

The ground flashed red light suddenly, and then a magma column suddenly rushed into the sky another ant ball that was rolling towards the team, a large amount of magma soared into the sky, forming a terrifying crater.

On Tianxiang's side, two huge ant **** rolled over at the same time.

Tianxiang tapped his toes and pulled the rapier directly out of the umbrella. At the same time, the colorful umbrella was thrown away.

The umbrella was spinning, and a beam of pink light enveloped an ant ball, and a phantom of Tianxiang floated on top of the umbrella, condensing handprints, and red mana condensed into the umbrella.

The colorful umbrella spins, the fragrance spreads, and countless petals float on the ant ball...

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