A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! (猫扑 Chinese) This flute is not easy, but there are several treasures of werewolves, mainly blessing effects, and it is a powerful blessing different from generals and soldiers .

Although it is not a weapon, it is definitely not worse than a powerful weapon, and even more important in some cases.

The only drawback is that it can only be used once a month, and after using it, a lot of moonstone charging is required, which is that the entire werewolf kingdom will not easily use it.

But the effect is also extremely overbearing. According to different tunes, various attributes can be blessed, and the overall attributes of the soldiers can be improved by 50%, and a strong morale bonus will be obtained.

As for the general, the general can recover all injuries and conditions, and transform himself into a super werewolf form, increasing the overall combat effectiveness by 200%.

The main problem is that this kind of buff lasts for a long time without any sequelae.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of the werewolf.

The human general's complexion changed. The news that he was a werewolf was not known to a few people even in the human kingdom. Even people in the same camp thought he was a human.

What made him even more ugly was that since Li Yao knew that he was a werewolf, he must know his true identity as the prince of the werewolf kingdom and the first heir of the werewolf kingdom.

The Werewolf Kingdom is not a pure werewolf. It was produced by human mutation. He and the leader of the bright camp were one of their best friends when they were young. When the prince was tied to his own play, he was not free, so he became a human being. General.

And the flute was only available to the werewolf royal family, and it didn't take long to get it. Few people knew his identity, even fewer people knew the flute, and only one or two people knew that he was holding the flute.

This kind of top-secret news, Li Yao knew, how the werewolf general could not be frightened.

Li Yaosi did not look at the face of the werewolf prince, and turned to the archangel: "The archangel is also very humble. As far as I know, your identity is not an ordinary archangel. You used to compete with the archangel in power. The fierce man in the position of the archangel, as long as you regain the heavens, you will definitely become one of the archangels. Your natal weapon, the tower of power has not been unveiled, otherwise, how could you be so embarrassed."

This time it’s the turn of the Archangel’s face to change. You must know that what Li Yao said are also high-level secrets. Let alone Li Yao’s people from different camps. No one knows even the same camp. The angels of heaven know that he has conquered. There are even fewer people in the position, and most of them are now dead. This top secret is also known by Li Yao, a general of the dark camp, how to prevent him from frightening.

"Don't talk about you, this is the general Jackal. It looks very useless. Several people may think he is not worthy of being compared with you, but don't believe that this man is hidden deep. He has a bloodthirsty bead. , You can quickly restore your state, and can be used multiple times in a row. There is also a source blood **** armor, which can make his defense power reach the point of abnormality. However, look at him now, even the magic throat can suppress him, You can imagine why."

Chief Bloodhoof saw Li Yao looking at him, and said quickly: "I said you don't want to make a move, but you can't even shake out my old bottom."

As one of the leaders of the dark camp, he directly admitted that he also has a secret.

The players were in an uproar. A few people were already fierce enough, and there are still secrets that have not been displayed. Obviously, they can bear it in the eyes of a few people. They also lament the profound background of these guys. Many people regret that if they can blow them up. Up.

"The chief can rest assured that I am also a member of the dark camp, so naturally I will not reveal my own cards." Li Yao said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I know your kid has some ways." Chief Bloodhoof breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

The other leaders were anxious, but also very helpless, and could only smile bitterly. Although they did not show the final hole cards, they no longer hide themselves. They suddenly became fierce and fierce, without the slightest sluggishness of being suppressed.

"Hey, General Jackal, it seems that what I said is not detailed enough. If you want me to tell the specific effects of your two treasures, you will be willing to solve this magic throat."

Li Yao said loudly in the distance that he wanted to participate in the battle with the demon commander now, but there was no way. Even though his attack power was world-class, his other attributes such as agility were still far behind.

Li Yao is confident that he can compete with world-class leaders, but he is still far from facing an extraordinary opponent.

Joining the battle rashly will inevitably become the key hunting target of the magic commander.

Therefore, Li Yao exposed their trump cards and forced them to do their best. Li Yao threatened to explode the specific attributes that seemed to be addressed to the jackals, but actually to the leaders of several other camps, in order to make them work hard. Fight and completely contain the demon commander.

As long as the Jackal killed the Demon Maw and joined the battle with the Demon Commander, that would be the best time for Li Yao to take action.

Of course, he focused on stimulating the Jackal General ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The main purpose is to make the Jackal go crazy and kill the Demon Maw, then just like he killed the Faceless, the Jackal is the greatest military achievement. , The others are supporting roles and support.

In this way, Li Yao doesn’t have to take the risk of making everyone hostile and join the battle with Demon Maw to eliminate other guilds who are eligible for the first kill. And, as Li Yao said, Demon Maw will not drop too much. Good things are golden quality at best, which doesn't match the eyes of his leader.

Sure enough, a fierce light flashed in the Jackal's eyes after hearing Li Yao's words.

A red bead flickered on his body, and all his injuries recovered instantly, and even his arm that had been chopped off was restored to its original flexibility and strength.

Then a layer of armor covered with weird runes appeared on his body. The armor looked extremely ugly, like a crappy armor pieced with rotten wood.

But the moment the armor was on the Jackal, a desolate and ancient breath filled the Jackal.

Originally fighting with the Devilmaw, the Jackal was suppressed and focused on dodge.

But now facing the attack of the Demon Maw, he did not evade in the slightest, and a throat opened directly to swallow the Jackal.

As if a snake swallowed a mouse, just when the players thought that the jackal was big, the long throat tube that swallowed the jackal was so tough that the golden equipment was constantly cut.

For a time, the blood rain splashed, the magic throat screamed, and dozens of throats crazily wrapped around the Jackal General.

General Jackal still didn't evade, he was directly wound into zongzi by dozens of throat pipes, bound by the inner three layers and the outer three layers, and tightened crazily, making a harsh sound.

The battle here has attracted everyone's attention, and they all want to see the result of the battle, because it will directly affect the victory of both sides...

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