MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1603: Xiaolonglong eating candy

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The second hit caused more than 50,000 damage, and the third time was more than 40 million damage.

In less than half a minute, it caused more than 100 million damage to the melting mountain dragon. It seemed that it was far from the 10 billion-plus melting mountain dragon, but it was a shopping on the shoulder, the back of the neck, and the other shoulder.

The three times were not only damage, but also restricted the violent actions of the Molten Dragon. Each time it seemed to be a minor injury, but each damage restricted the actions of Molten Dragon to a certain extent.

The Molten Dragon is large in size, but the load is equally large, and such a huge trauma has greatly reduced the power of his two front paws.

Originally, the underground world collapsed, the sea was flooded, and the players were on top of a ruin.

These ruins are only temporarily stable, and will basically collapse when facing the front claws of the melting mountain dragon, giving the melting mountain dragon a way to destroy the two kinds of artifacts of the country, and it can attack the coalition forces.

But now, it's good for the two claws to maintain a balance, and basically can't destroy the ruins.

In other words, Li Yao directly abolished the Molten Mountain Dragon's offensive method three times, and the Molten Mountain Dragon can only rely on his dragon's breath to punish those who provoke him.

But the problem is that his dragon's breath also has CD time. There are no two claws. On the one hand, his attack power has dropped. On the other hand, the molten mountain dragon has lost the possibility of destroying the ruins and attacking the main force of the coalition.

Moreover, more than six nodes were destroyed, the magic ability was basically sealed, and it was basically abolished here.

It would be fine if the land melting mountain dragon was directly crushed, but most of his body is now in the sea, and crushing is impossible.

Of course, he still has another way, which is to roll over, and he can also crush it. However, there is an Uldaman on his back, as well as the demon commander and his millions of elites.

In other words, Rongshanlong has no means to threaten the coalition forces. To put it bluntly, the coalition has already won, and the melting dragon will either go or be bombed to death.

"Liaoyuan, I refreshed my knowledge of you time and time again, every time I think I recognize you, but you surprise me every time, very good, very good." The magic commander floated in the air, his face cold.

Regardless of the fact that the two sides will basically not have much casualties, but the name of victory and defeat is very important whether it is for the coalition forces of the camp or the low demon.

If it wins, the demon commander will have unparalleled prestige. At that time, many people will feel that several camps may not be so powerful, and it will be easier for him to develop his own power without being played by the demon commander.

She didn't try to force it too deliberately, because her main purpose was achieved.

It was the coalition forces of the faction that attempted to kill the Molten Mountain Dragon, but was photographed by the Molten Mountain Dragon for a while, and the coalition forces had nothing to do. This allowed the Demon Commander to see hope.

I thought that in a few minutes, the victory would belong to her, but when she was about to win, it was this person who destroyed her victory again.

"Unfortunately, what you see is not all." Li Yao said unceremoniously.

"Hahaha, you are crazy, but you have to say that you have the qualifications to be arrogant." The demon commander calmed down: "This game, you have won, but be careful, you have become my heart and me Quite a good enemy, I wish you good luck, and wish nothing will happen to your territory."

"Threatening me, I'm so scared. If you want to kill me, either I look down on you, or if you want to kill me, it may not be so easy. What's more, other dregs can only give me food. As for my territory, they are free. Panic, just let them gain military merit and help me train. I am looking forward to it." Li Yao adjusted the bombing cannon: "And you threaten me, you can only let the melting dragon bear more of my anger."

"Don’t pretend. With your skills, you can control the boomerang gun every five or six seconds. But since you haven’t fired the gun for more than half a minute, you can cause damage. You must hit the melting dragon, but the melting dragon is consciously defending. In this case, you can’t find the flaws of the lava dragon at all. As for destroying the rock formation, waiting for the magic ability of the lava dragon to recover, the rock formation is not a problem." The magic commander said with a slightly curled mouth: "So, you don’t have to win. If I don’t leave, the outcome of the game is still unknown."



The Molten Dragon kept roaring, his eyes looked at Li Yao very humanely, and his eyes were full of mockery.

"Really, then you can be optimistic, you don't think that the forbidden air crossbow is a decoration."

While Li Yao was speaking, Li Yao's Phantom had adjusted the air forbidden crossbow and launched it directly.


When the Molten Dragon did not react, a light arrow had already penetrated his upper lip. At this angle, it could not hit his upper lip anyway.

But he roared angrily and gave a chance, and Li Yao was also waiting for this chance.

"Children, pull me up diagonally." Li Yao shouted.


At this time, everyone discovered that the other point of the illusory arrow is not the Starfire's army, but the air force.

Following Li Yao's order, a large number of green dragons, flying dragons, and spellbreakers worked together.

The big mouth of the lava dragon was originally wrapped in the rock formations and was pulled apart with the force of countless air The mouth of the lava dragon opened very wide and was temporarily stable.

"Give you a candy."


At the same time, Li Yao's long-awaited bombing has also fired.

"damn it."

The magic commander's complexion changed wildly, her eyes flickered, a cloud of black energy appeared in her hand, and the staff floated in the black air: "Block it for me."

When the cannonball traversed a beautiful arc and was about to enter the melting mountain dragon's mouth, Hei Qi took the staff and blocked it in front of the cannonball.


There was no collision or explosion as expected, the whirlwind directly engulfed the staff and black energy, and fell into the mouth of the melting dragon along with the certificate.

At this moment, the Molten Dragon also broke free from the entanglement of the air forbidden crossbow in horror, and closed its mouth.

Xinghuo's air force suddenly lost its strength and went into chaos, but there were no casualties.

Of course, no one is paying attention to the Air Force at this moment. Everyone is staring at the mouth of the melting dragon.


There was a crazy rubbing sound, and then a muffled noise.

The mouth that had just been closed by the molten mountain dragon opened again, and everyone saw the blue light first, and then a golden beam of light rushed out of the molten mountain dragon.

Accompanied by the golden beam of light, there are a large number of magma-like flesh and blood and broken lava dragon teeth.

Then there was the painful howl of the Molten Mountain Dragon, whose tone changed.

Although the Molten Dragon is a mountain, even if it is not the shell itself, it is as difficult to shake as a mountain, but he is not a complete elemental creature after all.

He has flesh and blood, but his skin is too thick to be seen and hurt, but his mouth is different.

Is his tongue tough? Naturally tough, but presumably the shell is nothing. This is his most vulnerable place, no one.

At the same time, some incredible damage figures floated from the mouth of the melting mountain dragon.

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