MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1506: Ride a dragon

However, the reality is that how crazy Uldaman's army is, the final difference is that it can knock back some fish more times.

But it was still like being caught in the vast ocean, and the most critical point was that it was impossible to distinguish whether it was an enemy or an attack.

Fortunately, the enemy said, if it is an attack, this is the terrifying part of this army formation.

"Nima, this thing is so scary."

"The Starfire Legion is going against the sky, who can stop them from fighting for the first kill."

"This is indeed very good. It's not that it's about the same as Xinghuo's progress, but it's the only one that looks like this."

"Meow, it's not just that the enemy can't tell, we can't tell. Those who don't know think that the fish are migrating in the ocean."

"I want to know now whether this military formation can really be harmless."

"It's impossible to be injured. I think it should be a better damage distribution mechanism."

"Upstairs said that the idea was up, and I think so. But more in-depth, the evasion mechanism should be better, and the tolerance mechanism should be similar to other military formations."

"Yeah, I think so too. This kind of fish is slippery and not slippery. You see that when you attack, you basically wipe the scales and attack other places. In fact, most of the damage did not hit the fish."

"Yes, there is less damage to bear, coupled with our guessed better damage bearing and immune mechanism, this is the terrible part of this army."

"Well, and this army formation doesn't seem to increase attack power much. It is purely a defensive army formation. There must be a way to crack it, but I haven't thought of it in a short time."

"It's not perfect, as long as there is a flaw, it is always a matter of time."

The audience had heated discussions, and many people were looking for a way to crack this military formation.

However, this army formation Uldaman's army simply couldn't stop it.

Especially after breaking through the melee military formation, the musket and artillery formation of life became easier.

After the middle, half of them attacked the dragon formation.

But because the dragons saw hope, they also used the method of pressing the bottom of the box. That was really desperate.

It is basically impossible to take it in a short time. In less than half an hour, a large number of soldiers fell to the ground incomparably suffocated. After being killed, these soldiers were also completely blank.

"General, nothing can be done, I think we should withdraw."

"You also said that these people have already received the medicine, and they will reunite when the time comes. When these green dragons become dragons, we will suffer heavy losses if we want to retreat."

The leaders were trembling all over, not afraid, but never encountered this kind of aggrieved thing, encountered this kind of situation where they want to desperately do not know how to fight.

In the past, even when you were desperate, when you met an opponent you couldn't defeat, you would splash your blood, but now even if you are desperate, you don't know where the blood is splashed. There is nothing more painful than this.

There is no need to fight at all.

"Back." Alice spit out a faint word.

Immediately, Uldaman's army began to retreat in an orderly manner.

"Is this going, I haven't had enough fun yet." Li Yao's voice came to Alice's ears again.

The other leaders trembled angrily, but Alice was not angry and laughed instead.

"I have to say that you surprised me, but it was a trivial victory. Are you proud? There is nothing wrong with this failure. My overall plan is beyond your imagination, Trash fish, remember my words. Please also You continue to work hard, I hope you will persevere to the end and see what earth-shattering means are."

Alice said that her body became transparent and disappeared. Several leaders quickly dispatched the army and evacuated quickly.

"I took it down." Li Yao smiled, obviously this Alice has any more amazing plans.

The army after the break is a death squad. They do not seek to attack, but to stop.

The dragons did not release the curse, did not counterattack, and Xinghuo did not pursue it. Now the most important thing is to release the dragon's curse.

Soon, the two sides finally reunited, and Xinghuo dismissed the army. The audience saw many people with injuries but no deaths.

Li Yao didn't talk nonsense, took out a small box of test tubes, threw them directly into the air, and shot them to pieces with an arrow.

A faint mist filled, and then a low roar came from the green dragons' mouths.

Then light flickered, and giant dragons appeared hovering in the air, venting their suppressed emotions.

The green dragon princess restrained her urge to change, but kept her human form. She bowed to Li Yao deeply.

"Thanks for the great grace, I wrote it down." Princess Green Dragon said solemnly: "And we still have a lot to do."

"What does the princess mean?" Li Yao asked.

A deputy commander said: "It is natural to hunt down those stray pieces."

The princess shook her head: "Uldaman is here, they can't run But many of our tribes still have strongholds, so it's important to rescue them."

"Is the princess worried that Alice will be frantically slaughtered by the fortress?" Li Yao immediately understood Princess Green Dragon's plan.

"It's very possible." The princess saluted Li Yao again: "This matter still needs the help of a friend."

"I'll give an order to rush to the fortress." Li Yao said without hesitation, this is a new task, and the progress is obviously given in vain, and it is a fool not to accept it. Why did you take such a big risk? Isn't it the harvest time now?

"It's too late, I mean, I hope you choose a long-range career in your army, and then our uninjured clansmen can cooperate and capture the fortress together." The princess said.

The expressions of several dragon chiefs changed, and the princess's meaning was obvious, to let them ride them remotely.

If they are usually not willing, but the Xinghuo people took such a big risk to rescue them, and the next thing is to rescue their people.

Naturally, they can choose not to, but others can walk over it, but the delay will be counted on them.

"If your people are willing, we can do nothing." Li Yao said.

The members of the team are naturally happy too. This Nima is going to ride a dragon, and many viewers are jealous. Many of them pursue advanced riding skills. It would be nice to have basic mounts. Dragon riding is simply an intermediate dream.

Long-range is readily available, there is no need to choose, there are about 60,000 dragons that can fight.

The rest of the wounded green dragon drove along with the Dreamland Army such as the Treemen and other Xinghuo troops.

The green dragon princess turned into a huge dragon, all green, but unlike other green dragons, the green dragon princess looked like a dream, and the dragon king horns on her head filled her with majesty.

"Sir, please come to me."...

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