Goddess Rose’s face turned black for an instant. Even among the gods, only the Lion Goddess knew about this, but the Lion Goddess never tried to run her against her, and she didn’t think there was any mistake in doing so. They originally represented chaos and fallen power.

It's not how bad they are. In the eyes of their gods, they have detached from the so-called good and evil, because of the power of the godhead and priesthood.

Goddess Rose’s clerical powers originally controlled desire, lust, and abuse, and her subordinates, the godly flogging girls, controlled this function.

Wanting to be stronger and stronger, this is one of the necessary processes. Just like the lion and scorpion goddess likes to count people, this also has a huge relationship with her godhead.

The melee and hostility between the gods is more due to the influence of the priesthood and the different perceptions of the world.

On the one hand, it represents absolute order, on the other hand it represents absolute chaos, and the neutral camp is the combination of the two. This is the reason for the true opposition between the gods.

As for the battle between the same camp, it is more because of faith and territory.

And we cannot simply divide the camp based on chaos and order.

Of course, in the early days of the Age of the Gods, the battle was not fierce, and it was divided into camps. That was because each camp had a master-level deity with great divine power, especially the true moon **** regardless of fighting.

The representative event of the Twilight of the Gods is that a certain ruler with great divine power falls, and other rulers suffer heavy losses, even the godhead is broken, and the priesthood falls, and the gods see an opportunity.

There was a real melee of the gods, and the camp was extremely blurred.

And the great master of power representing death and the dark side is the death god, and the higher level alongside the moon **** is the Void Lord, but the ancient gods are directly due to the ravages of the ancient gods, so they don’t have such a powerful power in a short time. produce.

The direct history of ancient gods is extremely long, and several eras are divided according to people's exploration.

The beginning of the era was the era of chaos. The elements of this world are chaotic, an era of raging elements, and other creatures are lurking and budding.

Then came the Primordial Era. The world's titans came for the first time, initially transforming the world, allowing the power of order, order and chaos to coexist. The gods of this era are already in the bud, they are born gods, and they are also the gestation period of the powerful masters with great divine power.

Then there is the Age of Ancient Gods, also known as the Desolate Ancients. The Dark Lord of the Void Maharajah sent five ancient gods with great divine powers to come to this world and take root deeply. They tried to corrupt the star souls of this world and tried to Luna corroded into another Void Lord who represented chaos. The masters who had gained divine power were still very immature, shivering in the shadow of the ancient gods. The ancient gods do not know how many tens of thousands of years have ruled this world.

Then came the Guardian Era. The Pantheon came for the second time. First, the Guardian representing the power of order was created. They are the representatives of the elements, machinery, storms, and the sun. They also created the five-color dragon to replace the four-element lord representative. The power of the four elements deprived the four element lord of the foundation to become a deity. This is also the most chaotic and terrifying era. The guardians of order and the races they created fought against the chaotic ancient gods and their races. Eventually, the ancient gods were sealed, and the Titans went away and searched for it. New planet. At this time, the Moon God turned out to be a true God in one fell swoop. She also became the only true **** in this world, and she sealed her corroded power in the depths of the planet.

This also represents the advent of the age of the gods. In this era, all kinds of gods were born, and the guardians started infighting due to the corrosion of the ancient gods, and they did not have the ambition to fight for world hegemony. They have always performed the duty of guarding the order, only the guardian giant Dragons truly guard the world. Abyss, hell, and dreams were formed, and the gods began to form a camp, possessing their own realm and world.

Then came the Twilight of the Gods. This era is even more chaotic and dark, not to mention the mortal races, even the transcendent races are also like ants under the control of the gods, without the slightest autonomy, survival and annihilation are between the gods' thoughts. Several rulers have completely fallen, most of the gods have died, and the rest are hidden from the world. This has restored the world to a trace of order.

In the later ancient times, it was the recovery and struggle for supremacy of the extraordinary creatures. The ancient gods were sealed and the gods disappeared. Various biological races in this world flourished. The collision and contest between **** and heaven, the main plane and hell, although full Vigorous, but still chaotic and cruel, fragile creatures can only be reduced to cannon fodder, not even cannon fodder.

Afterwards, there is the ancient times. In the ancient times, heaven was separated from hell, the abyss was separated from the main plane, and even the main plane was divided, and all races began to truly recuperate. In the early and mid-term of the main plane, there was a war for hegemony between the Aqir tribe and the trolls, and then the trolls won. Then the night elves rise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to break away from the trolls, and then compete with the trolls for hegemony in the world.

In this era alone, there are hundreds of thousands of years. Afterwards, the Burning Legion invaded, the continents whose main plane was not sealed collapsed, and the Eternal Well of World Energy collapsed. After this era was ended, the various races in the ancient gods realized that, Their enemy is not themselves, but powerful enemies from the depths of the universe.

That is, from tens of thousands of years ago, the heavens and the earth were broken into boundaries, and the transcendental age has come. Various transcendent creatures, so-called heroes, have risen and developed with their respective races, presenting a situation where a hundred flowers contend.

Then there was the appearance of the Dark Portal that was linked to the orc plane more than 20 years ago, and the burning invaded again, forming the prototypes and patterns of the current camps.

This is an opportunity for mortals and development. But for the gods, it was a step backwards. The main gods looked down on mortals and even transcendent races, but now even if they are gods, they have no power to change the pattern of this world.

In the understanding of mortals, Rose’s behavior is evil and worthy of contempt. When hearing Li Yao’s words, players and adventurers are all weird and praise Li Yao’s boldness at the same time, and the goddess of lion and scorpion is also Can't help but say that Ross is lewd in the way of ordinary people.

This is a great insult to Rose, but here, Li Yao's power has become a straw that overwhelms the balance, and she can't help but she is afraid that Li Yao will fall to the lion scorpion completely.

"Mortal, I forgive you for your ignorance, take action for me and interrupt her casting." Rose gritted his teeth.

The lion goddess sneered: "If you believe her, after she defeats me, you will end up miserably."

"Don't say it, I don't believe neither of you."

Li Yao's wings flashed behind him, and he had already flown to the middle of the big lake. Then his wings disappeared, and Li Yao directly stepped on the surface of the lake. The star bow in his hand was shining with mysterious light...

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