MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1622: Arrogant

Li Yao came to the forefront of the plundering army, and saw the sound of killing in the distance. It was obvious that a guild or team had taken the task here and was fighting with the undead army that suddenly appeared.

Unlike the wandering zombies, this time it is the regular army of the undead, the standard ghouls are matched with the abominable army of meat grinders, and the air force is 10,000 elite gargoyles.

The Gargoyle is the standard air force of the Air Force of the Undead Army. It is an alchemy product. The undead controls countless resources, making the Gargoyle an army, an absolute powerful air force.

Ten thousand gargoyles in the sky and tens of thousands of unbranded air forces fought together. It is said that it is an unnamed air force because the air force is very rare for toys at this stage.

Unless some guilds have the same type of air force, the mainstream of the air force among players at this stage is a mixed-brand air force.

In fact, it would be nice to have an air force. Some weak guilds do not have an air force.

Although the miscellaneous brand is a miscellaneous brand, the number is displayed. Although the gargoyle is elite, it will take some time to defeat the tens of thousands of miscellaneous brand air force.

The key is the main force of the battle below. Although the Undead Army was originally elite, but the 6th Army, after the heat of the war mode, players are no longer blindly expanding the army.

It's the elite plan. When the Sixth Army has the conditions, it basically doesn't pursue quantity, but begins to focus on quality.

In this mission, not only a team took over the mission, but under the joint efforts of many parties, especially seeing the strength of the other party, the army has already played that you can compete with the undead army.

But in terms of collar, no one can contain the raging huge hatred.

Abomination was originally huge. It was stitched together from the corpses of various creatures, and this abomination was obviously not stitched with ordinary corpses, it was all stitched by powerful monsters, creating his huge size and powerful body, this ghoul Nearly ten yards, powerful.

He ran rampant on the battlefield, as if into a man's land, under the swing of the two huge machetes in his hand, any soldier who stood in front of him was mutilated, and his flesh and blood raged.

He is like a **** whirlwind, and behind him there is an illusory twisted monster, like a shadow, following hatred at the same pace. His methods are mainly corrosion, tentacles and swallowing. With the cooperation of the two, it is really invincible.

"Monster, don't be arrogant, I will fight you."

Under the so-called reward, there must be brave men, not to mention that the army of their team who hates the slaughter, how they are not angry.

A soldier jumped, passing countless soldiers and fell directly.

When he was in the sky, his body swelled directly, and his body became huge. It turned out to be a mountain battle.

However, he was obviously in an advanced form. There were many cyan rock armors on the mountain warfare body, which was more powerful and domineering than ordinary mountain warfare.

"Wow, it's actually an advanced mountain warfare. It's so strong and domineering." A female player sighed, covered in cyan rock and rock armor, indeed mighty: "Brother, look at people, it's faster than your task progress, he At this point, you can get in touch with the strong."

The female player’s brother said unconvincedly: "Road to the Strong, you are kidding, now apart from the people in the Spark Group, have you heard that anyone has started the Road to the Strong quest. But I do hesitate. That branch, this is the branch of the Qingfeng Mountain Battle, the defense is very strong, and it can last more than an hour, the cooling is only one and a half hours, and it can be cancelled at any time, and the cd is calculated separately, which is very strong."


The mountain fell to the ground, cracks appeared on the ground, and dozens of ghouls around were shaken out like rag bags. When they were in the air, the bodies of these ghouls were first rotten because they could not withstand the shocking force. The flesh and blood fell, and then the bones were shattered, and there was a rain of rotting flesh and bones in the sky.

"It's really strong. A single shock can kill a dozen elite ghouls full of blood."

"Fuck it, okay."

The players who watched the game showed admiration. This powerful and overbearing power is the most shocking. Although the technology is good and more pleasing to the eye, the overbearing and powerful attack can most inspire and make people excited.

"It's just a mountain battle, but it's a pity that you are not a real mountain giant, how could you be my opponent of the bone demon."

Loathing means that the bone demon showed a terrifying smile, squeezed the soldier's head in his hand, and watched the battle in the mountains while tasting the blood.

"You are destined to be my military merit only."

Shan Ling Zhan's body glowed with cyan light, and a huge cyan stone ball was condensed on the top of his head. The stone ball eventually became two yards in diameter, and then it was thrown out by the mountain war like a meteor.

Disgusted that one threw away the corpse in his hand, and the two big knives shone with blood.

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

The huge stone ball was directly torn into countless fragments, and the abominable body rushed past at a degree that did not match the body, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the mountain war.

Shan Ling Han, who was condensing the second stone ball, changed his face, and the two stone arms interlaced, directly blocking him.


Abomination and Mountain Range and the body slammed together like a comet hitting the earth.

With the two as the center, a huge shock wave was formed. The soldier who was close to him was shattered suddenly, and the one who was a little further away was also shaken off, vomiting blood.

With two people as the center, it looks like a crater within a hundred yards.

The audience took a breath, and both of them's blood volume dropped by a bit, but the impact was not big, the power of this blow was too great.

"Brother, are you still hesitating?" the younger sister asked in a low voice.

The older brother said blankly: "I will switch to this branch when I go back."

Many players were shocked, this is a duel of pure strength.

"I am not alone."

Abomination sneered, two chains quickly trapped the arms of the mountain war, and the twisted monster behind him spewed a lot of venom to cover the mountain war.

Zi Zi Zi...

The rock armor could not withstand such a strong corrosion, and with the power of the two chains, the body began to crack.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Shan Ling Zhan's hands were trapped, but his feet kept kicking on the body of Abomination. Each foot contained extremely powerful strength, and his blood volume was declining. However, his face was full of resentment and he would not let go.

A large number of tentacles of the twisted monster penetrated into the cracks like rhizomes.


"Damn it, the armor of the earth."

Mountain Warfare was madly absorbing the power of the earth, but those tentacles had penetrated into his body, and the cracks in his body were still increasing.

In less than five seconds, the cracks on his body were as dense as a spider web.


Countless tentacles emerged from the cracks, and the two chains and arms used force at the same time, resenting the mountain war at once...

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