MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1488: 7 inch

  Then there was an even greater shock. Several members of the regiment fell directly to the ground unsteadily, as did many soldiers, and the formation suddenly became disorganized.

   However, the people who are still standing have no mind to care about those who fall. They just stared blankly at the city wall surrounding the training ground for offensive and defensive training, like dominoes, crazily collapsed and collapsed.

   The dust was flying, everyone opened their mouths wide, unaware that the dust had fallen into their mouths.

   Then the team members coughed violently, but the shock in my heart lingered.

   And the Uldaman recruits on the periphery, except for the warring soldiers who were submerged by the collapsed city wall, their faces were dull.

  As the recruits here, they know this fortress too well, it is extremely strong, and it is not impossible to destroy it, but with the help of nine barrels, the extremely strong wall collapsed, which is like a fantasy.

   I couldn't believe my eyes at all, let alone them, even the bystanders looked at Li Yao's light curtain and many people rubbed their eyes.

   I didn’t understand, I thought these walls were all paper, but watching the warring soldiers screaming and being submerged in the collapsed city wall, I immediately put aside this idea.

   The smoke and dust dissipated, and the army on the Shadow Tide and Uldaman side did not continue to rush to continue fighting, but all looked at Li Yao, who was still in the middle of the command tower.

   Li Yaosi didn't care about their gazes, as if they were waiting for them: "Friends of the Shadow Tide, I am a good person to the end, only so much can help you."

   said and threw the explosive barrels in two directions.

   "Fuck, stop him." The head of the Shadow Tides guild team burst into sight and stared at an explosive barrel.

  On the periphery, the defensive officer who rushed over frantically also changed his expression frantically: "Damn it, how can outsiders know this secret."

   boom, boom...

   There were two explosions. The first explosive barrel blew up a spinning crystal, and the other blew up an inconspicuous statue of a warrior. It was equally powerful, and similarly, it did not cause much damage.

   However, these two explosions made the faces of two groups of people frantically changed.

   "Leader, is this true?" A member of the group said with an ugly expression.

   However, the head's face no longer had the original ease at this moment, but his complexion was pale. He looked at Li Yao's eyes like beasts, as if he would choose someone to eat at any time.

   "Impossible, which of these sets of teleportation crystals is true except for the head of us."

   Seeing the face of the head of the group, they instantly woke up, and their faces looked ashamed.

   They can go deep into the fortress, dare to go deep into this fortress isolated by magma, and what they rely on is this crystal.

   With this crystal, they can attack, retreat and defend, just like this, they can continue to happily regain the progress. They don’t want to regain it, if it’s enough, or the opponent dispatches a powerful army, it’s a big deal to leave.

However, the transmission crystal is difficult to activate. It needs to be charged to activate, and it will be dim when it is placed in the backpack. Even if it is fully charged, put it in the backpack and take it out, it will take several hours to recharge, so it can only be used for protection in the army. Also made a similar confusion.

   Even their team members don't know which set is true, but now it is destroyed by Liaoyuan.

   This time, although there were not many casualties, it would basically plunge them into the Jedi.

   "Damn, summon, gather the army, let's go out and look for a new guardian point." The head of the group strongly resisted the idea of ​​giving orders to chase Li Yao, but made the most sensible decision.

   Even if you hate Li Yao in your bones, in order to save the team, you can't get entangled with Li Yao, otherwise the city wall is now lost, and a map of Pingchuan will be unable to defend. Even if the opponent does not dispatch an elite army, their casualties will be huge.

   The best thing to do now is to find a safe and temporary defensible stronghold, and then make a breakthrough route.

   Originally, they had moved the crystals, they simply ignored this fortress, and they had never thought of killing them out of the fortress. This was nothing but death, but now it has become the only way.

   More importantly, hope is slim, and the aggrievedness and uncomfortableness in it almost caused the head of the group to suffer internal injuries.

   And the defensive officer who just rushed over watched the fallen God of War phantom that covered the entire training ground that only the race-level leader could see, slowly collapsed, and the corners of his eyes were about to explode.

   He was also puzzled, why someone could find the magic circle node in a short time, cut off the circle operation in one fell swoop, and directly cause the circle to collapse.

   Those actions of Li Yao can be said to be interlocking. If Li Yao does not blow up the city wall, there will be no fluctuations and flaws in the circle, and Li Yao will not blow up the statue first.

   However, Li Yao just found the key node of the city wall and destroyed the defensive node first.

   Obviously the other party knew this and deliberately destroyed the node, and the city wall itself was the most inconspicuous, but also the most important protection of the big formation.

   The collapse of the city wall means that the circle has no protection.

   If it were normal, it would be fine, but now the two sides have fought for a while, the magic circle has absorbed too much energy from souls and corpses, turbulent, and without protection.

   Li Yao was equivalent to igniting the gunpowder keg, which naturally caused the magic circle to collapse. It can be said that this was the perfect timing created by Li Yao himself.

   This is the most efficient formation for training elite corps. It is not only a question of time but also a question of insufficient resources to re-establish it. UU read www.uukanshu. com, in particular, is facing a lot of siege, and now they simply can't care about rebuilding the circle.

   "These craps are useless, mobilize the elite and remove these scum."

   After the defense officer finished speaking, his eyes were locked on Li Yao tightly. The two hand cannons in his hands were glowing with a faint golden light, as if they were about to be activated at any time, but he found that he could not lock the person on the top of the tower.

Clear intuition told him that his shot would never hit the target. He experienced countless lives and deaths. This keen sixth sense he believed in himself, so he suppressed himself to release the dragon shot at any time, but continued. Look for holes and opportunities to kill the guy on the top of the tower.

  The value of their existence is to train elite troops, and their army corpses, including their souls, were also used as fuel. As a result, the circle was destroyed, and the team's army naturally became an obstructive obstacle to Uldaman, and there was no value in existence.

   In fact, there have always been elite troops on the periphery, and now they have been ordered to immediately attack the team line.

   The army of the Shadow Tide team was suddenly caught off guard. I didn't expect the gap between the recruits and the elite to be so huge, although the leader had a premonition, he tried his best to dispatch.

   But where is there still time? I was caught off guard by being killed directly. Although the battle line would not collapse, the casualties were several times the original number.

   "Friends of the Shadow Tide, I have helped you so much, and now I should give it back..."

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