MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1658: Ranger style

This is the real final battle, and the Withering Sun Legion will do its best.

In fact, from the beginning to the present, in order to preserve the manpower of the Withering Sun Legion, the main force was basically not used, and the main force was more of the background and the role of shock.

The Withered Sun Legion has long been suffocated. The Withered Sun Legion is not an overall army formation, but a comprehensive mixed organization. Convenient for small-scale operations, of course there are also large-scale spell-casting groups, but they are basically in the rear.

In the sky, the Withered Sun suddenly turned its direction. It had been horizontally, and the hull was facing the battlefield. Now it changed its direction.

Now the bow of the ship is facing the front, accelerating directly.

Withered Sun’s shield has been upgraded to level 2, and the protection victory has been greatly improved.

The Withered Sun accelerated directly, and its speed suddenly increased. A large number of gargoyles hit the hull and shield, and powerfully hit countless gargoyles to break and fall.

The gargoyles are very dense in the sky, like a huge truck ramming on the road, and countless gargoyles are blown up.

Below, the magic mecha basically ignored the attacks of the skeleton warlords and haters, and only the banshees can cast a spell to cause substantial damage to the magic mecha.

But the magic mecha is too huge, coupled with fast striding, it is like an earthquake, the skeleton warlord on the ground, hate it, or even the banshee, as long as it is trampled on, it will basically turn into mud.

Moreover, the magic mecha has activated its own shock characteristics this time, and a huge shock wave will appear every step of the way, and each shock wave can at least crush many undead, shaking dozens of hundreds of undead. Although the undead who was shocked were not crushed into meat sauce, they were also broken every inch by the shock. This is the importance of mastering the profound meaning, facing their weaker opponents, they can directly crush and crush them.

Li Yao did not sit idle while standing on top of the magic mecha. The distance-free arrow drew a splendid mark in the sky, destroying one by one defensive machinery in the extreme distance. This time, he naturally used a bursting arrow, plus two This kind of flame burning can basically destroy one with one arrow.

Li Yao specifically selects important positions. Although his personal power is limited, he can only destroy one point.

And compared to killing ordinary undead soldiers, the defensive machinery has a greater effect.

"Damn it, I'm fighting to the end with you. It's just deceiving." Dalkhan just recovered from the blow, and the other party launched a general attack.

Dalkhan didn't expect that he would fail so quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the last moment. There were fewer and fewer cards in his hand. He knew in his heart that it was basically impossible for him to win.

In his opinion, his failure was because he was too careless and didn't think he had made any mistakes. If the other party suddenly had an aerial fortress like the Withered Sun, he could not have failed.

"Fight to the end, it's great, why don't we continue to play, I have watched you for so long, to be honest, it's annoying, it's better for you to die." The black dragon's back was not far from Dalkhan when his body flickered. .

"A flying insect, do you really think you are so great? Don't think I really have no means to deal with you."

Dalkhan's face was savage, and a blue crystal exuding cold air appeared in his hand, and then he suddenly crushed it with force.

A puff of anger enveloped him, and Dalkhan's figure suddenly swelled and turned into a little giant. At the same time, his aura continued to grow stronger, directly crossing the boundaries of the primary world leader and breaking through the level of the intermediate world leader. .

"Tide crystal, such a treasure is so wasteful, it's really a violent thing." The black dragon queen sneered. Countless fireballs gathered behind her, and a fire whirlwind surged all over her body. The huge flame whirlwind raged wildly: "Stupid as you are, Even if I get an increase, it was only a blow in my heyday."

"It's a pity that you are not in a state of heyday." The little giant Dalcan waves surging, like the sea behind him, and endless water elements gather around him.

The color behind the black dragon remained unchanged, and she still walked gracefully and dignifiedly, because she went deep behind the enemy, and a large number of ace undead madly attacked the black dragon queen.

But the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress didn't pay any attention at all. Both the magic of the banshee or the undead that rushed over from the front were all turned into ashes under the whirlwind of flames around her.

And the ground around her is constantly cracking, and a lot of magma gushes out of the cracks from time to time.

Although at this moment the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress is extremely elegant and noble, like the end of the day, the sky is shattered, and the heart is breathtaking, like a queen who controls the power of the earth and magma.

This is as Li Yao's level increases, and the strength of the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen is getting closer and closer to the peak, able to mobilize more and more power and guarding power.

One fire and one water, one represents the earth and magma fire, and the other uses special props to get the support of endless water elements and the sea of ​​communication.

The attack spells of both sides are also handy at hand, or a water dragon, or a hot volcanic eruption, or an endless collision of fireballs and water balls.

The distance of a thousand yards around the two of them felt like the sky broke and the ground broke, forming a forbidden zone. The soldiers, not to mention participating, would be wiped out even if they were accidentally injured by spells.

And hearing Li Yao's reward order, coupled with the main army's all-out attack, many masters finally couldn't help but take risks.

Use continuous displacement skills to move to the top of the innermost building, and then summon soldiers to capture points of military machinery.

Below, the main force of the Withering Sun Legion collided with the undead army. The world was shining brightly by the dazzling magic, and countless magic and arrows passed through the sky.

"Rangers, although we have melee protection, don't forget our tradition, how we hunt and kill trolls, let them taste what is called ultra-long range strike, arrows are like shooting stars."

At the end of the army, they couldn't reach the undead, and all the rangers held their long bows in their hands.


Hundreds of thousands of rangers bent their bows like the Then the endless wind elements condensed, one hundred thousand arrows have suddenly risen into the sky, forming a cloudy cloud, and the massive arrows swept across under the blessing and wrapping of the wind element A huge arc crossed the battlefield where the two sides fought, and landed in the deepest part of Desom.

A large number of undead were shot into hedgehogs by the dense arrow rain.

"Second wave, prepare."

The one hundred thousand rangers just shot arrows, and the second wave of one hundred thousand rangers also began to bend their bows and take arrows. It was another wave of 100,000 arrows from a super long distance.

The 200,000 ranger phalanx released five waves in turn, releasing a million arrows in total. The undead was too dense, causing at least a hundred thousand kills.

The shocking scene numbs the scalp of countless people. At this moment, everyone understands the horror of the rangers. You must know that they are at the end of the army, separated by a huge battlefield of millions of people, such a long-distance arrow rain Sniper, like an arrow covering the sky, truly shows the style of the High Elf Ranger troops.

Although everyone has to rest and regain strength after five times, they are protected by a lot of cockroaches behind the army. They are simply timing harvesters...

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