MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1567: Sit and watch

It can be said that everyone showed their magical powers, and when they were revealed, they had no scruples.

The players are so realistic. Just now they were still crazy to stop Li Yao from killing the faceless. Now that they can't stop them, they immediately focused on the loot.

Robbing the boss and loot is an eternal melody in the ancient gods.

"Do you think the trophies are so easy to snatch, die."

The green dragon princess looked cold, she wouldn't let these people go easily, and she held her palm again: "Blast again."

Those wafting mist suddenly gathered into small fog balls, and then exploded again.

This time it was full of shock and strong corrosive characteristics, and the thieves used their life-saving methods to resist this terrible skill.

They are also masters among thieves. What life-saving skills, props, scrolls, etc. are brought out one after another, compared to the spoils they are about to obtain, what they have in their hands is nothing.

The mist exploded one by one, as if forming a green vortex. Many thieves were blown up by the waves of the explosion, and their bodies were constantly corroded in the sky. When they landed, they became a pile of dead bones. After falling on the ground, the dead bones became too. Fragmented into countless dust, even the white light of the soul was contaminated with green corrosive gas, and the soul wailed sternly.

The soul burst into pieces, and most of the thieves whose souls were burnt could not bear the intense soul-level burning and were forced offline by the system's protection.

The people who saw this scene all took a breath, and they couldn't help feeling hairy. These are all super masters, their mental powers are the top players, and their minds are firm and determined, and their mental qualities are also very good.

But I was still suffering from a scorching mental breakdown and being forced to offline by the system. How painful it was.

Just thinking about it makes people feel creepy. Originally, the audience saw the green dragon princess noble and gentle, and many people still wanted to be wrong, and listed the green dragon princess on the npc beauty list.

Now it seems that this peaceful-looking princess is not friendly, if it provokes her, it must not be a wonderful thing, and it will not be reluctant to attack the enemy at all.

Naturally, they didn't know that the green dragon princess had more methods. She is known as the first person among the dragon prince heirs. This first person is real, and other princes and princesses have no eldest sister who dares to refute.

It was the unruly black dragon prince, no one among the younger generation was convinced, but was afraid of the green dragon princess, which could be seen.

Moreover, Princess Green Dragon also deliberately used this method. She has always been very generous to her friends, Shanshan is polite, but she has never been merciful to enemies.

However, this is not the end.

After all, many thieves used various means to evade the damage of this explosion, but those explosive air masses formed an illusory green vortex.

Those surviving thieves seemed to be caught in the torn of various forces, one by one, they were too slow.

"Hahahaha, the little thief is ridiculous, and in the end we have to eat ashes behind us."

With arrogance, many occupations with continuous displacement skills, rapid and continuous displacement, will not be affected after entering the whirlpool, and they will flash.

Most of these people are mages, some are dragon monks, and there are some rare other players with displacement classes and special props.

They flashed quickly and soon surpassed the thieves.


Some wizards saw that they were slower and began to release spells continuously, and others who were backward followed suit.

Suddenly, the body of the Faceless was covered by various range spells.

"Fuck, who is attacking me? I belong to the XX guild, the second guild in Europe. Give me a face, and I only take one piece of loot." A mage was controlled, unable to move immediately, and said loudly.

A thief was dragged by the spider silk to the mage's side, and he attacked directly, and then a set of taking the mage away: "Selling your paralyzed face, the second guild in Europe is amazing, fuck."

The melee broke out without warning, you attacked me, I attacked you, you killed me, I killed you.

At this moment, in their eyes, except for the people in their own guild, everyone else is an enemy, but there are too few people in the same guild, and almost all of them are enemies.

They started a melee around the body of the Faceless, and the body of the Faceless was isolated into a dead zone by various spells. It is basically impossible to open the body of the Faceless to find loot.

Of course, you can go in, but whoever goes in will die.

As for the invincible knights, they are still far from here, even though they have short legs. And to take a step back, in the face of such a intensive attack, the elements are already in a mess, and even the invincible holy shield technique of the paladin cannot stop it.

They fought, and Li Yao, who had rushed up the first time, didn't know when he returned to Princess Green Dragon.

Li Yao took out two goblet glasses and slowly poured his own collection of ice crown grapes into the quilt. A mellow flavor with an icy breath spreads. The taste is not very strong, but it is very long and very aftertaste.

"Come on, taste it, the hotness of this magma zone, coupled with the sultry heat of the underground, is just right for this cold delicacy."

The green dragon princess took the wine glass with a smile, and gently clinked the glass with Li Yao, and then the two took a sip. There was an illusion of snowflakes around their bodies ~ ~ a cold breath spread.

"Icecrown grapes? When I was a kid, I was naughty. I went to Icecrown Glacier secretly without telling my mother for this kind of delicious grapes. I didn't know the real risks of Icecrown Glacier until I grew up." Green The dragon princess shook the wine glass, her face full of remembrance, but it was only a fleeting moment: "But when it comes to making wine, our dragon clan is not good at it. We can only find it in the bustling mortal world."

"The goddess of ice and snow is one of the strongest gods. Her fall is naturally not easy. It turns the continent into a world of ice and snow, which is very powerful. Even if she falls, the power of heaven and earth has formed one of the highest peaks in the world for her Icecrown Glacier. Compared to her, what is the Lich King." Li Yao shook the glass.

"Sir is really so knowledgeable, even I was told by my mother that I didn't want me to go there to tell me the truth. Otherwise, the Lich King alone is worthy of being on the ice glacier, and I am in a crater without knowing it. , Is the saddest thing.” The Green Dragon princess said that she shook her head slightly: “It’s far away, you are still in the mood to drink, don’t you worry about the trophies being taken away?”

"It will take a while for this situation to be over." Li Yao clinked glasses with the green dragon again and said with a smile: "This is the trophy for the two of us, and the princess still has the means to do it, when will you? Do it again, when is the time when we take the spoils."...

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