MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1528: Carefree kill

Even though the damage of the penetrating arrow is mediocre, even the full-level charge and the power of the dragon shot can not be compared, but it cannot be released quickly, even if it is not charged, it can still be released.

What's more, in the face of such a huge monster, it can't hold up the number of injuries, and the series of injuries simply blinded everyone.

While the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast screamed, a meteor appeared in the sky, which directly hit the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast's head.

The Tyrannosaurus was originally hit by a huge arrow penetrating it, but now it was hit by a meteor without warning, and the hard shell on its head suddenly shattered.

The body is even more stagnant, and the forward thrust has dropped. I don't know how much.

However, Li Yao was turned on, his body was covered by blue light, and his sensitivity suddenly increased a lot.

He didn't charge up at all, and shot directly at the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast.

Head damage, Li Yao no longer needs to deliberately strike the opponent's eyes with precision, as long as the damage is attacked, it is a weakness.

Strings of damage numbers kept popping up, and Li Yao made his arrows reach the realm of what is called five arrows in one second.

Brush brush brush...

Everyone saw a ray of light piercing the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast, followed by bursts of bursting numbers constantly emerging, and then practiced into a series of meteors that continued to fall, causing massive damage to the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast.

Moreover, the meteor is huge, and the power of the gravitational inertia is not small. The Tyrannosaurus Beast fell to the ground when the fourth meteor hit its head.

I can only struggle constantly to stand up, but a few seconds of falling to the ground may be at most a problem of a charged arrow cut for others, but for Li Yao, it is enough to release a dozen arrows and cause a dozen meteors to strike.

In just a few moments, Li Yao destroyed the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast into a human form, and the damage numbers are constantly soaring. Many people even directly design the damage numbers to be displayed in the corner of the corner of the eye. Otherwise, the damage numbers on the full screen will be invisible. The specific situation of the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast.

The explosion scale dragon beast is going crazy. Although the wisdom is not as good as the five-color dragon, there are some dragon bloodlines. There is still some wisdom, plus the arrogance of blood inheritance, how it can withstand it, but his attack is basically Can't meet Li Yao.

The Explosive Scale Dragon Beast roared frantically, then took off, and began to drop scales, and at the very beginning it entered a violent state, which was directly the fiery red scales that could explode directly.

However, Li Yao's sensitivity, coupled with jumping, growing lotus step by step, and the most important thing is the assistance of the thruster, it can be said that Li Yao's evasion displacement has once again increased by more than one level.

Even without these assistance, with Li Yao's technique, it would be easy to dodge these seemingly dense burst scales, not to mention now.

The takeoff of the Explosive Scale Dragon may cause a devastating blow to other long-range players, but for him it can only make him live for a while, and has no other effect at all.

Li Yao didn't seem to dodge deliberately, just slowly adjusting the angle of his shooting, his steps were not hurried, and the dragon scales bursting around seemed like a leisurely garden.

And Li Yao's arrow has also become a bursting arrow. The bursting arrow has a high single-piece damage and blasting damage.

Although facing this large monster in terms of overall output, it is not as good as the penetrating arrow, but the burst arrow has a good hitting effect and a single damage number, and it is best to use it to destroy parts.

The fifteen arrows seem to be quite a lot, but even Li Yao constantly adjusted the angle to dodge the bursting dragon scales. It took less than five seconds. Although it could not reach the standing state of five arrows in one second, it also reached one. The precise shooting of three arrows in seconds.

What shocked them even more was that through the light screen, the audience could clearly see that all the fifteen burst arrows exploded under the third bone spur on the left wing of the Tyrannosaurus, and the position was not bad at all.

And although there was no meteor coming this time, it was accompanied by a spark, and there was a hint of illusory red in the silver flame.

The commentators once again explained the composition of the damage, the basic damage of the arrow, the burst damage, the damage of the spark incidental if the meteor is not summoned, and the damage that Li Yao gets blessed by the fire of life.

Especially the last two kinds of flames burn, seem to damage mediocre, but you must know that the burning effect is continuous, and the effect can be superimposed with multiple attacks.

At this moment, the entire wings of the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast are covered by a layer of silver with fiery red flames, and the damage numbers are steadily jumping out, and it is still growing with Li Yao’s attacks, and the flames continue to spread with the attacks. open.

What shocked them even more was that the precise shooting of fifteen arrows finally destroyed the wings of the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast.

The Tyrannosaurus, who was shaking its body crazily and dropping its scales, let out a scream of extreme sorrow, and its body rolled and fell from high altitude.

This time, it was a real fall. Although the Explosive Scale Dragon was violent when it landed, it was similar to a fall, but a controlled fall with preparation and an uncontrollable fall without preparation are completely two concepts.

A behemoth of hundreds of yards, falling to the ground is not comparable to a meteor of a few yards.

The entire arena was trembling crazily, a huge hole appeared on the ground, and a terrifying damage figure of more than 200,000 floated out.

The Explosive Scale Dragon Beast fell from a high altitude, its wings fell to the ground, and it was obviously broken. There were also many stars on the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast's head, which was obviously in a state of breathlessness.

Naturally, Li Yao would not let go of this good opportunity. With the trembling of the bowstring, the arrow shot out like a barrage.

Crackling crackling...

The damage figure of the penetrating arrow was still gorgeous, and when the Explosive Scale Dragon Beast stood up again, everyone saw that one of his wings had been completely broken by the fall, and it was stuck on his body softly, completely scrapped.

Moreover, the violent fall impact just now caused a large number of scales on his body to fall and burst at the same time, and the huge crater that was originally huge was also widened by the explosion.

The explosion scale dragon beast seemed to have its throat shaken by the impact, and the roaring sound made people sound miserable.

Obviously it was impossible to fly, one wing was scrapped, the head was destroyed, and the Tyrannosaurus could only be beaten.

Originally, when he was in good health, he would not touch Li Yao a single hair, let alone now.

When the Tyrannosaurus fell to the ground unwillingly, the audience realized that the terrifying Tyrannosaurus had been killed in less than three minutes.

The audience couldn't believe their eyes. Originally, Li Yao's five-minute kill record was shocking enough. This record made people feel desperate.

But after Li Yao used his own bow, he completed the kill in less than three minutes without using any props. It was really hard for them to accept it, and the kill speed was almost doubled...

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