MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1609: Choice

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Of course, Li Yao does not need it, but other members may not need it.

Although these people in the Starfire Group are the first to settle the top level of the players, in fact there are still big flaws, at least it takes a lot of time to make up.

However, as long as you choose the first reward, you can completely shorten the process. Of course, it is similar to the enchanting girl. It is estimated that the second choice will be more suitable than the first one.

This requires different judgments based on your own situation, and Li Yao will not interfere.

So far, the live broadcast is finally over, although many people regret that they did not see the choice of the people of Xinghuo.

But there is no other way. This is related to the secrets and privacy of others, and the official has no right to disclose it.

Li Yao directly chose the third reward and prayed directly.

With Li Yao's choice, everyone around Li Yao disappeared, as if in a gloomy underground palace, in front of Li Yao was a dim statue.

The statue was huge, but it seemed to be enveloped by a layer of black gas, and Li Yao could not see the true face of this so-called creation god.

Even if Li Yao used his own divine eyes, he still seemed to be looking at flowers in the mist, hazy, even Li Yao felt that the face of the creation **** was himself, but after returning to the gods, the face of the creation **** seemed to have become After the moon god, there was even a dim dark starry sky.

Below the idol is an incense burner, and the three-pillar green incense has been burned in the incense burner, indicating that the best product is in place and now you can fulfill your wish.

"System: You look at the statue of the creation god, and you seem to have realized the true meaning of the void text. The creation **** is the incarnation of the dragon of creation, the embodiment of the natural order in the void, and controls the time, space and life creation in the void universe. The source of all the order represented, you are bathed in the divine glory and feel that you have been purified and improved."

"System: Because I am an archaeological master, a special scene is triggered, and the archaeological experience is raised to the apex of the master level."

Suddenly, Li Yao finally understood that the so-called God of Creation is one of the six poles of the universe that represents life and creation and represents the orderly creation dragon.

The Dragon of Creation, the Maharaja of the Void, and the Necro King Pink Skull are all powerhouses of the same class, and they are the top levels of the cosmic void. Those ancient gods and titans are two grades worse than them.

Only true gods are the closest level to them.

And because of his proficiency in archaeology, he triggered the scene, and gained a lot of benefits.

The advantage in itself is that he has gained experience in archaeology. It can be said that Li Yao is only one step away from becoming a master of archaeology.

This creation dragon represents the ultimate in many powers. Among them, Li Yao's resistance to nature has been raised to a level, basically immune to the damage and special effects of natural skills below level 3.

Moreover, Li Yao received the fire of life from the Red Dragon Queen and was strengthened.

The Fire of Life has strong adhesion, burning and contagion, and can increase the amount of blood sucking. When Li Yaogang got it, it was a good method.

But as Li Yao's level increased, especially the acquisition of Star Bow, the Fire of Life became dispensable.

However, now that he was strengthened by the dragon of creation, Li Yao felt that he had gained the power of protection. Although the flame of life attached was not as good as the prince and princess of the dragon clan, it was no weaker than the powerful dragon warriors.

If you have to divide the realm, then the guardian power is divided into several stages, such as young dragon, growth, adult, elite, warrior, prince, and dragon king.

And Li Yao's original fire of life was equivalent to the growth level, and now he has directly crossed several levels and became the fire of life of the warrior.

And Li Yao felt that the fire of life was like an egg, still gestating, not in the strongest state.

At the same time, Li Yao's ability on time has also been strengthened.

Li Yao originally had two time abilities, one is archaeology and the other comes from equipment. The archaeological time slowdown can be slowed by one-third of a second. Now the time slowdown can directly slow down by one second. For Li Yao's level, one second is definitely a big improvement.

More importantly, the time mark that was originally attached to the equipment has now become Li Yao's own skill, and the recordable time has changed from the original twelve seconds to the current one minute.

This is also a qualitative leap. These two enhancements did not directly improve Li Yao's combat effectiveness, but they gave Li Yao unlimited possibilities.

In particular, the mission of the road to the strong gave Li Yao many more choices.

But what Li Yao's important thing is not the mission of the strong road, but the prayer.

"System: The petitioner must finish the prayer before the incense is burned, otherwise it will be regarded as an opportunity to give up the prayer."

The prompt of the system made Li Yao completely regained his senses and stopped observing the God of Creation. His current strength is unclear and normal. It is still important to reward him. Although he has been promoted, he has also gained proficiency in the void text, but no one dislikes it. Don’t you have a lot of rewards?

"System: According to the current status of the prayer, the wish is divided into several categories: equipment, attributes, skills, profound meaning, road of law, mind and eye experience, pets, and mechanical pet production.

In his last life, Li Yao didn't have the chance to get the blessing of the top big guys in the, but he still saw other people's flaunting posts on the forum, so probably the process is also known, and this is not complicated.

"Choose mechanical pet production." Li Yao chose without hesitation.

He doesn't need to equip him, and he can't get the artifact if he wants it, but it may not be a good thing if he is too weak to get it. Attributes, he is strong enough, and he has his own way to improve.

He has no shortage of skills, and so is the profound meaning. The gust of wind and rain has not yet fully analyzed it, and it is useless to require too much profound meaning.

The way of law, he is not even a demigod, and the argument is too early to grasp. The power of mind and eye is actually a special illusion. It can also be understood as a personal copy that only belongs to him. It is of no use to him. He also obtained it in the later period of his last life. Now he does not need to hone his skills in this way.

As for pets, Li Yao is not short of him, he wants to catch him maliciously.

It's a bit difficult to make mechanical pets. It's not that Li Yao can't make them by himself, but he can only make fire eagles at the level. Moreover, fire eagles are still lucky and cultivated to obtain high intelligence, but fire eagles are already at the bottom of his pets.

If you want a good mechanical pet, you still need a good mechanical pet production drawing. Without the blessing of the drawing, he is willing to make those pets with poor results, but it is a defective product.

He naturally knows where to produce the blueprints, but now he is not at the full level, and he has no access to those places, and he has too many things now, and he has no time to look for them in a short time.

Territory and abyss are both troublesome, and he can't always be the shopkeeper. And the road to the strong is imminent in the near future, the first thing to deal with to complete the dungeon is the matter of the Withering Sun Legion, handling these things is estimated to be more than 100 peak levels.

And now getting a crush-level mechanical pet is helpful for these things...

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