There are many undead with high wisdom, which is also the origin of the undead family.

But these undead are basically dominated by the souls in their lifetime. Although hatred is an undead creature, it is precisely the product of undead alchemy, and it is one of the most successful undead alchemy products.

But although the abominations have wisdom, it is more of the will to fight and kill. As this abomination is so smart, it is almost unique and can be regarded as an anomaly.

Abomination is not uncommon as a hero, but as the main commander, it is really the first time I have seen it, so Li Yao seemed very curious.

Moreover, this guy is not only powerful, but also very treacherous and cunning. With the mutant monster behind him, it really complements each other, and it is no wonder that no one can stop it now.

In particular, Li Yao raised his enthusiasm level to ninth level. This is the limit he can reach now, and he needs to be more careful. Of course, killing the opponent will gain the same great.

Many players who are familiar with Li Yao saw that Li Yao's wings have changed again, and they immediately discussed.

But seeing him fly directly to hatred like this, many people shook their heads in disappointment, almost all the toys in front of them died like this.

"Try to eat me with one arrow."

Li Yao bends his bow in midair like a moon, and shoots an arrow at full power.

The arrow is like a meteor, and the arrow covered with two layers of different flames soars with a dazzling flame tail.

The innermost layer is naturally an arrow. The surface of the arrow flows with a light blue flame, which is attached to the spark, while the outer layer is an illusory crimson flame, which is like a firefly, like a fantasy, this is the enhanced life. the fire.

"Good job."

Disgust stomped on the ground suddenly, and then the chain in his hand flew out.

The tentacles of the abnormal monster suddenly fell on the ground, and the ground suddenly rose up pieces of stones, and the stones splashed and collided with the arrows.

But the stone is too fragile, it will break directly when it encounters an arrow.

Slow to say, but in a moment, a lot of rocks splashed.

When the arrow reached not far from Abomination, the ground suddenly appeared, condensing three tentacles like an electric drill at once.

The tentacles slammed under the arrow like lightning.


The tough, tough tentacles that can shuttle at will, crashing and turning into countless pieces.

But the arrow finally deflected under the attack of the gravel and the tentacles, and the arrow flew past the hatred ear.


There was a miserable howl behind him, and the haters who had not had time to dodge in the far distance let out a scream.

The arrow pierced through more than thirty abominations before stopping, and there was a large transparent hole in the body of these more than thirty abominations. What's more weird was that their bodies were burning with two weird inextinguishable flames, which burned them in the blink of an eye. Layered ashes.

At the same time, the abnormal monster behind him also screamed harshly, and everyone saw that the three broken tentacles he put away were also jumping with two flames, and they were still spreading rapidly.

The abnormal monster decisively abandoned three tentacles, sprayed a large amount of green liquid, and the monster's blood volume suddenly dropped by one-third.

Everyone took a deep breath. This was a race-level leader. It was just a touch of Li Yao's arrow and he lost one-third of his blood. How terrible.

No wonder those sharp-skinned hatreds are so vulnerable.

But the battle did not stop. At this time, the chain of hatred approached Li Yao as quickly as a snake.

And Li Yao didn't evade at all, instead he put away the bow and arrow, and the metal wings spread out to directly envelop himself.


The chain directly hooked the feathers of the wings, and then suddenly contracted, pulling Li Yao, who was wrapped in wings, to quickly approach Abomination, and the big knife in Abomination's hand also began to glow with weird light, apparently accumulating power.

"It's over, Liaoyuan is doing his own death." Some players sighed.

"What's over, is the Hunter King so easy to deal with?" Someone was not convinced.

"Are you a pig? Liaoyuan is strong. There is no doubt about it, but he is strong in his own skills. He is a long-range class, and he is bound to make people close. He is still a camp-level boss, enough to kill him in seconds. ."

"I said, I'm convinced by the Liaoyuan technology, but it's close to this terrifying combination, two fists are hard to beat four hands, this time it is mysterious."

"If you want me to say that he is floating, and I feel great, if he honestly uses his arrows, he will definitely be able to suppress this monster. He wants to get close. Isn't this a death."

"However, how do I feel that Liaoyuan can escape, as if I was deliberately hooked." A player said weakly.

"You can pull it down, who is so stupid."

Players talked a lot, and many people regretted it, but they were more gloating.

Aren’t you ignoring a prairie fire, aren’t you igniting a prairie prairie, just pick us up.

Return the legion commander, this time you see you shame in front of your men, and what face will you have to lead the legion in the future?

Even some masters started to yy, they were dismissed from the army commander after being ashamed of the Liaoyuan, do they have a chance to become the army commander.

Only Li Yao’s guards are as stable as Mount In the Withering Sun Army, these guards have the most say. Although the time following Li Yao is not long, the Uldaman battle not long ago, Li Yao completely convinced them.

Just ask, even world-class leaders can be killed, and they dare to unite with camp-class bosses to deal with the extraordinary and holy demon commanders, and they can control the rhythm.

In the end, he faced the terrifying Molten Dragon and set the victory in one fell swoop. Such a person is not enough to be their legion commander, joking.

"Are you the captain, but, damn..."

Disgust was happy that his plan had succeeded. He saw that Li Yao was about to be pulled to the front and was killed in seconds. Suddenly, he saw Li Yao's wings suddenly burst and flew more than a dozen feathers with scarlet illusory flames.

Although he didn't know the power of feathers, he knew the horror of the flames.

Hastily waved the charged sword in his hand.

With the sword light one after another, followed by the sound of ding-ding.


Disgusted and furious, he found that Feather's strength was so great that he couldn't bear to step back.

"You are dead."

Time slows down!

Whirlwind charge!

The moment time slowed down, everything around him became extremely slow, and the chains entwined with him also stopped.

Li Yao directly launched a whirlwind charge, and Li Yao's body rotated crazily, turning into a fast-moving electric drill under the wings.

Not only that, the metal feathers on his body are like blades.

As Li Yao's rotation, friction with the air made an extremely harsh sound.

The loose chain hadn't fallen to the ground due to time slowing down. As Li Yao spun wildly, it was cut into countless metal fragments by feathers.

And Li Yao's body also rushed out...

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