MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1512: handsome guy

The second player was directly transferred to the field, and a new Tyrannosaurus was already in the arena.

And it's a player from Sanhan, who sent out a long-range mage. Everyone has guessed the purpose, which is the bottom-line strategy.

Since the system stipulates that melee challenges get an s rating, and there is no bonus reward for long-range combat, it shows that remotely fighting this monster is still very advantageous.

Even if there is no first s evaluation, it is good to have two guarantees, and there are also the following two games, how can it be considered a relatively stable play.

The mage in the field wore a blue misty robe, which looked outstanding, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it. This is a suit made of special boss materials for the forty-fifth challenge dungeon, which is a great bonus to the mage.

The staff in his hand is also a staff made by a high-level challenge in the endless challenge, which is obviously very suitable for the challenge mode.

Coupled with his handsome face and confident demeanor, at least a bunch of three-Korean young women played in the barrage of her husband dominating the screen, which shows that this guy is very popular in his district.

Of course, at least in appearance, he can fascinate many fans.

The guardian angel said very upset: "Little white face, pretend to be a force. He looks so handsome, who can guarantee that it is not a facelift."

Everyone in Xinghuo laughed, but this person is really handsome, at least no one on the Xinghuo team can match it. From the standpoint of being handsome, Li Yao is also a lot worse.

But this is not the key. If this is a game of face-to-face, the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast would have died out of anger a long time ago. Unfortunately, this is a fighting arena, and everything still depends on strength.

The countdown ends and the fighting skills begin.

The handsome mage of Sanhan directly started to cast the spell, and was walking and retreating. The blue mist around his body formed a blue vortex, and countless water elements condensed and gathered together like a group of gorgeous luck.

And he seemed to be the center of the universe, the ice-blue light quickly condensed and formed, and not one, but a group of ice arrows, at least dozens of ice arrows floating around him quickly.

"Haojun's spells condensed, dozens of Frostbolts can definitely kill players of the same level in seconds."

As a double break mage, Sister Li has the most say, and one of his elite professions is the freezing master.

"Sister-in-law, can you do it?" Hitomi asked curiously.

"The focus is different. The ice technique I practice mainly focuses on control, with the control of the field first, followed by the kill. And he should focus on the lethality. Of course, the ice spell is not controlled, but the ice can still reduce the enemy. The speed, not to mention the operation, this trick alone has made him a master." Sister Li didn't stingy with her praise.

"Such a fast condensing, definitely can't always be like this, it should be a suit effect." Yao Ji also said.

"It is indeed a suit effect. It is called a wind fluttering suit. It is a piece of equipment that can only be unlocked by challenging the upper wind fluttering dragon beast and reaching a high evaluation." Qin Fengyi quickly shared the information.

Other guilds and audiences are also highly admired, of course there are also extremes.

Because anyway, this trick alone can consume a player's life-saving skills, and players without life-saving skills are estimated to be killed in seconds, which is indeed very powerful.

Of course, the more important thing is that it is too gorgeous, like a prince of ice, beyond the world.

Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa...

Just like rain hitting plantains, dozens of icy arrows shot at lightning speed with howling business. The Explosive Scale Dragon Beast did not dodge at all, nor can it dodge. It is still the same as the first time, running too fast. Roll over directly on the ground.

However, a scene that surprised everyone appeared. The powerful Frostbolt fell on the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast as if it had no effect.

Only the traces of ice debris left on the scales, the traces of the ice debris evaporated after a while.

At this time, all the talents reacted, the body of the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast was hot, and the size was too huge, and the Frost Arrow dared to be not as big as a toothpick for him, and it evaporated directly without even a little damage.

"Isn't the ice method good, then the fire method shouldn't work."

That is to say, the nebula around Sanhan's mage suddenly changed, from a blue nebula to a fiery red.

And the mage of San Han also became the flame prince, and dozens of fireballs all over his body condensed equally quickly.

Then puff puff puff puff^

It is also a series of 1s that force blood to drop, but for dragon beasts that return blood quickly, dozens of points of blood can be recovered in less than a second.

"Then try, Arcane, it still doesn't work, I'll admit it."

The purple nebula revolved, and this time hundreds of arcane bullets floated, and the nebula around him also collapsed, turning into a blue mist floating around.

Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa...

This time it was normal damage. Hundreds of Arcane Missiles directly exploded a few scales on the head of the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast, and the head was instantly broken. As long as two or three more attacks like this can be achieved Broken head, and the damage is also very considerable.

Although you can't see the boss's health, it can at least deal damage and always kill, right?

And when the explosion scale dragon beast rolled over, the wizard directly launched a flash, and then moved sideways.

The dragon beast's body rubbed his body and slashed past. At the same time, the mage was not idle, but continuously released arcane missiles.

Although he didn't start the kind of violent raging with dozens of shots and hundreds of shots at a time, the continuous casting of spells was also pleasing to the eye.

He is indeed powerful, all relying on wandering to dodge the attack of the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast, and then constantly attacking, finally broke his head and completed the break.

In the next few minutes, it became a performance of the mage alone.

Even if the dragon beast was flying in the air, it was continuously attacked until the dragon beast roared.

Although his attack seemed ineffective at first, it actually interrupted the roar of the dragon beast.

But now the dragon beast is flying in the air, and the impact is insufficient, it is impossible to interrupt, the mage can only cover his ears.

At this time, the scales continued to fall, and the mage released a flash, but it couldn't be compared to the speed of the dragon beast in the air.

There are still a lot of scales around him, and he is still within the explosion range, as long as he touches the scales, it will detonate.

However, the mage did not panic, but released the ice barrier in an elegant posture.

Even at this time, he was still paying attention to his own image, the explosion-scale dragon beast fell directly from the sky.

His feet couldn't bear even running fast, and he landed aloft sooner.

No, it should not be used to land, it should be more appropriate to fall.

The dragon beast's huge body fell to the ground, crushing it at a faster speed than running.

The scales exploded wildly along the way, continuously.

The scales around the mage also burst rumblingly. Although there were a few cracks in the ice barrier, it was finally not broken.


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