MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1476: Mindful

Everyone saw that Li Yao was still killing people, and they were all dumbfounded. How to kill this? Do you want to play through?

But there are too many people and layers to be surrounded, no matter how strong it is, it can penetrate ten or twenty, but it still can't kill people.

Only a few people found out that Li Yao at this moment is very different from Li Yao who used to shoot arrows.

It turned out that Li Yao shot one arrow after another. After letting go, he didn't even look at the result and continued with another arrow.

But this time it was different. After Li Yao released his fingers, the light in his eyes sparkled to the extreme. If anyone could pay attention, he could see the arrow reflected in Li Yao's bursting eyes, and nothing else.


The shaman's clamor stopped abruptly, and he looked at the arrow that pierced his neck with disbelief. The shaman fell directly with the arc of the lightning shield shattered, and the soul floated out with a face full of loss.

Not only was the shaman stunned, but everyone was stunned. They didn’t believe their eyes at all. It’s impossible for an arrow to hit the shaman, but the fact is that they did hit the shaman, and it was as accurate as ever. The key, one hit kills.

"How is this possible." The lion leader's smile froze on his face, he was going crazy, and he didn't understand why the arrow that was obviously impossible to hit was finally hit.

"The arrow will turn, this is, is this the skill of the arrow **** that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years..." The Green Dragon Princess frowned and said uncertainly.

The audience has an advantage. The commentators don't know what's going on, so they can only say let us slow down.

After slowing down until it was fifty times slower, the audience could clearly see that the arrow was not in a straight line, but was deflected during the soaring flight, and more than once.

They saw that according to the normal angle of the arrow, it could only hit the front shield battle, even if it penetrated, it would have penetrated a few people.

But the arrow directly brushed Shield Zhan’s neck, and then hit the opponent through the gaps between layers of soldiers.

More importantly, the soldiers are also swinging slightly, adjusting their angles. If the arrow is earlier or later, it will be blocked, but at that moment, there is a gap.

Let alone grasp the timing, they have also seen Li Yao's extraordinary skills in this regard.

But the sudden change of the direction of this arrow made them wonder what was going on. Even if it could change the direction, the arrow speed was so fast that Li Yao's arrow was fasted by ordinary hunter arrows how many times faster.

Ordinary hunters, even if they can shoot this far, but at the speed of an arrow, even the tortoise can dodge enough.

But Li Yao's arrow was too fast, even if he changed its direction, the manipulation of it was simply God's ability.

"Princess, you can see what's going on." The green dragon girl asked suspiciously.

The green dragon princess shook her head: "You were not born at that time. I don't know it is not surprising. You should know the age of the gods, but you know why there are many gods who are good at bow and arrow, but why is only Ou Wen called the arrow god? "

"Naturally, his archery skills are the best, or he has acquired the corresponding godhead." said the green dragon girl.

The green dragon princess shook her head: "The **** they are fighting for is the hunting god, not the arrow god. The arrow **** is the title, not the name of the specific god. And they are all gods, even if there are differences in strength, but only In fact, they are not the same in archery. They have fought for tens of thousands of years without a result."

"As far as I know, the arrow **** is the upper **** who represents the hunter god, the others are the middle." The green dragon girl thought for a while and said.

"Yes, they were both in the middle position at the beginning. The arrow **** used this trick to establish his position in the final competition, and this trick, except for him, I have never seen anyone for tens of thousands of years. This is the second time I have seen it before." The Green Dragon Princess did not sell off this time, but continued: "This is the heart-eye shooting that is hailed as the most difficult secret in archery."

"The little girl is knowledgeable, even I didn't react." The Black Dragon Queen exclaimed.

"It's not me who is great, but Mr. Liaoyuan." Princess Green Dragon said.

"It's really so difficult, isn't it just changing the direction." The Green Dragon Girl said unconvinced.

The green dragon princess smiled bitterly: "It is naturally not difficult to change the direction. As long as the spiritual power is above the demigod level, the spiritual power can be attached to objects and spells. This is the so-called directional spell. You can control the direction of the spell at will. But the problem is , The speed of the spell is so fast. And the speed of the arrow, you have just seen it, the arrow of this speed, let alone you, at such a distance, I can only find a way to resist, but can not dodge. So fast , Can be so precise, and how many people can do it. Take a step back, let alone precision, it is this speed that exceeds the speed of sound many times, your spirit will be burned just after it is attached, and your spirit will also Will be hit hard."

The black dragon queen nodded and added: "So I want to mobilize my The spiritual power of the lower **** is the most basic standard. The median one can release two arrows per day, and the upper **** can release three per day. Only the spirit power of the main **** level can not care about the burning of the spirit at high speed. The spiritual power is strong enough to achieve precise control, and the spiritual power is tough enough to attach. Both are indispensable. So this kind of archery is in addition to the previous one. Arrow God, no one can use it yet."

The green dragon girl was stunned when she heard it, she looked back at Li Yao and continued to bend her bow, and asked in a daze: "You still have to come, are you mentally affected? Do you really think that your mental power is at the main **** level? Didn't you listen to the dragon queen? Say that except for the main god, the upper gods can only release three arrows every day."

"I don't know how strong I am, but it's just an arrow of the speed just now. No amount of it will affect me."

After Li Yao finished speaking, his eyes lost focus again, and the arrow shot out in his eyes.

Although Li Yao was in control, he hadn't achieved the level of shooting arrows, or several arrows at the same time.

It takes at least two seconds to release his mind-eye shooting. It is impossible to achieve five arrows in one second, at least Li Yao can't do it now.

Mind-eye shooting was learned by Li Yao's last life, but he couldn't practice it at all, and many hunters have obtained the method, but it is also unwieldy.

He couldn't reach the state of mind all the time, until Li Yao's mental strength reached the level of the main god, he had a trace of enlightenment, and then re-deduced, this was the profound meaning of control.

It's just that it hasn't been used all the time, and the launch is slow and the interval between moves is large, so I haven't used it.

Of course, he guessed that it was the reason for his uncomfortable control. Li Yao sighed slightly. If he had mastered mind-eye shooting in his previous life, even without good equipment and **** pets, he could successfully consecrate the gods with this secret...

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