MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1648: Desom Army

The next day, because of the restoration of the enchantment, the remnants of the sky have been gradually cleared away, and the moon appeared surprisingly last night.

It is a pity that the Silver Moon Forest has become a ghostly land, and no longer has its former glory.

But the morning sun was rising, and the rays of the sun gradually dispelled the strong death energy, giving a hint of life here.

It was very calm last night. Li Yao didn't wait for Darkan to break through the horn, the undead still huddled inside.

Most of the city walls disappeared, and the undead shrank under the protection of the tall building defensive equipment. Although they seemed to be powerful, they felt depressed.

Standing on the side of the ship, Li Yao looked at Desom in the distance and said: "It's a pity. Last night was the last ray of life for Desom’s undead. Although we settled down, we were not firmly established. Even if we didn’t escape, we started. If you attack, it is much better than fighting during the day."

Morrowind's hair was flying in the breeze with a decadent breath, and he also sighed: "Dalkhan is not suitable for leading the army. He is too proud and always refuses to admit his shortcomings, and proud people can only become less and less able to keep up with the times. ."

"Actually, my original plan was to put the Withered Sun Army here, but seeing the situation here, I changed my mind. This place is only suitable for use as a warehouse or a research site. Too many troops are stationed here. Instead, they will cooperate with Dalkhan. It’s the same, the road to death. This is also the undead. If it is another army, as long as it is blocked, the army here will be trapped to death if nothing is done."

Li Yao had made up his mind, and in the end, the base of the Withered Sun Army was still placed in the Windrunner Tower.

"The soldiers have been rectified, and the recruits have taken over the corresponding combat missions." The chief of staff came to Li Yao and bowed in salute.

"If this is the case, then let's fight, the battle is together, and Desom will not stop." Li Yao said.


The desolate horn sounded, and the players who had accepted their respective missions summoned their own troops and set up their formations.

And the Withering Sun Legion also dispatched a lot of people behind the player legion this time, and this action alone showed the determination of this battle.

In the sky, countless air forces have risen, but it is different from yesterday. Today, the Withering Sun has no bombing mission, and the Magic Crystal Cannon is irrespective of the enemy.

And if you go too deep into Desom, the defense machinery on those high-rise buildings, such as powerful trebuchets, can attack the Withering Sun, and the energy consumption will probably be overwhelmed by the Withering Army.

Moreover, it is prone to destruction. The Withered Sun is the treasure of Li Yao and the entire army. It not only represents an aerial fortress, but also represents technology. It is a pity that it is lost.

Therefore, this time with the Kuyang as the center, the air force formed several different formations around the Kuyang to deal with the large number of gargoyles.

The protagonist in the battle yesterday was the air force, but today the protagonist has become the army, which is related to the true victory or defeat.

On the side of the undead, countless gargoyles have also taken off, and the two sides encountered each other at high altitudes, and once again began a fight without a victory or defeat.

The army steadily rushed through the dilapidated city wall step by step, and fought with the undead army of Desom.

The composition of the undead of Desom is more complicated, with a large number of high-level ghouls.

Ghouls are agile in combat and are very effective against crackling classes, but they are a bit weak against plate armor classes, so the elite high-level ghouls do not appear as chargers, but are in the rear.

The first to stand in the front is the army of high-level abominations, and these abominations are all full-level.

In fact, after a long time of fighting, many people are driving the fanatic level, and the level is close to the full level. At least they are above level fifty-five.

There is basically no level suppression. It is not impossible to deal with these legions and players, and the military merits are still high.

Needless to say, the Withered Sun Legion, they themselves are full-ranked trump cards, and their combat effectiveness naturally goes without saying.

And it’s the skeleton army that complements the hatred of the battle. Unlike the cannon fodder skeletons and zombies outside the city yesterday, they are all skeleton warriors, and their bodies are full of bone armor. The weapons in their hands are not bone weapons. They are flexible in shape. Compared with the thick-skinned hatred and defense, it is naturally a tribe, and its life is not outstanding.

But the skeletons are all in bone armor, and there is an iron shield on their arms, allowing them to integrate offense and defense. This huge square also occupies a large defensive area.

The opponent's long-range legion is also good. The main force is the Banshee Army. They are the main spellcasting legion, and the auxiliary is the ghosts. These ghosts can fight air combat, close combat, and long range. They are a relatively comprehensive unit.

In addition, there are many spidermen in the spider kingdom. These spidermen are holding things like bows and arrows in their hands, which are obviously their physical remoteness.

The spider kingdom is one of the branches of the Yakizrom. The ancient gods were sealed. The Zerg once ruled the world. Trolls and Zergs competed for supremacy. The Zergs were defeated and collapsed.

Spider-man stayed in the northern continent and became the wisdom civilization there.

I think the Bianqera Zerg was controlled by the ancient gods, and the spider kingdom broke away from the control of the ancient gods and established its own independent civilization.

With an incomparably brilliant underground kingdom, natural disasters have come, and they have actively fought and fought.

However, the number of spiders is limited, and the number of undead is infinite, and the more you fight, the fewer spider people, and the more undead, the former companions just fought side by side with him, but they crawled soon after they died. Get up and become your enemy.

So the king collapsed, and after his death, he also became the ruler of the undead spiders, and the spider kingdom also collapsed, becoming an important military force for the undead natural disasters. They are good at casting spells and long-range, and of course they also have their own powerful melee’s first trump card is naturally the Death Knights Legion, visually estimated to be about 200,000, and the combat power is absolutely powerful.

In addition, the tall buildings are like city walls, and various defensive machines are already ready to go. As long as the army of the Withering Sun Legion enters Desom for a certain distance, they will reach the attack range of these machines.

This time Desom is a defensive formation, and the Withering Sun is a charge formation.

Players still have many good units in their hands, and there are also many units suitable for assault.

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, the players' assault army madly rushed into the army of hatred and skeleton warriors, and began a fierce battle.

The initial battle has entered a white-hot situation. However, the players’ armies are not too strong after all. After the battle for two hours, the two sides suffered deaths and injuries to each other, and the players’ armies have gradually decreased, or they have completed their missions, or are unwilling to continue to consume. There are fewer and fewer players in the army.

Only the tenacious Legion is still fighting hard, and the main force of the Withering Sun Legion and the elite of Desom are also in contact and colliding for the first time under this situation...

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