MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1486: Looking for opportunities

Through this show, the players gradually realized that the NPCs possess the wisdom not lost to the players, and even as the level increases, the bosses are more cunning and cunning than the players.

In fact, the ancient gods have been changing the mode gradually, gradually changing from a game world to a magical real world.

It is not just a template set by the system. In fact, this appearance becomes more and more obvious as the level increases.

At the sixth level, it is the first time to lock the level. It can also be said that after the full level, the player will face a new round of choices.

Just like the non-locking and locking modes at the beginning, the player can choose not to see the enemy's HP at that time.

Just like the adventure mode, whether it is a boss or a mob, the amount of blood needs to be specifically judged based on the characteristics of the monster and the player's experience.

It would be very painful not to see the blood volume, but if you choose this mode, the equipment after the full level will get some compensation attributes.

In the end, the result is like driving a mecha, which is what I actually want.

Of course, it's a long way to say these things now, saying these are to show that the cunning of the boss and NPC will be displayed to the fullest in the absence of HP display.

If you don't have the corresponding skills and eyes, you can't even tell whether the boss and NPC have been seriously injured. For example, in this mission, if the HP is blocked, the Green Dragon Princess is seriously injured, but can fool a large number of players to death.

And this is how this program appeared, all kinds of clips that were smashed by NPCs or bosses were put together.

On the one hand, seeing others unlucky and having a good time, find a balance in your heart, you can comfort yourself, you can cook your own food, but there are still more miserable than yourself, miserable but still miserable than yourself, seeing a guy who is unlucky than yourself, I feel natural Will get better, this is human nature.

On the other hand, I also increase my own knowledge and learn a lesson, at least I will not be fooled when encountering similar situations.

It can be said that Li Yao brought everyone's heart to his throat. Li Yao hung up. Naturally, countless people watched the joke. After all, no one here resurrected him.

Even with the resurrection skills, the resurrected may continue to be beaten to death.

But Li Yao survived, even though some people murmured that it was because Li Yao used that kind of dream fruit, relying on powerful props to support it, or some other means.

But Li Yao really achieved his goal and has successfully sneaked in. This is a **** in the eyes of many players.

Sometimes it is a **** or a laughing stock, all in the line.

Li Yao was scorched by the bombing, although he was not seriously injured, but it was almost the same. He used an ordinary fruit again, and then used the healing potion to continuously restore his injuries and blood volume.

And his eyes have been fixed on the two hand cannons in the hands of the defense officer in the distance, which can release the dragon shot, and it is rare to see a combination of light and heavy hand cannons.

Although he had it in his hand, it was not bad, but because of the strength of the Star Bow and Thousand Chance Bow, the hand cannons obtained from the Origin Blood Tribe looked dull.

And with the distance-free arrow, even the sniper rifle is useless, of course it's not that these things are useless. It was that these things did not satisfy Li Yao, and could not be compared with the Thousand Chance Bow, let alone the Star Bow.

With Star Bow in his hand, Li Yao even had the feeling of breaking ten thousand magic with one force. Just like the death sickle in his hand, Li Yao never used other melee weapons.

It's not that Li Yao can't find special effects that are better than the death sickle. Li Yao can also use it later.

But the death sickle used to be the main god's natal artifact after all, and the material alone was not comparable.

Although there are few parts and the attributes are not very strong, the toughness and sharpness are not comparable to other weapons.

In addition, Li Yao's melee combat is always an auxiliary position, and having a weapon that cannot be cut is better than any special effects.

And although Li Yao didn't see the specific attributes of this weapon that can release the Dragon Shot, he knew that if he got it, it would definitely become his other main weapon.

When Li Yao recovered, the already lively fortress became more lively.

Two forces blatantly summoned the army to occupy the building, and there were some scattered guys messing around and destroying important facilities.

It made the fortress uneasy, but the fortress didn't really care. Once the green dragon hovered and bombed the fortress sky all day long, they didn't protect the fortress the same way, let alone this little trouble, it was just a matter of time.

This kind of harassment is even used to train the fortress army.

If the Tyrannosaurus Dragon Beast Legion were launched directly, the two buildings would be leveled directly, where would they be arrogant.

Li Yao discovered this hidden in the dark. In fact, the riots were always on the unimportant periphery of the fortress. The real core area was like Mount Tai.

Moreover, Li Yao moved his eyes to see the dozens of huge green dragons in the most central square that were imprisoned by special rune chains, all of which were giant dragons.

There were no guards, only some kobolds greedily and recklessly collected dragon blood from the once high dragon warriors, which was extremely miserable.

And there are many iron cages on both sides of the square, inside are green dragons transformed into human forms, one by one, imprisoned by black misty runes ~ one by one, one by one in the cage.

For the proud dragons, this is ten times more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Long Pao can't force it. If you want to kill it, you have to look at the chance. You need to make the center chaotic. Now the leaf of the dream is weak and must be in the center."

Li Yao thought for a while, and then he smiled: "Didn't you want to make the movement a little bit louder, and the people who killed your team have already had a vengeance. If this is the case, then you can offend you to death."

Soon, Li Yao had a plan. He decided to join the chaos in the periphery. As long as the periphery is chaotic enough, the central position can always be mobilized to find the flaws.

Otherwise, if you blindly reach the center position, it is estimated that you will be spotted immediately, and then attacked by a group of powerful remote masters. Although Li Yao is confident, he is never arrogant.

"It's better to get the materials on the spot."

Li Yao directly spared a long way, reached the wall on the other side, and finally found a satisfactory goal.

Bend the bow and shoot the arrow directly, the power of the dragon father.

The arrow shot out, directly piercing the necks of the three dwarves, the arrow ejected onto the city wall, and then shot the other two dwarves in a turn.

Plop, plop...

The five dwarves fell to the ground holding their throats almost at the same time, unable to even scream.

The tentacles around Li Yao danced wildly, and the ammunition guarded by a group of dwarves was quickly broken down into raw materials.

And the high explosives in Li Yao's mechanical space are increasing rapidly.

When the people on the arrow tower noticed the movement, Li Yao was no longer in the same place, and he was not given a chance to see it at all. Instead, he went away and directly chose the next target to find new opportunities.

Li Yao is very cautious and will not give them the opportunity to besiege at all. He will definitely be overwhelmed by the crowd even if he is strong...

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