MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1666: Contest

"It's you again, not strong, but courageous. In a short time, I actually poached two of my men. Although they are both insignificant and insignificant to the huge natural disaster army, even if one of mine is enough, You can't get involved." The Lich King was indifferent with disdain, but there was also a hint of appreciation.

Li Yao didn’t do anything, the Blue Dragon Dragon Empress first snorted coldly: “If I was not badly wounded by the soul of the dragon, you would not be able to control my soul. If my body is here, you may not be my opponent. , No matter how many people you control, you don’t have to be trapped in this prison, the Frozen Throne, haha, just a poor creature. Just like you, thinking about destroying the world is ridiculous."

The Lich King didn’t look at the Blue Dragon Queen. From his point of view, the Blue Dragon Queen was just a lamb to be slaughtered. As long as this astute mortal could be taken down, the Blue Dragon Queen would still be controlled by himself again. Ten thousand ways to let her learn how to bow her head to her ears.

"Mortal, although you are very weak, you also have some luck and abilities. It is much stronger than Dalkhan’s trash. The situation in the Ghost Land is so good that you have been completely defeated in such a short time. Of course, this explains your Ability is not simple. Kneel down. I forgive you for your guilt. I can give you great rights. The Blue Dragon and Dragon Queen, and even the army of undead you want, will listen to your dispatch. I will give you rights and even achieve The degree of the great lich, and you will gain endless power and eternal life."

Li Yao said disdainfully: "The Lich King, you really don’t have a long memory. What I said last time you came, humble, pitiful, and you have never seen anything in the world. I want strength, I can get it by myself, I think To live forever, I can enshrine myself, I want to subordinate, and I can conquer by myself. Why should I bow to you to get what I can get."

"Ignorant mortal, you are still so arrogant. Your simple wisdom has blinded your eyes. My patience is limited. I will give you one last chance. Otherwise, I will let you suffer endless pain." The Lich King The blue flexible flame flickered and locked Li Yao firmly, obviously not wanting to give Li Yao another chance.

"Hahahaha." Li Yao also laughed: "Then I'll say it again, you are just a humble poor worm, living in your own world and stupid. I still said that. When my body comes here again, it is you When it dies."

"Humble mortal, in that case you go to die."

Following the words of the Lich King, the flexible flames in the eyes of the Lich King suddenly floated out, one to Li Yao and the other to the soul of the Blue Dragon Queen.

The Blue Dragon Dragon Empress coldly snorted: "It's not that simple to control me again. Even if I die this time, I won't become your slave."

The blue dragon queen's purple light flickered, and a purple arcane magic mask enveloped her.

The flame of the Lich King's soul turned into a terrible twisted soul and suddenly rushed forward, and the constant purple mask collided.

The Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress looked at Li Yao, but Li Yao didn't do anything, as if he was scared stupid, or he didn't know how to deal with the situation.

"Damn, aren't you very powerful? Why are you so scared? If it doesn't work, just come into my shield, and we will discuss ways."

But it was too late, and another soul flame turned into a sharply twisted soul. If you can tell that it is an old orc against the blue dragon and the queen of dragons, and against Li Yao, this is a young gray. Prince with a crown.

Obviously it was a mental attack split between two fused souls.

"You only need to deal with the old orc for the time being, little prince, what a way." Li Yaosi didn't care.


The two souls collided together, and then began to devour them frantically. This was the most direct way of attacking the souls, devouring the real soul and exploding.

The Lich King was obviously completely angered by Li Yao, and he didn't want to give Li Yao a chance to escape, so he directly activated the Devouring, wanting to leave two people at once.

"Since you are stubborn, let me absorb you and get everything about you."

The Lich King roared frantically and devoured Li Yao's soul, but Li Yao still did not move, as if it was not his own power that was lost.

"Have you devoured enough?"

"What." The Lich King looked dumbfounded, he swallowed it for a long time, and Li Yao's soul seemed to be endless, not at all the soul strength that the race level should have.

"You are too useless, and I can't control my strength. Let's end it."

Li Yao's soul suddenly swelled, and a powerful soul aura shook out.

The soul of the Lich King let out a scream, and the illusory body was suddenly bounced off, then turned into a soul flame in the sky, and then the flame burst into small blue sparks.

And Li Yao's soul instantly became like a Titan, occupying half of the top of the Frozen Throne, he was like a mountain, and his vast soul was shaking.

The soul of the Blue Dragon Dragon Queen flew directly, and the magic shield was shattered in an instant. Fortunately, Li Yao didn't forget her, and directly caught the Blue Dragon Dragon Queen with a huge palm.

The magic mask orcs that impacted the blue dragon and dragon queen also turned into soul fire and shattered, turning into dots.

The blue dragon dragon queen stared at the soul through the sky blankly, the coldness could no longer be maintained, as if she had seen something incredible.

"Lord God-level soul, this is impossible."

The frightened and angry voice of the Lich King echoed on the top of the Frozen Throne.

And Li Yao just smiled slightly: "If you come and don't be indecent, you also try to swallow me."

Under one finger of Li Yao, who turned into a giant, countless smoke tentacles gush out crazily, and the tentacles dance crazily, capturing the blue sparks that are gathering.

In just a moment, the soul of the Lich King turned into two soul fires again, but it was reduced by a fifth compared to the previous one. It was shocked and injured by Li Yao and absorbed by the touch of darkness, but in just a few seconds , The Lich King’s soul was hit twice, first being shaken apart, and then swallowed by power.

It became extremely fragile in an instant, and there was no more rhetoric just now.

Kaka Kaka Kaka!

Endless ice will freeze the Frozen Throne, and soon a huge ice peak will be formed, which will securely protect the Lich King in the Is this a horrible thing, but it's also a treacherous cunning. "Li Yao retracted his finger, and the Touch of Darkness gained nearly one-fifth of the Lich King's soul power and a large amount of ice power. Li Yao knew that the Touch of Darkness would change.

"What the **** are you, are you a deity?" The weak voice of the Lich King came from the ice.

"Guess." Li Yao was too lazy to speak, it was no good, and he was too lazy to stay.

"Who are you? Which main **** is in the world?" The Lich King was still unwilling.

Li Yao shook his head: "Remember my words, the next time my body comes, it will be your death date."

After finishing talking about Li Yao's soul, it turned into a shock and disappeared into the Frozen Throne with the soul of the Blue Dragon and Dragon Queen, leaving the Lich King alone in the Frozen Throne.

For a long time after that, the Lich King fell into a deep sleep and sealed himself in the ice peak...

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