MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1471: Tracing to the source

The green dragon princess frowned slightly, but did not object: "Since the gentleman is confident, let's try it."

"Come on, if the princess is in her heyday, it will be easy to change back to her body and kill those forty people, but you, although your combat power is not weak, I am afraid you don't have this kind of strength, so you might as well think of another way, or just borrow a path. It doesn't have to be so difficult." Although the Green Dragon Girl thinks Li Yao's strength is good, it is still very difficult to do this.

"At that time, you will try to borrow the way first." Li Yao did not refute, but opened up the structure space. A team of bones appeared, two thousand bones and they were all at the leader level, which is already a very considerable combat power. Up.

Even the Green Dragon Girl couldn't help but look sideways. With the spider tanks, fire eagles, hydras, and death 4,000 leaders summoned by Li Yao, the combat power instantly soared.

"I said that no matter if I try to succeed or fail, I will protect the safety of the princess. Even if I fail, the soul body will spread back to the body, but I can still attach a strand of spirit to a partner to protect the princess and your people. meet."

"I have always believed in Mr.". The Green Dragon Princess also breathed a sigh of relief.

Regardless of whether the Green Dragon Princess is sincere or appease Li Yao, the words of the Green Dragon Princess still make Li Yao feel very comfortable. It is worthy of being a strong person who has not known for many thousands of years.

Some people might say, why the Green Dragon Princess is so awesome.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because all the guardians are fighting an enemy that can never be defeated.

When the Pantheon came to the world of ancient gods, it was not that they could not eliminate the ancient gods, but the problem was that several ancient gods had rooted themselves in the world of ancient gods, integrated with the whole world and the core of the world, and all were prosperous, and all lost.

And there are two ancient gods who are considered dead. One is that they haven't been parasitic in this world during the descending process. The four ancient gods unite to swallow the strongest ancient **** and share his power.

Also, when the **** king saw the guardians froze in battle, he couldn't help his temper. He stretched out the hand of God, stretched out his palm directly from outer space and grabbed the most arrogant ancient **** Y'Shaarj from the ground. A squeeze burst.

But the result was that the whole world was wailing, the Star Soul also suffered trauma, a huge wound appeared, and the planet almost collapsed.

Later, relying on the two energy sources of the Well of Eternity and the Fountain of Life to absorb the energy of the cosmic starry sky, it took a long time to repair this actual wound.

Therefore, the Pantheon could only seal the ancient gods, and then they acted as hand-shoulders, directly handing over the direct responsibility of guarding to the three waves of people.

One wave is guarded by the Titans. They are responsible for monitoring the two major energy sources and maintaining the normal order of the Titans' ruins. Of course, the most important thing is to mention the Pantheon to collect information on the entire world.

The first wave is prison guards. They are basically the combat units created by the Titans. They are assigned to build cities above the ancient gods, in other words, jailers.

The third wave is the five-color dragon clan, they also have their own specific tasks, the task is also the heaviest, and as long as they pose a threat to this world, they are their enemies.

However, the opponent they face can never be killed, but the ancient gods can fail once and continue to the next, never ending.

For a long time, even the Titans of the Pantheon will fall, let alone the guardians created by the Titans.

The jailers were the first to be quarantined and slowly eroded and corrupted. The first wave of guardians also caused infighting to wither under the instigation of the ancient gods.

There are only five dragon tribes struggling to support, but each dragon tribe also has its own real mission and mission.

The black dragon guards the earth to prevent the four element lords from counterattacking, the green dragon guards the emerald dream to prevent the erosion of the ancient gods, and the bronze dragon guards the timeline to maintain normal historical development. The blue dragon guardian magic hub maintains the normal operation of the focusing iris, reconciles the elemental energy balance of the world, and the red dragon guards the holy land, maintaining the stability of the dragon clan.

The other guardians withered, and the dragon clan had been exhausted for thousands of years, especially the green dragon, it was hard to maintain the dream.

For tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many times the conspiracy of the ancient gods has been frustrated, and even the most powerful people will always miss the waves of conspiracy.

The dragon clan is dead and cannot be resurrected, but the ancient gods can come back again if they fail, and the situation becomes more and more unstable as the situation fluctuates.

The same was true for Uldaman. The Green Dragon sent an elite army to investigate and stabilize the situation. After hundreds of years of monitoring and then fighting, without support, it was finally sealed and almost died.

Li Yao summoned so many bones here, the legions of the chaotic camp could not have been undetected, and they had also dispatched some legions to guard against a surprise attack here.

This team is indeed very powerful, the chaotic camp has also learned to mix and match the group, various powerful arms, and the Uldaman army that encircles and suppresses more than 10,000 Uldaman troops, there is really no reason not to win.

And Li Yao also brought the two women the team of forty people from each other also gathered.

The Green Dragon Girl had to try to borrow a way, so she went straight forward. When Li Yao saw several lizardmen in the opponent's team, he knew it was impossible to succeed this time.

Dozens of people looked at Li Yao, one of them was the Lizardman.

Anyway, Li Yao couldn't tell the difference between Lizardmen and Lizardmen. People of different races were basically blind when looking at each other.

"Hahaha, I'm not mistaken, isn't this the spark of the spark, the soul form." The lizard man exaggerated.

"It should be true. Although it has changed from the original, it has not changed much. There are also the iconic steel skeletons, which should not be faked." The lion man sneered next to him: "Where is the life not to meet? I heard that you are in the Ten Thousand Races Conference. It’s very arrogant. Now that I see a real person, that’s the case. It’s a pity that I can’t go when I’m old, otherwise you can’t be arrogant.

Everyone sneered. Li Yao made the faces of all races lost. Those older ones could not participate. Naturally, they would not think that Li Yao was too strong, but that the younger ones were not up to the standard.

The Green Dragon Girl didn’t know the joints, and she didn’t need to worry about it. Instead, she said directly: "My sister and I are from the Green Dragon clan. Since you are also dealing with the Uldaman Fallen, why not let the road be opened? Now the enemy is now, you Why not let go of the grudges with this person."

I heard that it was a dragon, but the others hadn’t done anything yet, the eyes of a few lizardmen lit up, and the leading lizardmen quickly said, "You said you are a dragon?"

"Who else in this world dares to pretend to be a dragon?" The green dragon girl sneered.

"How do you prove that you are obviously ancient elves." said the Lion.

The green dragon princess took off the hood helplessly, and immediately two dragon horns representing the blood of the dragon king appeared. You must know that not all dragons have dragon horns...

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