MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1612: Wings of the Valkyrie

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Valkyrie is an important member of the Guardian organization.

The Titans sealed the ancient gods and completely transformed the world. In order to allow the world to develop according to their ideas, and want the star souls of this planet to nurture a powerful Titan, there was a guardian.

Among the guardians, one of them used his own means and power to conquer the other guardians, and he claimed to be a **** king.

In addition, the Hall of Valor, which was built, is similar to heaven, and is a small void space.

The most important force under him is the Vrykul. The Vrykul is huge in size, brave and good at fighting, even after death.

That's right, the heroic soul of the powerful male Vrykul after death will become a powerful heroic warrior.

After the death of the powerful female Vrykul, the soul will have two forms, one is the golden Valkyrie.

Among them, most of the Val'kyr around the queen came from the Hall of Valor, but they were transformed into the dead Val'kyr.

The other form is similar to the heroic warrior, the Valkyrie.

The Valkyrie is also the earliest constructed warrior. A powerful structure made the Valkyrie the most powerful combat army in the Hall of Valor.

This structure can conceal the state of the Valkyrie's soul, turning it into an extremely powerful state that looks like an entity, and combines the characteristics of armor and machinery.

The key is to suit Li Yao very well, this is the most important point.

This part alone took Li Yao nearly a day. Li Yao looked at himself in the mirror and smiled.

The gray touch of darkness that looked like angel wings has changed a lot, like the spiked shoulder armor of a metal elder.

It's just that the shoulder armor and metal spikes are filled with fine runes, and dim rays of light circulate on the shoulder armor.

Although not as beautiful as Meteor’s domineering appearance, it is also introverted, which is a relatively common and low-key type.

Li Yao was quite satisfied. He was too lazy to get a fancy look. If it wasn't that the spikes and runes could not be removed, he didn't even want to have these, just an ordinary shoulder.

Li Yao smiled slightly and activated his wings. A huge dark purple metal wing suddenly unfolded. The wings were lifelike, full of metallic texture, and very gorgeous.


The wings stirred, and countless dark purple feathers flew like a sharp arrow, directly submerged in the walls of Li Yao's laboratory. You must know that these walls are magically strengthened by the high elves. They are very strong, but under the feathers they are just like ordinary The walls are just as vulnerable.

Wings of the Valkyrie

Quality: Legendary construction

Flying bonus speed bonus: 560% (requires flying riding skills, currently only short-term flying or gliding)

Sensitivity: 25%

Strength: 20%

In an instant of beauty, the feathers on the wings can bloom like an epiphany, like a sharp arrow, and the feathers will recover five every three seconds.

Defending the way, the edge of the wings and the blade are unusually like magic weapons, and the structure is blessed by runes. It can be deployed like a weapon to fight, and when it is converged, it can wrap itself like a cocoon to defend against attacks.

The whirlwind charge can swing its wings and drive the whirlwind to impact the target. The maximum distance is two, five or six yards, causing stiffness and dizziness, and releasing three feathers at a time.

Equipped by: Liaoyuan

Li Yao narrowed his wings and was very happy, much better than he expected.

First of all, there is a 560% flying bonus. You must know that the best purple combat flying mounts bought from the official website also have a 320% bonus.

Generally speaking, just at the level, even if you learn flying riding skills, the flying mounts you buy will only have a 120% bonus, which is not even as fast as a good land riding mount.

If you want a faster flight speed, you must find a better mount yourself.

Of course, being able to fly and not being able to fly are completely two concepts. Many obstacles can be removed after flying, and many closed maps will be truly open.

But speaking of this, the Black Dragon Queen is the top flying mount, but being able to fly by herself is also very important. His wings are his flying mount.

Then there is the addition of agility and strength. This is the attribute that Li Yao wants most. His agility has reached a bottleneck. Adding this quarter of agility allows Li Yao to see the hope of six arrows in one second. Just increase the sensitivity by about 15%. And the increase in agility gave him a lot of room for flickering.

Needless to say, the strength bonus is naturally. No one dislikes his own strength. Li Yao can now completely suppress the young mountain giant without activating the dragon father's power, let alone the infant mountain battle that the player transforms into.

Originally, as the main general, Li Yao was a little worried about attacking Desom. It seemed that he was commanding it. However, the ancient god’s war mode not only meant that the commander had greater power, but the most powerful enemy basically needed the commander to face. .

Just like the last war, the demon commander has always been a big boss from several camps.

This attack requires oneself to withstand, especially when he has just become the commander of the Withered Sun Legion, just when he needs to establish prestige.

The ancient gods are strong in the world. If you are not strong enough, even if no one can seize the position of commander of your army, but his subordinates are not convinced and despise him ~ This will have a great impact on him.

The attack power is basically enough. This time increasing the agility and strength he needs most, and also increasing his confidence. The opponent to deal with this time is a monster. Li Yao could not help being careful, otherwise there is no need to improve in such a hurry. Yourself.

Moreover, the special effects that follow gave Li Yao a little surprise. Although it's not a great special effect, it is very practical and will not be outdated.

Instant Fanghua has a long-range attack ability. There are a total of 1,080 feathers on the two wings, which are made by Li Yao one by one. Each of them is very sharp, and it is not weaker than his own arrow power at medium and short distances.

It can be released one by one, or just like the name of the special effect, Fanghua releases more than a thousand feathers in an instant, just like an epiphany. It is definitely a big killer, and it is also a mass killing.

The meritorious deed is equivalent to two more melee weapons. Li Yao's design can even equip the death sickle on the wings as a weapon.

The defense is to wrap yourself up with wings. Although the power is not as good as the invincible skill, the victory lies in flexibility. It is like two huge shields that do not occupy arms. The more important thing is not only does not affect the agility and mobility, but also allows Li Yao to fight. The way is more flexible and changeable, and the real offense and defense are both.

The whirlwind charge is also very good. Li Yao has an extra displacement skill that is better than the fighter charge, and the distance is many times stronger than the charge. The key is that as long as there are enough feathers, it is equivalent to continuous. charge.

According to different situations, it is very practical whether it is used to chase and fight or escape from battle.

After experimenting to get acquainted with the various functions of wings, Li Yao began to devote himself to the production of magic mecha...

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