MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1697: Untamed

The fallen sword master in mid-air landed again, and the surrounding **** hounds also swarmed up, biting wildly on his body.

"Blade Storm! Kill me all."

Suddenly a red flame whirlwind rises centered on the fallen sword saint, the whirlwind swept madly, and the Hellhounds were directly torn into pieces by the terrifying whirlwind of blades.

The whirlwind madly approached the succubus queen, the succubus queen still swung the whip unhurriedly, and the hellhounds continued to appear.

Along the way, as long as all hellhounds blocking the front of Blade Storm are killed, Blade Storm is originally one of the warrior's signature skills.

But in fact, the most proficient in this skill is the Juggernaut. The blade storm they release is not only powerful, but also has a certain invincible effect, which is terrifying to the extreme.

Behind the blade storm was a mess, a huge gully on the ground, with broken bodies on both sides of the gully.

"Little hoof, you really annoyed me. I will kill you first and then enjoy your corpse."

The cold voice of the fallen sword saint came, and the **** storm had approached the succubus queen.

Hearing the words of the Fallen Swordmaster, everyone was speechless, this Nima, the taste is too heavy, it doesn't matter if you kill the opponent, it actually likes the corpse with heavy taste, is it hot, this pervert.

The succubus queen's wings flickered, her figure blurred, and the blade storm had arrived, directly tore the succubus queen's body to pieces.

However, no corpse or blood sputtered out.

"A reckless man is a reckless man. With your fighting style, don't even want to run into a corner of my clothes for a hundred years."

The succubus queen appeared in the distance, and half-floating in the air.

The body of the succubus queen emits pink gas, her eyes become blurred, and her infinite charm and bewilderment exudes in an instant.

The Fallen Sword Saint just took a look. The dark red body had turned blood red, his eyes were red, his heart was beating madly, and his body seemed to explode.

The reason in the eyes of the fallen sword saint almost completely disappeared, leaving only the wild desire for possession.

Not only the Fallen Sword Saint, as long as it is a male, as long as he sees the succubus queen at this moment, he feels the surge of energy and blood, and it is difficult to hold himself.


A purple whip shadow fell on the head of the fallen sword saint, this time it was strong.

The Fallen Sword Saint fell to the ground with a scream, and the blood was boiling. In an instant, the whole face was stained red with blood, and the blood spewed desperately.

One eye has already shed blood, half of the face has bones, and this blow can be said to be extremely heavy.

The pain made the Juggernaut finally recovered a trace of clarity, but the second whip greeted him.


The Fallen Swordmaster rolled quickly, the whip still fell on his back, and the bone scars were also deeply visible.

"Bitch, I will break your body into pieces."

The fallen sword saint rose up with a violent aura, waving his double swords and rushing towards the succubus queen frantically.

The whip and the double swords collided with a fierce explosion, and the surrounding Hellhound could not stop the pace of the Juggernaut, his fighting skills were too high.

In terms of pure combat skills, Juggernaut is naturally better, but in this world, it is not invincible with strong skills, special abilities are also very important.

Although the Juggernaut was tough, his mental power was not as good as the succubus queen after all. With the fascinating physical and mental powers of the succubus queen, the two sides corrected and judged that he was inferior to the succubus queen, which was simply restrained.

He can only launch a rage, put his spirit in a state of frenzy, ignore the charm of the succubus queen, and fight wildly.

"Little hoof, I will kill you today."

The succubus queen was unmoved and chuckled: "You just said the opposite, your vows have been changing, but unfortunately, it can only be a delusion."

The fallen sword saint finally approached the succubus queen again, the succubus queen smiled more charmingly, did not continue to wave the whip, but blew a soft kiss.


A peach-colored red heart hit the heart of the fallen sword master.

"Enchanting kiss!"

Boom Boom...

The sound of the heart beating frantically can be heard by all spectators. This is the first time that the succubus queen truly displays her talent skills, and it is also the signature control skill of the succubus.

But as a succubus queen, the effect of her charm kiss is not comparable to that of ordinary succubus. In fact, she just shows her charm naturally, and her charm ability exceeds that of ordinary succubus.

The skin of the Fallen Sword Saint was about to turn purple, and the wound that had just stopped bleeding spewed blood again, making the Fallen Sword Saint even more hideous.

The fallen sword saint knelt on one knee, and his eyes were full of the figure of the succubus queen. At this moment, the succubus queen was everything to him.

"Go die for me, obediently." The succubus queen stood in front of the fallen sword saint and said with contempt.

"Die for the queen, die for the queen."

The Fallen Sword Saint roared wildly, and the two swords were inserted into his abdomen. It was only at this moment that the Fallen Sword Saint came to his senses.

He is almost going crazy. He thinks he is unparalleled in combat skills and is not afraid of any opponents. In the end, he did not expect that he did not lose in skills, but lost to strange means.

"Little bitch..."


The one who answered him was a purple long whip, which wrapped around the sword master's neck, suffocating all his words.


The scales on the whip pattern seemed to come one by one stood up and inserted into the neck.

"Bug, the battle is over."

The succubus queen suddenly twitched the whip, and the head of the fallen sword saint separated directly from the body and flew out.

The eyes of the Fallen Sword Saint were wide open, he was really unwilling to die just like this, he still had a lot of powerful skills to use.


A large number of hellhounds swarmed up and directly began to eat the body of the fallen sword saint. A powerful world-class leader of a generation of Juggernaut was killed in this way, although only a junior world-class leader.

But it is also the top powerhouse in this world at this stage, but he was killed in this way. Both the npc and the players have an unreal feeling.

It wasn't until Li Yao hunted down the fallen sword saint to bring everyone back to reality. Looking at the graceful succubus queen, many people felt chills.

The fascination skills can fascinate even world-class leaders, which really makes them horrified. The real thorny rose, especially the warlock players, is even more envy and hatred.

Such a top-notch eye-catching pet with top-level control ability and combat effectiveness is simply not perfect.

The succubus queen walked to Li Yao not far away with graceful catwalks, knelt on one knee, but there was no obedience and humility in her eyes.

"Great and handsome master, what do you think of my performance?"

Li Yao nodded: "Very good, much better than the previous two."

The succubus queen gave a charming smile: "So great and handsome master, should you prove that greatness is like you can have a pet like me in reality."

Li Yao still smiled and said, "How do you want to prove?"

"It's very simple." The succubus queen directly threw out the whip in her hand: "It's very simple, don't be too weak,"...

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