MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1599: Reversal game

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The molten mountain dragon was finally hit by the fortunate weakness, the void crossbow was submerged in the flesh and blood, and the molten mountain dragon was pulled down.

The people who controlled the bomber guns had been waiting for a long time. They quickly adjusted the angle and fired.

Vibrating against the ruins, a cyan light group spouted from the huge muzzle, and the light group was not big at first.

But as it speeded, endless wind elements gathered, and then it was like a gust of wind howling.

It was like a huge green mountain hitting the molten mountain dragon.


The frantically condensed wind elements formed a ghost and collided with the molten mountain dragon, and the huge body of the molten mountain dragon gave a slight pause.

Then countless rocks shattered, and the core light group directly hit the molten mountain dragon's body and burst directly.

This time a large pit appeared on the surface of the melting mountain dragon, and people with sharp-eyed mental powers could see a smaller golden light group inside the cyan light group.

As the cyan light cluster on the surface burst, the golden light cluster also exploded, and some cracks appeared on the shell during the magma collapse.

The first is hundreds of damages. This is the outermost layer. The damage caused by the wind condensed in the course of the cyan projectile is not high, but in fact there are at least dozens of multiple damage figures, at least caused. Two to thirty thousand injuries.

The explosion of the cyan shell on the second layer directly caused 35,000 damage. The explosion in the innermost layer not only caused more damage, but also directly caused a damage figure of 80,000.

The people who controlled the bombing cannon even cheered, as if some feat had been completed.


Li Yao, who had just taken a sip of the wine, sprayed the wine, spraying the soldier directly in front of him.

"What's the matter, hundreds of thousands of damage, isn't it very high?" Tongtong said puzzledly.

"It's very high. Compared to a few dozen points, it is a lot of damage, but compared to the 10 billion HP of the molten mountain dragon, it is really... and the bombardment can be a treasure of the town with this power. What?" Li Yao shook his head slightly.

Although this kind of result had long been expected, Li Yao still had a ridiculous feeling when seeing these artifacts using ordinary magic crystal cannon effects. It is estimated that there are 10,000 grass mud horses galloping above the heads of several world leaders.

More than that, the whole body of the archangel is trembling, what a good chance, the result will actually be this kind of result, hundreds of thousands of injuries, Nima’s, and the blood of the melting mountain dragon is around 100,000 per second. .

The werewolf prince screamed and turned into a werewolf form. He really couldn't help running away, his eyes crimson looking at the stupid man controlling the bombing cannon. This Nima is simply a shame.

"Damn, you idiots, this hurt, cheers, hurry up and seize the opportunity."

The werewolf prince is going crazy, he doesn't know the so-called, it's shameful that the town's artifact allows them to control these scum, but this is the decision made by the three of them to reject the dark camp, and they can only recognize it.

These people are stupid. Isn't the hundreds of thousands of injuries less.

But they didn't dare to say anything. The werewolf prince turned into a werewolf form and his eyes were red. They had no doubt. If they dared to speak more sophistry, they would probably tear themselves to pieces in the next moment.

Can only continue to control with sweat.


Nearly a minute later, the second cannon was finally fired, and the cannonball hit the place where the first cannonball hit, which was fairly accurate.

The damage caused was nearly a hundred thousand more than the first method. The werewolf prince was speechless, and several leaders were speechless, messy in the wind.

They are no longer able to complain, and the melting mountain dragon has stood up again.

"You are free to play." The werewolf prince didn't know what to say anymore, killing them, this is slapped himself in the face.

As a result, the Void Crossbow continued to want to pull down the Molten Mountain Dragon, while the Boom Mountain Cannon began to roar continuously, causing hundreds of thousands of damage to the Molten Mountain Dragon. However, the blood volume of the Molten Dragon still did not decrease.

Several leaders gathered together in silence, and they had already prepared for the worst.

"No matter what you think, in the end this one became a stinky move. I have ordered the army of the dark camp to retreat." Bloodhoof said with a pained expression.

The other three leaders looked embarrassed, but they still had a glimmer of hope, and they couldn't blame Bloodhoof. They had listened to the words of other players and made this out in order to prevent the recruits of the dark camp from taking the lead.

Now that Bloodhoof retreated, they naturally knew that it was the right choice.

It's just that they are not reconciled. The Molten Dragon is going to go. They are the winners and their face is perfect.

The result was that they had to keep the Molten Dragon, and now the Molten Dragon was annoyed, and even the demon commander's command to leave it was ignored.

And their plan with high hopes was nothing but a tickle to the melting mountain dragon, it was a joke.

They can't cause real harm to others. Instead, they have to lose millions of troops. Even if they are recruits, it doesn't sound good to say.

And they were still defeated in embarrassment, this Nima was embarrassed.

But let the three of them admit that they were wrong. If they are other leaders of their own camp, they will admit it. However, it is a union between the camps. They represent not only themselves, but also the face of the whole camp~www are you proud of, even if the so-called Liaoyuan control is the same as theirs. Even if he is more precise, what's the use, don't make you a little wrong, if it weren't for that Liaoyuan proposed this plan, how could we get into such a passive situation. "The head of the jackal directly passed the responsibility to Li Yao.

Although the archangels and werewolf princes of the neutral camp didn't say anything, they stood behind the jackal general, which had shown everything.

Rao Bloodhoof has always been a good-tempered old man who couldn’t help but get angry: "Let’s not say that Liaoyuan’s proposal is incorrect, but that’s just a proposal. The final decision is us. We actually want to transfer the responsibility to a recruit, you one by one. Yes, ha ha."

Bloodhoof left without waiting for them to speak. The werewolf prince and the archangel looked at each other, sighed and left worriedly.

The Werewolf General showed a treacherous smile, and said to himself: "A combination of factions is not monolithic."

General Jackal slowly returned to the front of his army, as if he had won the battle.

Just when the leaders of several camps almost fell out, the Molten Dragon swept through all obstacles in front of him, slaughtered and destroyed countless soldiers and machinery, and finally came to the front of the forbidden air crossbow and bombing cannon.

Although they are artifacts of the country, they are as fragile as tofu in front of the molten mountain dragon.

The melting mountain dragon smashed the ruins directly into the sea with one claw, not to mention the so-called artifact of the country.

The Molten Dragon was already extremely angry, and his target was the artifact in the second row. Although it was still blocked by countless long-range attacks, it was nothing more than a tickle to him.

When the magic commander saw this situation, she stopped and continued to control the mountain melting dragon to leave. She thought the game was lost, but she did not expect the mountain melting dragon to flip the game...

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