MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1661: Whose order is so good

The appearance of the death knight army made the already crowded huge valley even more crowded, but with the previous ranger and meteor clearing the field, a lot of places have been cleared.

The death knight army has a square formation of 10,000 people, forming 20 square formations, which are located in different positions in the valley. Dalkhan’s intention is to use the death knight’s charge ability to completely defeat the army formation of the withered sun from different positions. .

You know, too crowded places are also very detrimental to the Withering Sun Legion.

At the beginning he chose to create such a huge valley, and he thought there was a reason why the High Elves couldn't break it.

The high elves are not good at siege, and there is no melee professional protection, plus a valley is not small, but so many troops come in, it seems crowded.

Regardless of whether it is the magic group or the ranger group, basically they will not play to their strengths.

What's even more frightening is that in such a place, if you break into the opponent's army, you can massacre at will, and there is nowhere to run.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that Dalkhan has no fear.

As a result, he encountered the variable of Li Yao. Without mobilizing the blood knight army of the new high elves, he used his own army to make up for the tribes in close combat, and even obtained the Withered Sun, which divided the soldiers into two layers. Only the magic crystal cannon was used to break through the city wall, and the army became the air force, which made up for the serious shortage of the Air Force of the Army of the Sun.

But now everything is meaningless. As long as the death knight breaks through the opponent's line, he will be able to turn defeat into victory. Dalkhan fought against the black dragon dragon queen while cheering himself up.

"See, you can't resist the impact of the Death Knight Legion anyway, the victory will eventually belong to me." Dalkhan cast his spell more urgently and violently.

The black dragon queen disdain: "With your barren wisdom, you will never know my master's strategy, you are ringing the death knell for yourself."

"What nonsense are you talking about, the death knight will charge, and when the charge begins, this place will become the world of the undead." Dalkhan sneered.

"Then you ordered the charge." The Black Dragon Queen knew Li Yao's plan.

"In that case, it's as you wish." Dalkhan sneered: "I wanted to see your desperate expressions. Since you are so impatient, then welcome death."

"Death Knight Legion, prepare to charge, and crush the Hell Withered Sun Legion."

Dalkhan's voice spread throughout the battlefield, and now the wars are intertwined, it is too late to retreat.

Moreover, the players and the Withered Sun Legion that experienced the natural disaster invasion know the horror of the death knight, and they all raised their throats.

This is definitely an army that can turn the tide of the battle. Many people looked at Li Yao who was standing on top of the magic mecha and at the forefront of the battlefield.

They look forward to what decision Li Yao will make, or how to deal with the death knight army, otherwise, the next will become a very, very tragic fight.

But Li Yao didn't do anything, and the death knight still didn't launch a charge.

Dalkhan was very surprised, but he had control of this death knight, and as a result he gave the order, and none of the death knights actually launched a charge.

"Death Knights, listen to my order, launch a charge, and tear me up with the Withering Sun Legion."

Dalkhan yelled loudly again, however, the death knight army remained silent, as if he had not heard his order.

Li Yao's beating voice also spread all over the battlefield: "Hey, it seems that your words don't work well, I have to try it."

Dalkhan's eyes were red, and this time he roared hysterically: "Damn, you dare to violate the will of the Lich King, I'll say it one last time, launch an assault, and tear the Withered Sun Legion to pieces."

However, still the same, the battle ahead continued, but the death knights still did not intend to charge.

"It seems that your words are really bad." Li Yao smiled: "How about I try."

"Don't dream, I can't control it, and it's even more impossible for you." Dalkhan was going crazy. At a critical time, the death knights fell off the chain.

The players and the members of the Withering Sun Legion were also confused. What is the situation? The death knight is not obedient, and according to Li Yao, he wants to order the death knight, which is a joke.

But at this moment, I heard Li Yao's faint voice: "Death Knights, turn the horse's head."

However, something stunned everyone happened. The death knights who were motionless like an iceberg turned around collectively following Li Yao's order, and turned from the army of the dead against the Withered Sun Army to the army of the undead facing Desom.

"It's impossible." Dalkhan's eyes almost stared out. What's the situation with Nima, how can he listen to the other **** if he doesn't listen.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Yao continued: "The Death Knights, the target Banshee and the Ghost Legion, start to charge."

Following Li Yao's order, the death knights phalanx that had turned their horses' heads immediately began to charge.

With the roar of the earth, the Death Knights entered the undead army that was still in a daze.

Such a dramatic scene makes everyone confused.

The Death Knights are really tough, especially when facing crispy professions, killing them is a merciless slaughter, just like harvesting.

Dalkhan was immediately dumbfounded. As the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress had known the situation a long time ago, she seized the opportunity to launch a long-planned storm-like attack.

Dalkhan could only reluctantly contend with the black dragon queen, but now he is distracted, and he has no power to fight back and is very embarrassed.

" what the **** is going on." Dalkhan was going crazy.

"With your wisdom, if I don't say it, it will be difficult for you to understand." Li Yao continued: "But who made me a good person? Explain it for you. When the death knights appear in the Coronation Temple, I will The layout began, and the parasites were given the opportunity to parasitize. Since you know the plague, you should know that the parasites are more terrible than the plague. If there is a parasitic, then his body can hide countless parasites, and then slowly They cannibalize other death knights. Actually, thank you for giving me the opportunity. If I don’t have enough time, I won’t be able to master the trump card army."

Yes, during the corona war, Li Yao's parasites only parasitized very few death knights. But they are the media, carrying more parasites in the death knight team, and then spreading like a plague.

"Liaoyuan, you and I don't share heaven."

Dalkhan is simply vomiting blood for three liters. His feeling of grief and anger at the moment is beyond words. He is a person of extreme pride, and being so calculated today made him extremely embarrassed...

ps: I ask for a wave of collection and recommendation votes for my new book "Sage Master of the Three Realms". Friends who like this book can vote for the new book. The new book needs everyone's support. Mario thanks you.

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