MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1675: Mother worm infestation

Although the Lich form is a soul form, it belongs to melee combat. Li Yao's hunter skills are naturally proficient, but melee combat is still a lot worse. Apex novel   the fastest update

It's just that the players are still immature in technology at this stage, and he has so many years of experience after all. Although he was only a thief for two years in his previous life, he would fight all day long after all. Although he is not a melee, but He knows the skills of close combat.

   So in this life, he has strong mental power, and with the experience of the previous life, he can also be the top player in melee combat.

   But if it is said that reaching a long range can leapfrog challenges, and even hunt down world-class leaders, it is a lot worse.

   But this is a pure lich death form, excluding the situation of his own physical cooperation, if the two can be separated, with his mental power, it would be simple to do two things with one heart.

  When you reach the realm of gods, you can use your spiritual power to do more than one mind. Otherwise, if you believe in so many gods, if your spiritual power is not strong enough, you will be crazy.

   Li Yao took out the fit crystal, there are still many things that Li Yao can fit now. Real equipment, special equipment and items can be selected.

   Dark Touch, Titan Equipment, Mechanical Heart, Star Bow, Mother Worm, etc.

Naturally, the Touch of Darkness is very powerful, but Li Yao doesn’t want to be the deformity of the ancient gods, nor does he want to enter the control and sight of the Void Lord. Li Yao knows very well that even if he becomes stronger than the ancient gods, if he is Attention, Void Lord, then it will also become a tragedy.

   Although he is confident, he is not arrogant enough to deal with several masters of the universe. Moreover, Maharaja Void is one of the most powerful gods of control and destruction, so even if there are many benefits after the touch of darkness merges, Li Yao cannot choose.

   And even if he doesn't fit, he can still exert most of his power, which is enough for Li Yao.

Titan equipment? It’s not bad. If there is a whole set of Li Yao, he would definitely choose, but now there are three parts. If I want to get a set, Li Yao doesn’t know how long he will wait. Then it will greatly delay the growth of his strength, and there is no way to break through the shackles.

   What's more, Li Yao didn't have a good impression of becoming a Titan. Are the Titans kind? No, they are not kind. Are those guardians guarding ordinary people.

  No, the Titans created only the mechanical and elemental world, and the elements were only earth elemental earth spirits and mechanical spirits.

Although they have transformed the world and made it lively, the world they imagined is not like this. Flesh and flesh creatures are not of the same essence as them. In fact, they are no different from other extreme gods, except that they are born to represent the order. , They can only do this, the power will be stronger.

   So becoming a Titan is not Li Yao's best choice.

Next is the star bow. Li Yao doesn’t want to be limited to the hunter job. There are beast gods and hunting gods on him. He is considered a god, and the top is the same as the hunting god, but what is the hunting god? It's just the next god.

   Moreover, the star bow is also in a broken state, and its development potential is fixed, and Li Yao cannot control too much.

   Then Li Yao is now the best fit for the mother bug and the mechanical heart.

   Both things are not strong now, but what Li Yao values ​​is their moldability.

  Whether it is a female insect or a mechanical heart, it can not only become a compatible item and become one with him, but also can give him a steady stream of faith power, which will be very helpful to him after he is enshrined.

   Don't think that Li Yao has considered too long-term. It is really a big loss to the imperfect things he had eaten in the previous life. Correction requires a hundred times the price, or with good luck.

  I have determined the item to fit, so now it is time to choose the fit of the death **** form and the body choice.

  After thinking for a long time, he made various deductions on the future development, and Li Yaocai finally made a decision.

   That is the body fits the mother worm, and the death **** fits the mechanical heart.

  In fact, if the Lich form is a legal system, the female worm is more suitable for the soul.

   But in close combat, the form of death is too weak and weak. In line with the mechanical heart, Li Yao can construct a metal body for the form of death, and then put on melee equipment.

   If it is remote, the female worm is not perfect, but it is the best result at this stage.

   made a decision, Li Yao first fuse a crystal fit with the mother worm, and then put it on his eyebrows. After a while, the mark formed by the mother worm has disappeared.

   At this moment, Li Yao and the mother worm are connected to flesh and blood, and the soul is dependent on each other. It is a more powerful and advanced law than the contract. From then on, as long as Li Yao does not die, the mother worm will not die, no matter what damage it receives.

   "System: The first step of the road to the strong is completed, the fit is completed, and the ability obtained is determined based on the fit."

   "Acquire passive skills: Mother insect invasion. If you want to obtain further skills and abilities, please further strengthen the fit level, and the compatibility level with the mother insect is 1."

  Infestation of female insects: When attacking, there is a soldier insect. The effect varies according to the type of soldier insect.

   Soldier insect species: parasites, corrosion insects, blasting worms, slashing insects.

   "System: If you want to get more types of war bugs or let war bugs have elemental attributes, please raise the fit level."

   Li Yao took a deep breath. He was quite satisfied with this skill. In fact, he has this skill now but it is not so powerful. He can only incubate the worm eggs and kill the opponent.

   And this ability goes one step further, that is, it also comes with the attack of the mother worm when it attacks itself, and it also comes with a special effect.

   Parasites are compulsory control. In the face of low strength, they can directly control the opponent. Facing the strong, it can be regarded as a mental attack and interference, which is very effective in interrupting the casting.

   Corrosion insect's armor-breaking effect makes it easier to face tough and hard-to-break armor.

   blaster is equivalent to a bursting arrow, with the bursting arrow double blasting, the power is definitely not bad.

   slashing bug is equivalent to sealing the sword or knife awn that is slashed with a melee weapon, and the slashing attack effect appears.

   It can be said that this time the fit Li Yao is still very satisfied, and it has achieved his expected results.

  The fit is successful. After he kills the boss or the player who walks out of the path of the strong, he will drop a certain amount of fit material. Only by fusing this kind of material can the level of fit be improved.

  The improvement of the fit level is to increase the strength of the fit and gain new passive and active abilities.

   Next, Li Yao activated the Reaper form, which is about to open the second item.

   This time is the most important thing. If his deduction is correct, he will be able to embark on a broad road, even if he needs more suitable materials than others, Li Yao would not hesitate.

  Some people would think, isn’t it just doubled? There’s something, but it’s not that it fits the material experience...

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