MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1543: Rebellion

The neutral continent is isolated from other continents, and people in the two camps don't know the reputation of the melting dragon.

"Forbidden dragon, really so powerful, comparable to the Dragon King?" The Jackal general said in disbelief, "Then we are defeated."

The archangel shook his head slightly: "If the true combat power is naturally not far or near to the Dragon King, the problem is that the Molten Mountain Dragon is extremely large, like a mountain city. Even if we are alone, we will not be able to kill for a while. . It’s like a mountain. It’s not impossible for you and I to destroy it, but how long will it take. At the beginning, the **** occupies the battle of heaven, and **** launched more than a dozen melting dragons."

"At that time, because of the ancient wars, two of the three most powerful demon gods in **** were still being sealed, and two were left severely injured. Only three demon gods brought the **** army and a dozen molten mountain dragons to besiege heaven, while During the war, our heaven was almost intact, and the strength of several great archangels was at the peak. But that’s it, we still failed. Heaven was captured, and the biggest reason was the melting mountain dragon. This kind of dragon is not ordinary at all. The angels can shake. Except for the archangel who fought against the devil, the remaining archangels took action against the melting mountain dragons. Each of them killed two or three melting mountain dragons. However, it was the remaining melting mountain dragons. The mountain dragon is unstoppable, the defenses of heaven are constantly collapsing, and finally heaven falls."

When the archangel said this, he looked grim and anguished, and took a deep breath before continuing: "In order to cover our retreat, the archangel, who represents the law and law, sacrificed himself and sealed the remaining molten dragons before giving us. Keep the fire."

Everyone was shocked. The archangel already had the power of a god. Such a strong man sacrificed himself to seal a few molten mountains dragon, which shows the terrible nature of the molten mountains dragon.

And this archangel in front of him is also a world-class leader. Listening to this, it is obvious that they can't defeat the Rising Mountain Dragon, but they are too big and take too much time. People will attack your city with your attack. You have no way to slaughter your men, and you can imagine the frustration.

Then everyone's expressions changed. If this is really a melting mountain dragon, they don't have a **** here.

The key point is that Uldaman is not only a melting mountain dragon, but also a master like a cloud. There must be many other methods. With the melting mountain dragon, they estimate...

Bang bang bang...

Alice smiled charmingly, and gently clapped her palms: "I have to say, Liaoyuan, you are very smart, you are very knowledgeable, and you dare to imagine. I originally thought, even if you guess wrong, I will tell you the truth. , And you surprised me again, you guessed it. However, there is no reward."

"Impossible, the molten mountain dragon has been sealed, how could there be a molten mountain dragon, you want to shake our military spirit." The archangel's face was very ugly.

The other generals also changed their faces. General Jackal said quietly, "I think this kid is not a good thing. I just joined forces with this **** to deal with me. Now it seems to be Uldaman’s spy. It’s better to clean up. If it’s not convenient for Chief Bloodhoof, I can do it for them.”

"It's not your turn to take care of things in the dark camp." Bloodhoof sneered, then turned his head to look at Li Yao seriously: "General Liaoyuan..."

He naturally would not believe that Li Yao was a traitor, something that was impossible at all, who was Li Yao.

He owns a high lord with more than four cities in the plain, the inheritor of the queen, the legal heir of the undead family, one of the representatives of the new generation of the dark camp, and has recently taken over to form a new high elven army, ranking first among the high elves Five powerful figures in control of a legion.

An extremely bright future cannot be a spy, unless Liaoyuan's mind is drawn. Taking a step back, even if it is a spy, it will not be exposed at this time. There is no benefit at all.

"General Liaoyuan, they are right. You also have the Touch of Darkness. You are both a divine envoy. How about going to the city." Alice chuckled, then her complexion changed: "You people are too shallow and ignorant, I said. I will crush you with an unstoppable and upright general trend, so that you will have nothing to say when you fail. Don’t think of what I think is as shallow and dirty as you. I was very happy just talking, then it’s time to start the real battle, melt. The mountain dragon is my trump card, but you are too high-minded. The melting mountain dragon is useless against you. Why do you need the mountain dragon to destroy you? Some things associated with the mountain melting dragon can defeat you."

Several leaders immediately knew that the war was about to begin, and they shouted: "Prepare for war, prepare for war."

"What's the use of preparing for war, scumbags, face your fears." Alice glanced at Li Yao: "General Liaoyuan, let me see where your limits are. I look forward to your real growth. When you can be your opponent."

Following Alice's words, everyone heard the sound of huge wings waving air currents.

Then everyone saw a shocking Numerous huge dragon shadows flew out of the dark sky, which were heads of scaled dragons.

Everyone's complexion has changed. Everyone knows how powerful the Explosive Scale Dragon is. Although most of these Explosive Scale Dragons are of the Yinying level, everyone feels their scalp numb when they see the densely packed Explosive Scale Dragon.

However, this is not the only one.

The ground also shook, and in the surrounding magma pools, red monster heads almost fused with magma appeared.

"Lava dragon, this is a lava dragon, be careful."

The terrain here is very complex. There are many huge lava lakes. Many legions are stationed on the edge of the lava lake. Now I see countless red lava dragons in the lava lake. The faces of soldiers next to the lava lake are all green. It is about to suffer a double blow.

But again, this is not the end at all. Numerous smoke and dust appeared on the ground. Obviously, a large number of burrowing monsters are approaching formation underground. Needless to say, this must be the Black Horned Dragon Legion.

In the ground shaking, the figure of a blasting hammer dragon also appeared from the sky.

Everyone is in a huge crisis. They have thought of Uldaman's last challenge, but they didn't expect it to be this level.

This is life-threatening. Those monsters are all terrifying, and now I don’t know how many they are facing. I feel terrible just thinking about it.

"System: The third level officially begins. There is no upper limit on the legions that contestants can dispatch. You can summon legions in the guild station to participate in the battle. The mission goal is to cooperate with the legions of their respective camps to resist the attack of the Uldaman Dragon Legion and defeat the devil Alice Of the vanguard."

"System: In the third stage, based on military merit, the final first kill is obtained."

It is a good thing to be able to summon an army owned by oneself or the guild, but no one is happy. This Nima cheating...

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