MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1705: Night breeze

Although this arcane tower is already on land, it still seems to be on the bottom of the sea, and you can see the deep sea outside through the window.

Some deep-sea creatures seemed to be non-existent in this arcane tower, and directly ignored the arcane tower. What's more weird was that even the arcane tower was like a huge submarine cruising in the underwater world.

"Here actually has a very strong guardian power, what is going on here."

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress discovered this phenomenon when she followed in. She could feel the resonance of the guarding power in her body. This feeling was as if facing many other dragons.

"Not only that, the magic net here is very dense, and the magic elements are constantly gathering. This place is like an energy gathering place, similar to the magic hub, but it is also different. Not only the water element, but the other elemental energy is also unprecedentedly dense, such as dense. Its elemental energy is like a gunpowder barrel, and the power of a small fireball will be several times more powerful than before."

The blue dragon dragon empress stretched out her palm, and various magical elements seemed to come alive, turning into light spots, dancing around her palm, which was very beautiful.

Heilonglong's face changed: "This is already a realm."

Regarding magic and arcane arts, there is no blue dragon stronger, but in the control of arcane and magic, the entire ancient **** world, except for the blue dragon king, I am afraid that only the blue dragon dragon queen is the strongest.

"Well, although the elements here are irritable, they are very orderly. They already belong to the category of domains. They are only two-way domains. The magic creatures inside are more powerful, and the spells released by our spellcasters are also much stronger." Blue Dragon The Dragon Queen explained.

Only then did Li Yao feel relieved that if he was just amplifying the opponent, breaking into a field would be an act of death.

Domain, that is the domineering domain field that can only be initially grasped when the demigod approaches the Conferred God. The demigod with domain and the demigod without domain will be completely two concepts.

But the two-way field is different. When the enemy is strong, the magical power of one's own side will also be increased.

"Master, although the space of this tower is not small, many places are very narrow. The master can only summon some human forms to assist in the fight. However, the witch snake girl has very strong mental power, and it will also be boosted here, succubus or that Fat Blue is not bad too, depending on how the master chooses."

The Black Dragon Dragon Queen gave Li Yao his opinion.

Li Yao nodded: "My mechanical clone can be used as a tank temporarily. In this case, the succubus queen who can summon the Hellhound is very useful."

When Li Yao spoke, he summoned both the Devil Snake Girl and the Succubus Queen, and basically formed a small team.

The melee is Li Yao's mechanical clone, and he has a good defensive ability even with the big sword. The long range is Li Yao, the hunter, the caster is the blue dragon queen who controls the black dragon queen and the arcane and ice as the earth and flames, and the witch snake is a pet with a balanced melee and range. The methods are strange. It's half control.

In addition to her own control ability, the succubus queen can also summon the hellhound that devours arcane and magic. It is also a powerful existence, making Li Yao's team seem unsound, but the fighting power is absolutely tyrannical.

And if conditions permit and the space is large enough, Li Yao can also summon other large pets to fight in battle. Generally speaking, although Li Yao is a person, he no longer feels alone and alone.

As a crispy hunter, he won’t be killed easily under the protection of other people. The body can be safely built as a turret. This lineup is actually very powerful. After all, it has three world-class combat effectiveness. Joking.

Just when Li Yao stepped into the weird hall, suddenly, the illusory figure of the old man appeared in the middle of the hall, and the old man wore an elf noble dress.

He saluted Li Yao and several people, and then said: "Welcome to my Arcane Tower. It has been a really good day recently. People have come here one after another. It has not been so lively here for thousands of years."

Li Yao stepped forward and asked, "Your arcane tower, are you the night wind?"

The old man showed a look of surprise: "Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, there will still be people who know me. From your appearance, you seem to be an elf, but you are different from us."

Li Yao nodded: "To be precise, we were of the same race ten thousand years ago, but I didn't have that long life."

"In ten thousand years, what about my fellow clan? I haven't seen my fellow clan come to rescue me. I stayed in this **** place for ten thousand years. Do you know what loneliness is. Invaders will die, they must die, here is me You will be transformed into semi-element pets by me, allowing you to stay with me forever."

The old man's spirit has obviously become abnormal, and his kind face was instantly covered by madness.

Li Yao frowned slightly. This should have been lonely for too long and his personality split, but it is not surprising to think about it. After all, he was locked in the Arcane Tower by sank into the bottom of the sea and couldn't get out to survive , The loneliness in it is that individuals will go crazy. This night wind arcanist has not committed suicide, it is already very abnormal in his heart.

Ye Feng's phantom smiled nervously. This kind of weird smile Li Yao has only seen on one person, that is Tie Niuxian. It’s just that Tie Niu Xian is neurotic, with a wretched personality, a bohemian, and perverted hobby. Li Yao heard that this product has recently become obsessed with live broadcasts. He acts as an anchor and hooks up with beautiful female fans crazy, many pure and ignorant beautiful women. Fans didn't know his true face was cheated.

Li Yao shook his head, abandoning these chaotic thoughts, it seems that he set off another special copy.

However, Li Yao played thieves during the Battle of the Quicksand in his last life. He was chased and killed by the people of the prosperous age. He had no intention of scrupulous about these, so he didn't have any impression of this little arcane tower.

After all, he is not a god, it is impossible to know everything, but his current strength does not need to be known all, he only needs to rely on his own strength to break through.

Sure enough, the phantom continued to laugh nervously, and then said: "Invaders, you will be lost in the bottom corridor like the previous batch of invaders, looking for other invaders, and killing enough other invaders. Open up the stairs to the next floor or exit from here."

"Oh, what if I don't want it?" Li Yao asked.

"Then you will be trapped here forever. This space is a space maze that I have built in thousands of years. Without sacrifices, the portal would never appear. This maze has almost no end, and it will continue to absorb the power of the void. Being a powerful monster, monsters can never be killed. If you want, you are welcome to fight endlessly."...

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