MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1492: Flicker

The defense officer smiled and said: "Although you are alone, you make me feel threatened. Although I don't know what threats you can have, I have a problem with me, that is, I like to stifle threats in the cradle."

Mrs. Smith also said: "I have the same problems as the defense officer. The Starfire Legion is very strong. If I run into your whole group, I might choose to restrain myself at this stage, but unfortunately, you are alone now, so A good opportunity can solve a strong opponent, and it doesn't take much effort, why not choose to solve you first."

The two sneered at each other, obviously not paying attention to each other. In their opinion, they could crush their opponent by just playing a card in their hand, and there was a safe way to leave.

Li Yao dumbly said, "I originally thought that the original idea was an extravagant hope, and it would basically not be realized. As a result, I didn't expect that you really joined hands, but it saved me a lot of trouble. It happened to be solved together."

"This joke of you is not funny at all. According to what you mean, it seems that you set up a game waiting for us to enter the set." Mrs. Smith sneered: "You are very strong. If you are alone, I may not be yours. Opponents, but how much is the real gap? In this case, I have a large army, and you are alone, even if you set the game, but now we join forces, what can you do."

Li Yaosi didn’t care, and shook her head slightly: “Actually, my purpose in the beginning was very simple. It was like destroying another training ground. It also destroyed this training ground. At any rate, it’s a lot of progress, and it can also make your dogs bite. It’s not for fun."

The defensive officer stopped Mrs. Smith who wanted to attack, and asked with interest: "You should be for this purpose, do you have any other attempts to fail?"

"Yes." Li Yao looked at the hand cannon in the defense officer's hand and said, "You're welcome, I also have a problem with me, that is, I want to find a way to get the weapon I like."

"Ha ha ha ha, really arrogant, I have to say that you are courageous and thoughtful, but this is just a dream." The defense officer proudly raised the hand cannon in his hand: "But you have a little bit of letting go. People like it, that's a wink, knowing that my weapon is powerful, it's a pity, a pity."

Mrs. Smith sneered: "I have said what should be said, so you don't have to listen to him continue to talk nonsense, now it's time to do it."

"He is surrounded by heavy troops, your air force, and weapons of war. He can't escape with his wings. Why should he be anxious, but since you are so anxious, kill it." The defense officer looked at Li Yao: "I didn't see it. Your real method is really a pity, easy to go."

"Why can't you see it? You can see it." Li Yao waved and said lightly when he saw Mrs. Smith, "You are too impatient. I really don't want to know why I am so confident now."

"Who knows if you are bluffing and delaying time." Mrs. Smith sneered.

"You also know that I have no reinforcements and I am alone. What is the point of delaying time? Since you don't want to know, then you wave your hand and give an order. Who will die when you see it."

Mrs. Smith was stunned and said with a smile: "Alright, then you can talk about your methods. It's nothing more than buying explosives, but now there is no time for you to throw explosives or bury them."

"You are very smart, you know my methods." Li Yao also smiled happily: "But who told you that I don't have time to bury explosives, how do you know that you don't have my explosives under your feet."

"This joke is not funny." Mrs. Smith's expression changed.

Li Yao took out the detonator and said faintly: "I didn't joking with you. I attacked five places where ammunition was placed. The defensive officer knows this. So, can the defensive officer tell them these explosives? quantity."

There was a bad mood in the defense officer's heart: "Enough to blow up a training field and a half."

"Yes, this is all high-explosive black powder, and it also incorporates the dust of the tyrannosaurus beast scales, and the explosion power has more than doubled, which is really good." Li Yao said.

"What do you want to say, don't buy a relationship, if you talk nonsense, you will be shot into a sieve immediately." Mrs. Smith also had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"It's very simple. Who told you that I was the first place to be in the Shadow Tide. After I got the explosives, the first one to come was the Nirvana Star. Don't forget, I have a tunnel bug, but the ground here is really difficult. Entangling, I sacrificed a lot of bugs to achieve my goal and buried the explosives in the right place. Then I didn't activate it, but went to the Shadow Tide."

"I originally planned to be very simple, but later I hoped that the defense officer would step in here, but I didn't expect my wish to come true."

"Fuck, kill him."

All the hairs on Mrs. Smith's whole body exploded, and she exploded directly.


Massive arrows flooded the place where Li Yao was in an instant, and Li Yao’s figure was torn into countless Sorry, when I just started talking nonsense, I just started upright, the one just now was just mine. Avatar. "

Li Yao's voice spread not far from behind the defensive officer, and everyone who hadn't breathed a sigh of relief heard these words as if they had heard a thunderstorm.

All the colors changed wildly. They did not forget that Li Yao said that explosives were buried in the ground. Since Li Yao is not dead, and then see the detonator in Li Yao's hand, then...

"All down."

"All down."

The defensive officer and Mrs. Smith roared at the same time, and countless soldiers collapsed and hugged their heads.

Some are too close and squeezed together, making them extremely chaotic.

However, after a while, the sound of the explosion did not sound. People close to Li Yao looked at Li Yao in doubt. Li Yao still stood there with the same smile.

"Fuck, I was fooled and killed him." The defensive officer was so angry, and when he stood up, the two hand cannons began to fuse, his eyes were full of shame and hideousness, and he was actually fooled.

"Dignified Xinghuo started a prairie fire, and even used this method, so don't blame us for besieging him and drowning him." Mrs. Smith was also very embarrassed, and it was indecent to lie on the ground.

The audience was a bunch of 6666666. They also thought that Li Yao was joking, because they saw that Li Yao got the explosives and found a place to count the stars, and where they buried some explosives.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao played tricks with everyone when facing the dead end. They thought that this was because Li Yao knew that he could not run, and wanted to trick everyone once, and then find a little face.

And this is reasonable. After all, people have not been killed before, and now they can’t run. Even if they hang up, they should be a little decent.

Because a few words flickered tens of thousands of people on the ground, the army was in chaos, which was already strong enough.

However, is it really what they think...

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