MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1547: tyrannical

For the demon commander did not launch all the power to attack in the first time, it seemed that he had missed an opportunity to severely damage the coalition forces, but it was actually a very wise move.

Several camps can become the mainstream representative power of the ancient gods world and become the actual control of this world, but they all have their own background.

Especially for the three major camps, it is definitely not a fluke to form the current forces.

The demon commander clearly realized that Uldaman alone would not be able to defeat several camps. Even if a partial victory could be achieved, the final victory would be the coalition of several camps.

After all, the ancient gods are sealed, and their power is limited. What needs to be done now is to accumulate power, gain capital step by step to grow slowly, and use the contradictions between camps to survive.

She knew too well about the alliance of several camps that would inevitably be forced to smash.

If there is no power to destroy the world or the strength of the ancient gods, there will be disputes between the camps as long as they are calm for a while.

So this time Uldaman was born not to challenge the coalition forces of several factions just as indifferently.

The source blood tribe was so rampant not long ago, it swept across several maps in a short time, and the limelight was instantaneous, but because of its arrogance, it was under siege and eventually the race was wiped out.

If such a strong race is wiser and develops latently, it may not be impossible to become a powerful force in the future.

Although Uldaman's development is good, Uldaman's various legions are strong, but there is still a gap between the original blood.

Launching the final counterattack is just a lesson to several camps and show their true strength. Although there is no need to smash, it is also necessary to fight against several camps.

For example, the homogenous blood tribe is too arrogant, but the performance is too weak. It will only make a few camps chase more vigorously. Only by showing their muscles can several camps have scruples.

And this final battle is the key, and the Air Force's is the key point.

Launching several powerful army assaults, the purpose is to find the flaws in several camps, and then concentrate on attacking the weak spots of the coalition forces.

So as the dense air force lifted off, the blood bat army dispersed and began to attack the three major camps.

And more than half of the air force directly rushed to the chaotic camp. The molten dragon is also rare, and it is also a half-element creature with dragon blood.

It is said that the ancestorsaurus that lived on the volcanic crater in ancient times gradually evolved and alienated, and this type of dragon would lay its eggs in boiling magma.

In magma, not only can dragon eggs quickly absorb the power of ground fire to hatch, but also allow this dragon to acquire the ability to control fire and magma when it is born. Flying dragon species itself is the top power in this world.

What's more, coupled with the nourishment of the earth fire, the molten flying dragon can even fight the dragon legion. And in some respects it surpasses the specifics of the dragon.

If it hadn't been for this kind of dragon to weaken a lot in places where there was no earth fire, it would have been dominating the neutral continent long ago. Even so, it is still a tyrant among the monsters on the neutral continent, and the flying dragons are entrenched in many volcanic craters.

No one saw it. When the archangel saw the Flying Dragon Legion rushing into the chaotic camp, a light flashed in his eyes. No one knew the strength of the Flying Dragon Legion better than him.

There are not many Melting Dragon Legions, estimated to be more than 100,000. But the overwhelming aura still shocked everyone, and the Flying Dragon Legion shone the huge underground world into the sky like a cloud of fire.

Behind the Molten Flying Dragon, there are overwhelming numbers of pterosaurs.

Although pterosaurs are sub-dragon species, not real dragons, they are still very powerful in the air.

The chaotic camp itself suffered a lot of losses in the face of the ground army due to scheduling problems and coordination problems. It has not been stabilized until now. Now facing the impact of Uldaman's most elite army, the various army groups are even more at a loss.

The chaotic camp also has an air force, but in order to deal with the ground army, the Uldaman army has been dispersed and started to deal with the ground. Now the opposing air force assaults most of the air force of the chaotic camp.

Only a part of the self-proclaimed You Ye Tiangui Legion greeted Alice's main air force aggressively.

You Ye Tiangui is a branch of vampires. They don't recognize that they are a blood clan, but think that they are more noble than the blood clan. They have the blood of the abyss overlord sky devil.

They are also members of the chaotic camp, they have almost all the characteristics of the blood family, but they are different from the blood family.

They are indeed a mixture of blood and demons. They have hideous faces and bloodthirsty monster-like fangs. They have hideous bone spurs and knotted muscles. Although they are in human form, their legs and feet are monster claws. And it's very long. The wings are not bat wings, but rather strange wings covered with strange hairs.

The key is that they cannot be transformed, without the grace and beauty of the blood race.


All the night ghosts roared, and the powerful sound waves visible to the naked eye hit Uldaman's air force like a tsunami.

"Small bugs."

This time even Demon Commander Alice personally appeared on the stage. Her figure was extremely huge, shrouded in a terrifying black mist, and sitting down was a terrifying volcano-like giant melting dragon, apparently a dragon king.

The Melting Dragon Legion didn't care about the sound waves at all, but countless pterosaurs made sharp sounds.

The sound waves spread layer by layer, and the two sound waves oscillated and collided together.

Everyone in the war felt uncomfortable in their heads, and all people below the leader level felt headaches and nausea.

There was even bleeding in the ears, as if the underground world was about to collapse, and rubble was constantly falling from the top of the lava! "

"Death Siphon!"

Alice took the lead, and the moment she approached You Ye Tiangui at the forefront, the leading Molten Flying Dragon Dragon King's body was swelling, and magma erupted all over his body, as if he were an erupting volcano.

A large number of You Ye Tiangui was burned by magma, burning with flames, forming burning fireballs and falling.

Molten Dragon Dragon King directly entered the formation of You Ye Tiangui, and the countless dark blood-colored tentacles around Alice were like a huge hedgehog, and countless tentacles were like steel needles covering thousands of yards around.

Countless night ghosts were pierced by tentacles without any screams. These ghosts themselves are vampires, but at this moment, their bodies quickly turned into weathered corpses that seemed to have been dried for countless years. They shrank instantly, and the corpses Before it fell to the ground, it shattered into countless dust.

Thousands of powerful You Ye Tiangui died under one move, instantly making countless people horrified...

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