MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1508: Nakagusuku

Under the leadership of Yao Ji and others, the Star Fire Corps attacked a medium-sized stronghold, and then marched quickly without a break, and then another battle of the fish and dragons.

The subsequent part directly rode the dragon to fight again, while the other part continued to march rapidly.

The members of the regiment can naturally stand it for the first kill, but ordinary soldiers can't.

That's why Li Yaocai said that he would take a short rest, and Princess Green Dragon was very enthusiastic to accompany him.

Because of the major issue to be resolved, the two of them naturally became more relaxed, and began to talk about each other.

The Green Dragon Princess was surprised to find that Li Yao could talk to her on any topic she was talking about. Whether it was ancient history or the history of a powerful figure, when she chatted, even many things she didn’t know, Li Yao was polite. Arrived, but made her feel that she has benefited a lot.

For example, she didn’t know some ancient secrets, so she felt a little bit of dissatisfaction and more serious emotions. It was not malicious, but she was a person who had survived for countless years, or the world’s top dragon, with a life span of no more than a thousand years. The high elves actually knew more than her, and naturally wanted to stump Li Yao.

However, no matter what she asks, Li Yao can always tell, and she also has her own unique insights. Princess Green Dragon couldn't help being surprised. Later, she simply said some of the many historical mysteries and doubts from the ancient times to the present, and so did Li Yao. Analyze for her one by one, let her greatly admire.

Gradually, the emotions of rivalry disappeared. Instead, they began to specifically ask for advice on these mysteries. Li Yao was not stingy, and talked about it.

Even the deputy commander and the green dragon guard behind the princess were disdainful from the beginning, and then concentrated on them. The look in Li Yao's eyes no longer had that kind of frivolity.

They naturally don't know the horror of the players. The last game has been running for ten years. Many archaeological and research secrets have special small forums and special history museums.

Countless people sent in the discoveries they felt valuable, and then added special sorting. This is how many billion players have aggregated for many years, and then some people sorted them according to age and characters.

Chronology, biography.

Li Yao is also a lover of archaeology, because he has been hunted down and often haunts places with few players. Naturally, he has contributed a lot of materials to the museum. Naturally, he also likes to read materials researched by others.

As for the dungeon strategy, Li Yao knew a lot, but he only knew the approximate kind. Only with this kind of ancient gods’ world history and personal secrets, he knew best.

Let me ask, the essence of many years of accumulation of billions and tens of billions of players. Even though the Green Dragon Princess is a giant dragon, she is not involved in everything. She knows a lot, but she is worse than Li Yao. Far away.

Not to mention those giant dragons, even members of the group who have not been off the assembly line also listened with gusto.

In this way, everyone enjoys the luxury of the fortress leaders while chatting.

Unknowingly, eight hours passed, and when the spark was about to set off, everyone recovered.

"The situation is critical. A few hours of comfort is already a luxury. The mountains are high and the road is far away. We are leaving. The princess should also take a good rest. Only when her injuries are healed can she kill the enemy better."

Li Yao stood up and saluted.

A trace of perseverance and surprise flashed in the eyes of the green dragon princess, and she gave a deep salute: "Mister's profound knowledge made me fall to the ground. I really hope that there will be a bronze dragon waiting here for me to release the time-delaying spell again. What a pity."

"The princess is overwhelmed. I just read a few more books. Although the dragon clan has experienced a lot, but can't know everything. On the contrary, the blue dragon princess incarnates and travels among the various races. Maybe she is aware of this."

"It's a pity, now that there are internal and external troubles, I really hope to have this opportunity." The Green Dragon princess took out a pink scale, and a blush flashed on her face: "This was refined from a young age and was divided into two. Half, you can contact me. Hearing that Mr. said he also has territory. When I get free, I will contact Mr. and come to harass. Mr. shouldn't refuse."

Li Yao solemnly took it over: "The princess will be able to board the humble house, and the room will be brilliant. If there is any disturbance, then the table will be empty."

"Mr. treasure."


Li Yao finished speaking, put Ni Lin away, turned and left.

The dragon's inverse scales, even if they are exchanged, are treasured by the dragons, and they have many functions according to different methods.

The Xinghuo army set off, and the fireworks teased: "The charm of our president is extraordinary. It only took a few hours to give the dragon princess to the fans, and the young inverse scales of the face were sent out. Did you have Seeing the envy, jealousy and hatred eyes of the guards behind her, tusk."

"Hehe, although I am young, I can see that my elder brother actually hooked up with the green dragon princess."

"Yes, that is, the green dragon princess obviously looks after the boss. What are the eyes of those giant dragon guards? Look at the eyes of the green dragon princess when the boss says to leave. I I'm probably going to run away with the boss."

Everyone roared, and Li Yao couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it: "Where is this? Isn't this for the goodwill of the dragon clan? It is convenient to do tasks in the future."

"Yes, it's convenient. It's easy to get to the bed in the future. Remember to share the video." The guardian angel said wretchedly.

Everyone rolled their eyes suddenly, and then laughed together.

The Xinghuo side is extremely relaxed, the audience is at a loss, because the team can choose to close the live broadcast during leisure.

Although it was the first kill, it should be broadcast live if you can't rest.

So there was no picture until the Spark team set off, and as a result, I didn't know what happened to the dragon clan for a few hours.

Xinghuo didn't rush to the next level, but kept occupying the stronghold to brush progress.

Moreover, it still chooses a stronghold that is easy to strike down, because Xinghuo does not lack progress for the time being, and too much progress is temporarily useless.

Therefore, the pursuit of stability is more important, and the more important thing is that this is obviously a super copy that is collectively competing for the first kill.

Entering the middle level, if there are too few guilds, it is likely to be attacked by multiple strongholds. This situation has not happened before.

Xinghuo had seen a team attacking a stronghold, and the Uldaman army from another stronghold came out from the rear. As a result, the team was destroyed.

Moreover, Li Yao believes that it is impossible for a team to appear until the final boss. The focus of this instance is on competition.

Because the progress of Xinghuo's mission through the dragon has increased by almost half, naturally he wanders in the outer city without worrying about points.

This raid lasted a day and a half. Knowing the system prompts, Xinghuo entered Midtown when dozens of teams had reached 10% progress. At this time, Xinghuo's progress had exceeded 15%... …

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