MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1571: 1 force to break the law

The power of the Dragon Attack Artillery was already huge, and with Li Yao's current attributes, it was equivalent to the attack strength of a world-class leader, even more incredible.

The blood light turned into by the flying devil melted like ice and snow, and it disappeared as far as it took to escape and became the body of the flying devil. The blood of the flying devil suddenly dropped to 1 point, and then suddenly rose by one-fifth, obviously It is the life-saving near-death skill that saved a life.

"Ah, I'm not convinced."

The wound on the Feitian Devil's body spouted a lot of blood again, and the wings quickly waved, like a blood-colored light curtain, directly covering a Paladin who had just recovered and stood up.

The Paladin was a hammer of sanctions. The golden light warhammer directly smashed the body of the flying devil into a hole, but his body was directly covered by the foul-smelling blood that seemed to be linked together.

The Paladin uttered a scream that didn't know if it was pain or nausea. The smell of pus and blood was pungent, making people nauseous and dizzy.

What's more, his whole person was covered by this kind of blood. After he opened his mouth and let out a scream, the blood got into his throat.

The Paladin used the Holy Shield technique to deal with Li Yao, and then he was broken by Li Yao with a single arrow and fractured. Now he is finally relieved.

As a result, I thought I still had a chance to wait for an opportunity next to me, but I didn't expect to be used as a blood bank.

The flying devil in this state is too terrifying, it can't be killed by ordinary means. Nor can it be resisted by ordinary means.

Although the paladin used sacred healing, it only allowed the flying devil to absorb more blood.

The Feitian Devil's blood volume has increased wildly, and it has recovered to more than half. What made the players feel disgusting and frightened was that the paladin's skin dampened quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a corpse withered.

At the same time, Edward was not idle. While Li Yaolong fired the cannon, Edward was praying quickly. A purple beam of light enveloped the huge spider, apparently praying for the gods to grant the power and initiate the magic.

Li Yao turned out a few phantoms, bursting arrows with flames shot soaring, directly drowning the Paladin covered by the flying devil.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Masses of flames covered the Paladin, and a large amount of foul blood spattered and melted.

The paladin's shriveled body was also torn apart, and Li Yao's series of attacks completely interrupted the flying devil's last magical skill.

"Take my soul as a guide, sacrifice the endless flesh and blood around me, consecrate it to my god, and pray for my **** to give us guidance. God guide!"

Edward's prayer has also reached the final stage. The spider she turned into is even more powerful, and Edward's staff pointed at Li Yao far away.

A mental idea fell on Li Yao, and Li Yao, who was trying to kill the flying demons, suddenly became an agitated spirit. His mental power was so keen, he suddenly felt the will of the Rose Spider Queen descended on him.

As if above him, the Queen Rose was watching his every move coldly, and Li Yao knew too well.

In the last incident, he completely offended the two goddesses to death. As long as he had the opportunity, he would definitely not hesitate to hunt himself. Now Li Yao has become the most wanted criminal on the hunting list of the Church of the Fallen Elves and the Lion Goddess. The rewards enjoyed are scary.

It is estimated that countless NPC killers want to find a chance to kill him.

Although it was Rose's will, Li Yao could still feel the huge hatred and resentment in it.

"Burn my thoughts, give your strength, burn."

Only Li Yao and Edward could see Rose's meaning and mind and chose to burn his will to kill Li Yao.

Edward was even more surprised. As a prayer who can directly sacrifice sacrifices to obtain the blessing of the gods, she knows the greed of the gods best, offering sacrifices and gaining a small amount of power.

Most of the power of the sacrifice is absorbed and used to strengthen itself. It is almost impossible to burn one's will and the sacrifices collected to help the sacrifice.

However, she saw it now that the items she sacrificed this time only allowed Rose to add a little bit of strength, but Rose's burning meaning and mind could be compared to the consumption of hundreds of such sacrifices.

It is absolutely unprecedented to burn God's mind to help the sacrifice. It also shows how much this **** hates the opponent he deals with. It is not easy to be hated by the Lord God alone.


Li Yao felt his hair standing upside down, his eyes flickered, and the mental power in his mind was turbulent.


Several of Li Yao's bodies suddenly burned with orange flames, and instantly collapsed and dissipated.

Li Yao had lingering fears, but fortunately he did not summon all the phantoms, but left three.

After being locked, Li Yao summoned three phantoms at the moment his body burned, and then moved and replaced with his own phantom three times in a row, so that the last phantom was not burned.

Li Yao stepped in the air again, growing lotus step by step, and the phantom appeared again.


Rose's thoughts let out an unwilling roar, and they broke apart, but there was no way. She really didn't expect Li Yao to react so keenly. In that moment, she found a way to crack his attack. She burned a little thought and didn't kill Li. Yao, as the top **** in the world, she is even more angry.

A little bit of ashes imprinted on Li Yao's body again, and he couldn't hide it, but Li Yao would not care about it a second time. This time the world was absorbed by the touch of darkness.

"You two, let me go."

Some residual pus and blood around the fragmented Paladin gathered after just being rewashed, and finally gathered together in a dying struggle and turned into a bat.

Seeing Li Yao looking around the paladin's corpse, he couldn't help but want to escape completely. He knew that he had lost the qualification to fight for the spoils.


A bat becomes a large number of bats, scattered one after another, flying away in different directions.

"Can you escape?"

Li Yao didn't hesitate the bow and shoot the arrow, this time only one arrow.


The arrow shot a bat, and the figure of the flying devil appeared, his face was full of reconciliation: "How is this possible, my Thousand Transfiguration Bat can be fake and real, exactly the same as the main body, only hit the main body to kill me, how can you ..."

The words of the Flying Devil hadn't finished yet, and the white light of the soul had already flown.

"No matter how true it is, it is also false. No matter how false it is, you can find out if the killing is true. There are no spells that can escape my eyes, but it doesn't include you."

Li Yao turned his head and looked at Edward, who was also retiring.

Indeed, Edward has no intention of fighting, and she has not touched Li Yao at all in the confrontation. The only spell that could be encountered, even the gods burned their minds, but in the end they still didn't meet Li Yao.

And she is still alive, not because of how skilled she is, but because Li Yao put the primary hunting target on the Flying Devil. Once the Flying Devil dies, she knows that she can't cope with the endless suffocating despair. s attack……

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