MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1473: You hang up

More than one-fifth of the troops suddenly turned back. This was a devastating blow to morale. They had just fought side by side, but they turned their heads and aimed their weapons at their comrades. Many soldiers did not respond and suffered heavy injuries and died. A lot.

Of course, compared to the chaos of the army, the blow to morale is second. The loss of the regiment and the loss of the army will seriously affect their first kill.

The eyes of the remaining chaotic camp players of other races are red.

"Grass, what's going on."

"Dogday, this Nima is not fair."

"Yes, we will definitely complain, Nima's open up."

The lion leader also trembled, hiding in his own guard, and roared with red eyes: "I will definitely complain, this is unfair, **** it."

Li Yao said lightly: "This is fair."

"You fart, you summoned a pet to turn one-fifth of our army. This Nima is fair. Go to your sister. I must report to the Lion King. You actually treat each other differently in the server." The voice of all the alien players, of course, is also the voice of the earth players.

They are also in a daze, which is really the same as opening and hanging.

"The lizardmen are already an independent species. Whether in the game or in reality, the young lizardmen in reality will face a choice, whether to inspire the main bloodline of the lizard or the dragon bloodline. In the game, the lizardmen race will also face the same. A choice. The lizard people’s bloodlines focus on flexible characteristics, so that they can develop evenly. There are no characteristics. Most lizard people, it should be said that there are almost no people who inspire the lizard bloodlines."

"Almost everyone chooses to inspire the dragon bloodline and wants to return to the ancestors to become a dragon. Why? It's not because the dragon bloodline is strong and has the characteristics of transformation. If you stimulate the dragon bloodline for a short period of time, you will get a strong combat power. Why are the lizard people in you? It’s one of the best among the races, and it’s not because the explosion of the dragon bloodline is too powerful."

"But correspondingly, there is no free lunch in this world. Although the lizard bloodline is balanced and does not have a strong burst, it belongs to its own bloodline. In the face of Longwei, intelligent creatures can generally resist. But choosing the dragon bloodline is different. ."

"Dragons pay attention to order the most. The suppression of higher bloodlines on lower bloodlines is almost irreversible, which means that lizard people can be very strong against any race and monster, but they are very weak against dragons. Dragons are irreversible and important It’s the grade, and the key is the blood. The blood is the first and the second, and the grade can only be ranked third."

"These lizardmen are no more than the leader level, and their bloodlines are even more low. If there is a world-class lizardmen present, the black dragon dragon queen will at most make these lizardmen scared, and it is impossible to turn back. It is a pity, whether they are bloodline, rank or level. They have all been exploded, facing the upper ranks, especially when they belong to the blood of the black dragon. As the queen of the black dragon, it is naturally not surprising that these weak guys have turned their backs."

"Do you understand now? If you still don't understand, please learn more about the history and traditions of the lizard people. Thank you. If you don't understand anything, just beep. Although you know that you beasts have little knowledge, you will still laugh. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Don't pretend to understand."

The lion's complexion was so ugly, he looked at a lioness beside him, and saw the lioness nodding arduously. The lion leader was almost vomiting blood. This Nima was ashamed.

To put it bluntly, this is the racial talent of other people, and it is still an optional talent. The advantages and disadvantages are explained from the beginning. You have chosen the dragon bloodline yourself, and now you encounter a situation of being restrained, that is also your own bad luck.

The faces of other people are also hot, because the people on earth cannot choose this race, they have not seen the most basic racial talents, and the introduction of talents is simple, and they can't choose, naturally they don't have a deep understanding.

The lion-man leader quickly adjusted his mentality. He was not a lizard-man, and it was no big deal if he didn't understand it.

And the one who feels most embarrassed should not be himself, but the lizard talent.

Lizardmen and Li Yao have a lot of hatred. In the game, the planes merge, and many races have got good places and areas.

However, the Lizardmen were not greedy enough, and wanted to get a share of the Undead City, hoping to take advantage of the Thunder City's insufficient strength to support them.

Then they forced the undead city to compromise with the established facts, and the result was that Li Yao shined brightly and completely failed their plan.

The final result was that the Lizardmen plane collapsed, the main city was split, a large part of it did not jump over, and the failure to occupy the stronghold was not to mention the loss.

In reality, the Ten Thousand Races Exchange Conference was originally very strong in the form of being transformed into a dragon. Even if it could not get the first place, it might be able to get a good place.

As a result, being abused by others, especially Li Yao constantly eliminated the elite of the lizardmen in the competition. It can be said that Li Yao is the enemy of the there is no chance of revenge in reality, only Can bear it, after all Human Race is too strong.

But in the game, countless lizardmen are gearing up to teach Li Yao, this time the Lizardmen in the Anti-Star Alliance are the most active.

But now this scene is like a basin of ice water pouring down, the heart is cold and the heart is flying.

Nima, they have the Black Dragon Queen, and they don't become world-class leaders. When they meet Li Yao, don't tell the other party, they have no chance to shoot.

From then on, it is estimated that the lizard people will go around when they see Li Yao. If you don’t go around, that’s good, they will summon the black dragon queen and kill you. If you ask you to kneel down, you will have to kneel down. There is no resistance. Way to resist.

Just a few are the best examples. A few of them are also top players among the lizardmen. They knelt down and watched the guards they had recruited. They killed them by themselves. The only thing in them was the stubbornness and fire. Only by personal experience can I know what it's like.

"Don't be proud. Even in the face of turmoil, you would never want to pass through this channel. Instead, you will start a prairie fire. If you are killed and no one will resurrect you, you will not be able to find your corpse, and your Xinghuo team will not. If you are in town, at best you are about the same as us. Don’t want to take the first kill at that time."

"Innocent child, I still want to kill me, but I don't know that you are my hunting target." Li Yao disdain.

"Look at me, I can kill Liaoyuan in this state by myself."

This is a lion man with red hair, a steel shield with spikes in his hand, and a hammer with spikes in his other hand.

His body burned with a layer of red flames, his hair fluttered, and he slammed at Li Yao like lightning.

Li Yao's black misty palm spread out, Star Bow appeared in his hand, and then he directly bent the bow to shoot...

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