MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1521: Fight

Muzi enters the field, the opening is also two monsters roaring, and then colliding.

Muzi knew that the two monsters weren't aimed at him at first, so they moved sideways and then rolled backwards, avoiding the middle road.

When the two monsters collided, Muzi's staff was a little bit, and a firebird fell from the sky and exploded directly in the middle of the collision.

The two monsters were immediately burned by the flame, but only for a moment, the effect of the flame burning disappeared.

Then two monsters, one continued to drag the cart, the other continued to roll.

And the target has become Muzi, as a crispy cloth armor, his life-saving skills will be used once if he is hit, and if he is hit again, he will be killed in a flash.

And if you encounter a multi-stage continuous attack, basically there will be a situation where the life-saving skills will not work.

So, Muzi dodges, rolls, and even forwards is not easy to use, no, of course it works.

But as a mage, always dodge, there is no time to chant spells to launch powerful attacks, and can only take the time to release some instant spells, the damage is naturally much worse.

The skills of the two monsters are really disgusting. If you encounter one, in fact, as long as you are a master, it is not difficult to use the powerful skills of the class.

However, under the crazy attack of these two monsters, even if you have defying skills and damage, it is of no use if you can't use it.

Muzi was caught in such an awkward situation. A monster attacked at all times, especially Black Horned Dragon.

What's more, with this giant blasting hammer dragon.

In addition to tyre attacks and jaw smashing, the blastosaurus was also very fierce.

And he will also drop explosive things with the battle, which is really thrilling.

Muzi can only dodge embarrassedly, and then take the time to output.

Muzi leaped forward, the ground vibrated, and the black horned dragon that had penetrated into the ground suddenly emerged.

Muzi used the short-term invincibility of the forward flutter to offset the impact of the soaring cannon, but this time the Blast Hammer Dragon also turned into a wheel and rolled over.

At this time Muzi had been fighting for nearly half an hour, and his life-saving skills and the ice barrier had been used.

The forward flutter needs to be prepared, it is too late, the time for side-shifting invincible is too short, and the flash is also cooling, so I can only choose to roll.

However, the short-lived invincibility still couldn't resist the multi-stage attacks of the wheels and was directly crushed to death.

"One monster alone is disgusting enough, two are simply impossible to play."

"The skills of the two monsters themselves are disgusting. It's usually okay, but bad luck. When two monsters cooperate, who can stop it."

"The first war turtle couldn't defend it, and now the wizard can't. It seems that it can only be flexible and crispy."

"I also think that a career with high flexibility should be needed. Although the wizard is powerful, the damage is too low if you can't cast spells, and the dodge is insufficient, which limits the flash, which is equivalent to stifling the possibility of the wizard to obtain high evaluation."

"Well, the two monsters are very big. If the team cooperates well, it won't work for a single mage to use control flow."

"After thinking about it, I still feel that it is best to use engineering props to match a flexible job, and the most suitable one is hunter. Have I been brainwashed by a prairie fire?"

"Hey, I feel the same way. If the technology is online, I think the hunter is most suitable."

"You pull it down, the hunters now have several techniques that start a prairie fire."

"Hey, I can't wait to see Liaoyuan playing."

"Wait, I guess I will suffer for a few more hours."

"The two monsters are too fucking, even if they can be killed, they will consume slowly."

The audience who have been watching this light curtain are ready to watch the protracted battle.

In fact, their guess is accurate.

Because of Muzi's presence, the remaining two guilds also used substitution rights.

They can see that Muzi is very strong, at least their mage is not much different, Muzi can't play, and their mage must not be able to play.

So it was directly replaced by an elite career with relatively high flexibility. Sanhan played a violent battle with two swords.

If the stamina is enough to maintain the violent form for a long time, the attack speed and movement speed will be greatly improved in the violent form.

It was just right to deal with two monsters, and he also learned engineering, with the help of props. It took an hour to kill Blackhorned Dragon, and was finally hammered to death by Bursting Hammer Dragon, but at least one monster was killed and the price of A++ was finally obtained.

Sanhan played an elite thief who was agile and a prop thief. With the help of agility and various props, he finally killed all the two monsters in two hours and received an s+ rating.

The audience can also see that the evaluation has been increasing. Starting from the second round, all teams can get evaluations above s.

Moreover, one is higher than the other. In the second round of Xinghuo, Qin Fengyi played the summoning stream, which greatly distracted the monsters from attacking themselves.

In one hour and ten minutes, two monsters were killed and several parts were destroyed, which was evaluated by ss+.

Other guilds immediately found the same direction. They let the summoning professions play to disperse the hatred of the two monsters. They found that the difficulty was lowered again, and everyone's evaluation improved again.

This terrible place of taking turns is here, and when it is divided into several rounds, what good strategy you have, others can learn immediately.

In the third round, the African team got the trick with the lowest evaluation.

A Summoner learning engineering player came on the field. With the help of various auxiliary props and various summoners, he finally killed two monsters in more than 50 minutes and obtained the evaluation of ss++.

This is already a very high evaluation, and the last two guilds have also prepared killer features.

But they didn't suddenly think of a question until they saw Li Yao stand up to play.

Li Yao is not only flexible, but what will happen if the summoned objects can be played.

As a super celebrity, Li Yao knew him too many people from the ancient gods. They also knew exactly what pets Li Yao owned and what characteristics these pets had.

Li Yao has too many powerful pets, black dragon queen, hyrax, spider tank, fire eagle, etc., all of them are incomparable.

It is estimated that any one of them can compete with the monsters in the arena, or even crush them.

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions are unsightly.

I thought the subsequent killer could surpass Xinghuo, but if Li Yao played, what would they compare and surpass.

When they were extremely entangled, Li Yao was transported to the middle of the arena.

However, to everyone’s surprise, Li Yao did not summon his pets as everyone expected. Instead, he was checking his props. It seemed that he did not intend to summon any pets...

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