MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1533: Surprise

In fact, this kind of mood is easy to understand. It's like a person seeing a group of beggars in ragged clothes, and seeing that they have at least a cloth suit, and it would be nice to be able to eat three meals a day.

However, one day suddenly found out that everyone around me was rich. Everyone was rich and rich, and felt that I was sad and miserable.

This is the reason why people are more popular than others, and Li Yao has experienced countless times in the previous life.

It is indeed a very painful thing to prove one's **** hand time and time again. After many years, Li Yao got used to being immune to this huge gap between expectations and reality.

Although luck in this life is still not good, at least it is not as bad as the previous life, and basically reached the normal level of luck.

It's definitely not comparable to red hands like Hitomi, and there are many red hands in the game. However, it is more than enough. Li Yao is already very satisfied. He doesn't want luck, but just keeps bad luck away.

As for guardian angels, they are the kind of bad luck. They usually wear equipment that their wives can replace or don’t use. As a result, it’s finally time to get their own equipment. The luck is still bad. How can you stop him from crying? tears.

"Unexpectedly, my old lady's luck will explode one day." The fireworks watched the dark golden light in his hand dissipate, revealing the necklace itself. The small and charming necklace was very charming.

"My little red hand can withstand the test again." Tongtong curled his lips and looked at Li Yao and said: "Big brother, why are you a legend again? Do you want to change with me? Anyway, I'm lucky and want to be equipped. so easy."

Everyone was speechless, but they were unable to refute. People who don’t know who Sparks has the best equipment must think that it is Li Yao, but Li Yao, except for the situation that the star bow and auxiliary equipment can pursue, the normal equipment is golden, not to mention dark gold. The equipment is not complete, and there are purple parts.

It is known within Xinghuo that Hitomi is the player with the best equipment for Xinghuo, a normal equipment, basically pure gold, that is, auxiliary equipment is also the top equipment that current players can get.

There is no way, whoever makes the little red hand lucky, it is good to be a reward for a task, and open a normal treasure chest can open a dark gold, not convinced.

Therefore, to say who is the most popular in the guild, the first is Hitomi, undoubtedly, they all want to team up with Hitomi, and follow him.

Li Yao shook his head: "I don't insist on this kind of equipment, as long as it is not too bad. The key lies in the quality of the army."

Li Yao's requirements for war equipment are the same as ordinary equipment. Unless they are special equipment, they can't be forced.

The guardian angel gave a light cough: "He won't change it, I'll change it."

Hitomi rolled his eyes and equipped his equipment: "You want to be beautiful."

Everyone laughed. The first reward is that everyone has a share, and the harvest is quite rewarding. How not to be excited.

"Okay, stop making trouble, we know that you are so equipped, you can change it with the guardian if you don't need it. After all, they are also very poor." Li Yaonoi said sly, and then continued: "But these wait for you first. Let's talk about it after shaking this legendary turntable."

Hitomi nodded, walked to the huge legendary turntable slowly appearing among the crowd, and then turned the turntable casually.

As everyone waited, the pointer finally stopped, and a drawing fell into Li Yao's hands.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the introduction and attributes of the drawing.

Blast Dragon Lair

Type: Arms architectural drawings

Quality: Legend

Can build a large tyrannosaurus lair.

Large tyrannosaurus lair (building in the territory will get radiation attributes and special effects)

Fire and explosion resistance: 150 (Domain buildings are not easy to catch fire and explode)

Flame increase: 15% (increase the damage of fire and explosion of war machinery in the territory)

Longwei is small: The nest contains weak dragons, which can deter ordinary beasts around the territory. There will be basically no beast injuries in the territory. The trainer and breeder can better domesticate the beasts, and the hunters can more easily catch pets. . (Longwei level is small, small, medium, large, large, extra-large, and dragon king. It can be superimposed with other dragon powers)

Hero Recruitment: You can summon a junior racial-level Explosive Scale Dragon hero with higher intelligence. The summoning time is ten days. The summoning materials include Dragon Scale xx, Dragon Blood Spar xx, High Explosive Spar xx, Dragon Egg, or those with dragon bloodline One dragon egg. The cd time is called once every three months.

Leader recruitment: You can summon a leader-level Tyrannosaurus. Depending on the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels, the amount of materials is different. You can recruit one per day.

Silver Ying Recruitment: You can summon Silver Ying level tyrannical young dragons. You can recruit up to five hundred per day. Dragon blood crystals are summoned one to one.

Everyone stayed, and I have never seen such awesome architectural drawings of units, not to mention the audience and the commentators, even Spark does not have such awesome If there is no mistake, this is absolutely It is the best architectural drawing at present, even if there are attributes that can match this drawing, there will never be a unit comparable to the Explosive Scale Dragon. Li Yao sighed.

No one knows the power of the Explosive Scale Dragon Legion better than him. In the final stage of the dungeon, players will see the horror of the Explosive Scale Dragon. Until then, they will not know the true value of this blueprint.

Not to mention this drawing is now, even a few years later, it will definitely be one of the top military architectural drawings.

And now including the people of Xinghuo, they are only admiring the attributes of the blueprint. Even if they have seen the power of a scalp dragon, the tyrannosaurus in the arena is above the middle-level race leader. In their understanding, the silver hero Linlong should be similar to other Yinying units.

Sister Li said: "Since the guild site of the Prosperous World was destroyed by explosives and artillery began to rise, the flame and explosion resistance of the guild defense have become particularly important. This attribute is really good, at least there is no need to worry about the fire in the territory."

Demon Ji also said: "I am still more practical to increase the fire damage by a huge amount. With a 15% increase, the guild's artillery is equivalent to a higher level."

"Yes, there is also this dragon, which can be superimposed." Tongtong pointed to Xing Yao, who was sleeping on Li Yao's shoulder, and said: "There is also this little guy, who now has a tiny dragon, waiting to become a young boy. The dragon, under the superposition, is estimated to be stronger, and the domestication of the guild and the breeders will be crooked."

"Hitomi is not entirely right. The increase in the secondary profession is not the main thing. The key is that others attack the guild. If you have a beast or a low-intelligence unit, you will probably lose morale." Tianxiang added.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, this piece of equipment really gave them a great surprise...

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