MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1540: Golden shield

Such wild laughter was naturally not from Alice, but from the Jackal, the leader of the chaotic camp this time.

His laughter was wild and disdainful: "But a small racial-level scum, ruined your plan. It seems that you are not a great person. You are also handsome. It is really funny. This is not the two of you. Where the scum and scum are bragging about each other, your tyrannicality is only with the help of the power of the magic circle, you are really in front of me, and I slap you to death."

"court death!"

Two gloomy lights flashed in Alice's eyes, and the gloomy light came out of the eyes to synthesize a dark blade light, and then rushed towards the body of the jackal like lightning.

"Small bugs."

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the Jackal, because the blade light was restrained and the aura was not strong, in his opinion, it was naturally an unremitting blow.

Only the archangel changed his complexion and said to himself: "Take a minute!"

But no one heard him, and the archangel had no obligation to remind the jackals.

Although the chaotic camp has joined the coalition, the three major camps still treat them as monsters. It is just a little more cannon fodder for them to join, and from the perspective of the neutral camp, with this chaotic camp, the light and dark camps are more capable Being united cannot be said to divide the hatred, but at least there is a chaotic camp that attracts hatred, and the two camps can at least sincerely cooperate.

The jackal man waved his claws, and several extremely bright air blades appeared, and greeted the light with a screaming sound, as if the space was about to be torn apart by his attack.

Compared with the huge momentum of the jackal attack, Alice's attack seemed too inconspicuous, and it was not of a grade at all.

However, the result of the fact was that everyone was shocked. Everyone saw the collision of the light and the air blade formed by the sharp claws, and the extremely powerful air blade was silently dissolved.

There was no sound of explosion, and the incredibly powerful air blade dissolved silently as if salt had encountered water.

And the gloomy light remained the same, with no change in speed.

The Jackal's complexion changed wildly, with the same disdain in his eyes. At this moment, his soul was violent.

The figure flashed back to the army formation behind him, his arms danced wildly, and the soldiers were thrown out by him in the eyes of those elite soldiers who could not believe it.


There was still no sound. The gloomy light directly penetrated the bodies of a dozen well-equipped guards, but the gloomy light had been weakened by more than half. Obviously, penetrating a dozen guards was not without consumption.

"Titan Golden Shield!"

The jackal roared crazy and raised his arm. The humble bronze shield in his hand exudes a simple golden shimmer. The light is not dazzling, but it gives people a sense of infinite weight, like a mountain, as if Mount Tai stood in front of the Jackal and couldn't shake it.

It's hard to say that the heyday of the light, but the weakened light, he is confident, his shield is not ordinary.


A crisp sound appeared, and a steel arrow hit the edge of the shield.

In the unbelievable gaze of the jackal, it was as if the mountain was shaken and collapsed, and the back of the jackal's hand was shaken, his strength was too strong.

Even though he blessed the explosive strength of the shield skill and blocked most of the damage, the power contained in it still made his arm numb and deviated from the original angle.

And the gloomy light also flashed by, directly penetrating the arm of the jackal, until it penetrated the body of four or five guards, the gloomy light completely dissipated.


The bodies of the dozen or so guards thrown into the sky turned into a crash of more than 30, and the jackal man's arms rose into the sky.

With a sound of an eagle, a fire eagle swooped down and grabbed his arm directly, and flew to Li Yao's side.

"Thank you Lord Jackal for giving the shield, but I am disrespectful."

As Li Yao's voice reached everyone's ears, everyone reacted, and then there was an uproar.

The players watched slowly because of the angle problem, only to realize that when Alice’s eyes gathered in the dark light, Li Yao had already bent his bow and set an arrow, but everyone paid attention to Alice, and no one noticed Li Yao. .

It was Li Yao who took the first step to open the shield, which made Youguang cut off one of the wolves leader's arms.

The so-called expert will know if there is any when he takes action. Needless to say, Youguang, more than twenty corpses have proved its power. And Li Yao's arrow is just right.

The leader of the Jackal took the arm thrown by Li Yao and quickly attached it to the wound of crazy blood, his eyes flickered: "Junior, I underestimate you, but the golden shield is not something everyone can have. "

"I'm not sure if I can own it, but I'm sure, if I just aimed at your throat, you definitely can't have it." Li Yao's voice was extremely cold, and he threw the golden shield directly without being scared. To the fruit knight.

Golden Shield (Guardian)

Grade: Dark Gold Legend

Armor: 3955

Injury-free: 45%

Elemental resistance: medium

Strength: 156

Stamina: 155

Agility: 156

Intelligence: 152

The Titan Golden Shield is enveloped by the power of Titan after it is launched. As long as it blocks the attack, it is immune to 95% of the damage, while the strength is increased by 300% for ten seconds, and the cooling time is ten minutes.

Guardian Yize, you can choose a target to bind, the damage taken by the bound target is increased by 15%, and the armor of the bound target is 30% blessed with the shield, but if one person dies, the two will die together, and a battle You can only select one target to bind, and after unbinding, you can only continue to bind after leaving the combat club.

The shadow of the guardian, summon a shadow of the guardian to help fight, and take 35% of the damage for the dull, the shadow of the guardian is the same as the shield holder, the duration is 120 seconds, and the cooling time is 15 minutes.

Equipment level: 50 (can grow)

Equipment conditions: shield war, anti-riding

The Fruit Knight was overjoyed. This shield attribute was too high. This time the mainline dungeon originally wanted to obtain a good shield. For the defense profession, a good shield is more important than a weapon.

Not to mention the attributes of this shield, it is definitely the best dark gold, and the special effects are also blasting the sky. For tanks like her that don't like killing monsters and have to be with the team, it is simply not too good, especially the Titan Golden Shield. , Which is equivalent to giving her an invincible skill.

The Guardian Yize is even better than aid, and the key is to get blessings. It's not too good.

The last guardian's shadow has an extra burst, which can also reduce the damage received, which is equivalent to an extra mirror image like himself.

Chief Bloodhoof laughed: "Since the arm is back, this little injury is trivial. You wouldn't think your life is worse than a small shield."

The jackal’s eyes flickered fiercely, but he looked at his army, and looked at the indifferent expressions of other leaders, he could only admit...

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