MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1692: Unyielding battle

"Don't compare me with ordinary abyss lords. They just have low-level blood of hell. How can they be compared with blood of the gods of the abyss hell. However, you such low-level dragon blood will never understand blood. Powerful."

"No, no, no, I was wrong, I know. You hate your bloodline, but you have to use it to become powerful. Unfortunately, you **** never knows the power of God's blood."

Malda sneered, and immediately began to mock at full level.

Molong's eyes were already burning, and he shouted, rushing towards Malda frantically.

"Asshole, I will crush your bones one by one. At that time, I will let your so-called **** blood run dry."

"I am looking forward."

Malda also rushed out, and the two raised their halberds as if two violent knights with dragon spears charged.

When the two were about the same distance, they launched a charge at the same time.

The Abyss Lord has four big thick legs like elephants, behind him a huge gully from the head, the gully is burning with a green flame, the flame extends to the tip of the tail. There are many abyss runes attached to the body.

The dragon man has the same four claws, but he has a dragon claw, has a dragon head, an upper body and a lower body. The body is covered with black and red scales, and the body is burning with a layer of flame, but the flame is more illusory.

One fiery red, one green flame, two huge bodies collided together.


The two halberds collided with each other, bursting out countless sparks.

The two figures shook their bodies, and then stepped back at the same time.

"Hey, I have some ability to withstand my shock." A hint of surprise flashed in Mal's eyes.

"You can make do, too. It's much stronger than the trash I torn apart."

The two of them fought together again, but the sky was dark and dark.

The bodies of the two are very huge, and the weapons in their hands are also extremely heavy. The two are also heavyweights in battle, and the collision of powerful strength.

It makes a lot of melee look dazzled, the two are really half-hearted, and it is difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat for a time.

Li Yao frowned slightly: "This is your real combat power. If so, it's too weak."

"Great Master, I didn't show my strongest strength, but it's been a long time since I met an evenly matched opponent." Malda said with a change of expression.

"Then as soon as possible, I am not interested in this kind of unskilled fighting. If you want to wrestle, there will be opportunities in the future." Li Yao said.

"Yes, my great master." A green flame burst out of Malda's body, which shook the dragon man aside: "Sorry little guy, I'm about to expand into full bloom, and your death date is approaching."


The Abyss Lord suddenly grew two huge and thick wings, and his head grew two huge corners.


The abyss lord soared into the sky, and then fell suddenly, with a piercing sound of the halberd in his hand.

"Thinking I am afraid of you, the power of the earth burns."


The dragon man's body also swelled in a circle, and the ground around him began to collapse, and some magma cracks appeared.

The black dragon dragon queen said: "It's not bad, but it can still use some of the power of the earth guard, it's a pity."

As Molong erupted, a burst of magma rose into the sky.


The halberd in Malda's hand directly split the gushing magma, like a **** soldier, the halberd in his hand still fell.

"Sen Luo Flame Slash!"


A halberd was slashed, and a halberd was crossed on the top of the dragonman's head, and hit together again.

Click, click, click...

As the cracks spread on the ground, the dragon's body sank into the ground.

"I am invincible above the earth."

Molong roared, with numerous scales cracking on his body, he suddenly shook the abyss lord Malda away.

But countless green flames covered the body of the dragon with the overflowing power, and the flames of the abyss of purgatory were not so easy to bear.

The dragon man turned into a green fire man.

"Is it so easy to bear my full-strength attack? Just die." The Abyss Lord waved his wings, his huge body stabilized in the air, and then dived down again.

"I am invincible above the earth."

The dragon screamed frantically, the complete scales on his body were also burned and cracked, and the areas not covered by the scales had been burned. Although the black dragon dragons had strong flame resistance, this kind of purgatory green fire was also accompanied by The flames of fel energy still brought him unparalleled pain.

Flame can burn everything, and it is accompanied by fel energy, which is a terrible power that can make all living things mutate.

And the mutation does not necessarily mutate in a strong direction, facing the enemy is to make the enemy degenerate and degenerate weak.

The burning of flames and the corrosion of fel energy made the scales on the dragon man become fragile.


The two weapons shook together again, and this time blood like magma was shot from the dragon man's wound, and he was already completely at a disadvantage.

The fighting skills of the two are similar, but the abyss lord has the upper hand in terms of the weird ability and the strength of the bloodline.

It is not that the blood of the black dragon is inferior to that of the abyss lord, but the blood of this dragon is not pure. If it is pure enough, he is the black dragon, not the dragon.

"Even if I die, I won't give in. You have to pay the price."

After the war for a long time, the dragon man has become weak and scarred, as if he is about to fall down at any time, but he still insists, his fighting will has been admired by everyone, after all, the flames of purgatory and the corrosion of fel are not anyone Can bear it, and the dragon man persisted for a quarter of an hour in this battle.

Seeing the Lord of the Abyss attacked again, the dragon man did not block this time, but directly took a blow, was penetrated through the heart, and died.

But at the moment of death, the halberd in his hand was also inserted into the chest of the Abyss Lord.

"You are a respectable opponent. I will bury your body, and your weapon will become my weapon. I will continue to fight with it until I die."


Malda pulled out the halberd deep into his chest, and did not care about the splash of blood like a green flame, and knelt down directly: "Great master, Malda lives up to expectations. I hope the master will leave the body to me and let me Burial."

Li Yao nodded: "Yes."

"Thank you, Master." Malda lifted the dragon's body and walked into the void teleportation formation.

Li Yao's Dark Touch picked up the equipment dropped by the dragon man and blew the whistle again. This time a huge blue fat man appeared, the prince of the void.

There is a hint of purple in the dark blue of the void prince's body. He is a pure elemental creature, composed of void and shadow elements, belonging to the dark element, but it is also different.

His body is huge, and his voice is empty and bleak: "Great master, Wall salutes you."...

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