MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1687: contract

Naturally, this piece of equipment has no attributes, which are much better than his own wristbands, but again, what Li Yao values ​​is the special effects of the wristbands, not the attributes.

With the full level, the ancient gods become more and more real, and many attributes, although they are digitized, follow the eyes of realism.

Various shortcomings and weaknesses have become prominent, so as long as it is not absolutely suppressed above the level and rank, then the attributes just look good.

Of course, attributes are not useless at all, short-term attributes are still mainstream.

Several special effects of this equipment are pretty good, and it is obviously for long-range occupations, especially hunters.

In addition, it is a lock armor, so only the hunter, shaman and other lock armor classes can be equipped.

Shadow of the Void, it is also good to increase the incidental damage. The bracer can directly increase the damage. It is relatively rare. It is the best attribute for the pursuit of ultimate damage, and it is also not bad for Li Yao.

Void Summoning, this is an increase in pet skills. For others, the spirit enters the void and can tame ordinary void monsters. But for Li Yao, the spiritual power of the main **** level, it is bound to be able to find monsters with extremely powerful contracts.

This skill is a very good supplement for both the Shaman of the Summoning Stream or the Hunter, but it is not the Summoning Stream, then the effect of summoning a pet is not small.

Projection is equivalent to an extra powerful control skill. With Li Yao's technique and mental power, it is estimated that it can be controlled for ten seconds against any player.

The death penalty of this player was directly determined, which is also very good for the boss.

These are the attributes and special effects of this piece of equipment. Relatively speaking, it is very good, and it is also more useful to Li Yao, especially Void Summoning.

Although Li Yao has no shortage of powerful pets, no one will dislike his own good pets, right?

In terms of traits, increasing strength and agility by 10% are actually relatively good. These two attributes will never be too much.

Coupled with this hundred and five shadow resistance, Li Yao's personal shadow resistance is already very high, and ordinary shadow skills have no effect on him.

As for the 5% reduction in damage received, it is dispensable. As far as the enemy Li Yao is going to face, there is basically no effect on the more or less less.

But the last chain of shadows is very good, and when combined with the touch of darkness, or with the arrow, it should be able to show good characteristics.

This skill seems vague, but in fact it is a skill that depends on how to use it, which is more inclined to control.

In fact, what Li Yao valued was the skills of this shadow chain. With his own special equipment and his rhythm, it was bound to exert a very good effect.

In the sky, Li Yao started to use his skills, and then Li Yao felt his consciousness continue to expand and rise.

The speed of ascent became faster and faster, and then it was almost like a stream of light, and his will soon reached the outer starry sky of the ancient **** planet.

He passed the moon, and the powerful consciousness power even alarmed the moon god.

Moon God glanced here, and then what to do, it was the blue boy in the blue moon who was very interested.

He is still very impressed with Li Yao's breath, of course it is not a good impression.

Then Li Yao seemed to have entered a bizarre passage, and after a short while, he entered an innumerable meteorite fragment.

After passing through the meteorite fragments, Li Yao's vision suddenly became clear, and a vast continent appeared.

It's just that there are no green plants on this continent, only red land and mountains, and there are monsters in the void everywhere.

Li Yao saw countless distorted void monsters, and even the endless Burning Legion demons.

This continent is so vast that there is even a green sun in the sky.

This sun emits light and heat, but it is more of the power of evil energy.

Although it was only a hastily sensed from the sky, Li Yao could feel that wars were taking place in many places.

The Burning Legion and the Void Monsters, and the different races of the Burning Legion, are fighting frantically.

"Luck seems pretty good. It seems that this is a training ground for the Burning Legion deep in the void of the universe."

In fact, this kind of contract is similar to that of a warlock. They project their consciousness into the void and sign a contract with a demon or a void creature.

It's just that Li Yao can sign three this time.

Li Yao would not be as low as the sorcerers.

Warlocks are basically able to project their consciousness when they are very low-level and weak.

And there are also many weak demons and void creatures who want to sign a contract, why? After signing the contract, although they want to help the contractor fight.

But during the contract period, the summoned creature is immortal.

This is also the real reason why the warlock spirit is so weak that he can sign the devil.

As for loyalty to the Burning Legion, loyalty is the least valuable to demons and void creatures.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Yao to look at those ordinary demons and void creatures. He can find the strong when he is looking for it, otherwise it would be meaningless.

Feeling Li Yaohao’s mighty will, the demons and the void creatures are not surprised There are constant wills expressing their desire to sign a contract with Li Yao, but Li Yao looks down on it, even the racial-level strong By.

Li Yao's will was swiftly moving, and soon came to the edge of the mainland. Li Yao saw the endless shadow vortex.

A huge void lord appeared in countless vortexes.

"With such a strong will, do you want to find a contract partner?" Void Lord stared at the sky like a whirlpool.

"Yes, your origin is very strong. Although your strength is weak now, you are barely qualified. I don't want to waste time. What do you mean?" Li Yao conveyed his will.

"I'm just a **** calculating, and I've been seriously injured. Otherwise, with my prince's status and strength, I won't be in contact with you. You will know how strong I am." The void prince gave a trace of his original will.

"I look forward to your performance." Li Yao accepted directly. Sure enough, he found that this prince should be a world-class leader. Unfortunately, he has now suffered some kind of trauma and has fallen to the camp level.

"Is there any tyrannical person here? I don't want to waste time. I still have two contracts." Li Yao asked.

"The contract really stabilized my injury, and I also have a friend, the Lord of the Abyss, who was calculated just like me."

Under the leadership of Prince Void, Li Yao signed another Abyss Lord, who was also world-class, and fell to the realm due to serious injuries.

"There is one more place, what else do you recommend?" Li Yao asked.

The Abyss Lord and Prince Void looked at each other, and said together: "There is also a little bitch, no, there is also a succubus queen. She is not only powerful, but also extremely charming. She is known as the jewel of the Legion. But she is too much. Treacherous, if the owner is confident, you can try it."...

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