MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1652: Sunder Armor

Lord Jiake now has only one feeling, that is, he is uncomfortable, he is so powerful, even in the form of two mountain battle transformations, he cannot be completely restricted.

But coupled with the extremely annoying traps of hunters, even a hunter's trap can only limit him for half a second, or even an instant, can interrupt his attack rhythm.

And those **** hunters kept trying to attack his eyes with guns, and he had to protect them with two pointed claws.

What was even more frustrating was that the two huge mountain battles had no weapons, a huge shield in each hand.

Mountain warfare itself is extremely strong rune rock, coupled with two huge shields, whether it is his sharp horns or his claws, the threat to mountain warfare is not too great.

Especially for the six treatments in the rear, four of which are dedicated to taking care of the blood volume of the two mountain battles. The blood of the mountain battles will be filled up immediately after falling. Don't mention the aggrieved aggrieved heart of Lord Jiake.

It's not that he hadn't encountered a powerful opponent. For example, in his last battle, he was killed by a powerful death knight with a magic weapon.

Then he was transformed into the form of a necromancer, and he also obtained the frost armor, plus his armor, that was really what he wanted. Afterwards, there were countless battles with the Scourge, each time they crushed their opponents, and they only brought endless despair to their opponents.

Li Yao is very strong, he will not be blindly arrogant, and he has also thought about the situation if Li Yao summons the Black Dragon Queen to fight him, but in any case he never thought it would be so uncomfortable.

Speaking of damage, his blood volume is still full up to now, but the rhythm of the battle is not under his control. This feeling and situation makes him not touch the ground.

The commander of the Withered Sun Legion didn’t look strong, but his arrows were so weird. Although he only released an arrow from the beginning until now, and then relied on his mouth, he has always guarded against the weak chicken legion’s arrow. .

What made him extremely embarrassed was that every command issued by the legion commander seemed to restrain his actions, and whenever he wanted to release his opponents, the opponent would always find out in time.

Even if he kept covering up, he still couldn't escape the other's eyes.

Coupled with the limitation of his melee combat methods, he is really unable to advance or retreat.

At this time, the Jiake army also broke through the Cyclops' defense line. But before Lord Jiake had time to be happy, the Demon Tyrannosaurus Legion had already rushed over.

Although the beetle is still a bit more elite, after all, it is close to the trump card, but the devil's tyrannosaurus body is huge and infected by the blood of sin, the physique is strong and the body is huge.

Devil's claw attack is not only sharp, but also the corruption of sin blood, as well as the ability to **** blood, coupled with the sharp teeth and huge body, it actually hits the beetle army with vivid colors.

What made them even more embarrassed was that the beetles found that they could not burrow. Their most powerful ability was to burrow, and then suddenly emerged, piercing the soft abdomen of the enemy with the sharp corners of their heads.

But now they found that the earth seemed to be extremely strong. They couldn't drill into the ground at all, and they were not completely unable to drill down. But at that speed, they were probably killed by the enemy when they slowly drilled holes.

In the distance, the body of the mages of the Ten Thousand Dry Sun Legion was shrouded in purple light, and a huge rune array seemed to be floating above their heads, casting collective spells.

This is their collective cast of a spell that turns soil into stone. Pieces of land are solidified, which is equivalent to a spell that blocked Jiake Borrowing.

Of course, with this spell, the Black Horned Dragon Legion of Starfire can't burrow into the ground anymore, this is mutual.

Seeing that his subordinates were intercepted and unable to rescue him, the Beetle Lord suddenly began to go mad, and the frost gathered around him swirled around his body like wind and snow.

"Let you **** frost new star, let me burst out my accumulated power, you are proud enough."

Lord Jiake's body seemed to be covered in a whirlwind, and the wind and snow turned into a wind knife, making a harsh sound on his body, and the shield in the mountain warrior's hand showed signs of harshness.

"If you like to play with the elements, then play with you. The three shamans also adjust the water element to blend into his whirlwind. The Flame Mage listens to my order and immediately stops casting the spell when the water element gathers."

Li Yao still didn't mean to do anything, with his hands on his back, he wandered leisurely, like an outing.

The three shamans quickly released their totems, and the rich water elements rushed into the whirlwind of the blizzard, and the attacks of the flame mages came to an abrupt end.


The golden armor around the lord Jiake's neck has been burned to red by the continuous fire attack, and now the flame has suddenly disappeared, coupled with the sudden cooling of the snowstorm, and the condensation of countless water elements.

In the case of sudden cold and hot, there was a cracking sound directly.

In the unexpected gazes of everyone, the golden jacket broke and broke away from his body.

Lying trough...

"Heat expansion and contraction, why didn't I think of this method."

"You didn't expect it, I did, but the difficulty is not this at all, but how to ensure that the completion of the plan is slow. That's the point."

"That's right, who doesn't understand the truth? The key is how to complete it. If you change your command, can you determine every move of the boss so accurately."

"I can't, you can."

"If I can, I won't be here to watch others make military merit, but I can start a prairie fire."

"Pay attention to the fire method, now attack the back of the opponent, the position between the two wings." Li Yao said again.

The flame mages continued to attack, and the collapse of the neck armor directly interrupted Lord Jiake's spell, making him furious, and he found that he had fallen into that kind of vicious circle.

He wants to fight and kills people. Every time he releases his skills, Li Yao can always judge in advance. He wants to run, but he can't. He finds that as long as he escapes, he will face the interception of the other two mountain wars, but back Become more passive.

"Courageless rats, but relying on more people, dare not to challenge me alone."

When the Jiake on his back was broken again, he finally couldn't help but yell at Li Yao, he was too aggrieved.

He wanted to burrow into the ground several times, but before every time he burrowed into the ground, he had a frightened kick.

He believes in his instincts, but the current situation is that if he doesn’t drill into the ground to adjust his state, the two broken pieces are his flaws. Although it only destroys the outer ice armor, it can cause a lot of damage to him as long as it starts. , Then this group of people can kill him.

When Li Yao once again commanded the fire method to destroy his third important piece of ice armor, he finally couldn't help but burrow into the ground. Although there was always a feeling of palpitations every time he tried to burrow, he still didn’t want his third. One piece of armor was destroyed, because he knew that when the third piece of armor was destroyed, it was when they hunted him...

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