MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1707: encounter

The long-range firepower of several people was still very fierce, and they directly killed the Abyssal Demon Toad that was constantly spewing poisonous mist, especially the flame spell of the Black Dragon Queen.

In this similar area, it showed a terrifying attack power, and her own attack was super high. This time, the black dragon queen became the main killer.

"Sure enough, domain, it is basically difficult to gain the power of the domain with the power of guardianship. If I have the domain, even the gods, I will dare to fight." The black dragon queen said with sigh as she watched her spells raging.

Even she herself was surprised by the power of her magic.

"The power of the guardian has surpassed the level of the domain, and is close to the original law and power. Don't be unsatisfied. I don't know how many demigods admire your dragons very much.

Li Yao rolled his eyes and said, but the domain is a very powerful ability for the spellcasting profession, but if you want to obtain it, you must first complete your own path to the strong.

Although the dragons have omitted this process, they have also lost the possibility of obtaining the domain.

A few meteorites have cleaned up a large number of magic toads. Although Li Yao's arrows are fast, they are not as fast as the killing speed of the Black Dragon Queen.

"Let me test the intensity of the poisonous fog first."

Li Yao's mechanical clone first plunged his arm into the poisonous mist.

Zi Zi Zi...

Li Yao's bionic limbs were immediately corroded, his flesh and blood melted and turned into a green, foul-smelling liquid, and even the keel was emitting white smoke. Obviously, even the strength of the ice keel would be corroded by the poisonous mist.

If a few people pass by, it is estimated that almost the skeleton will be directly corroded.

"It's equivalent to a master-level poisonous corrosion, a very good thing, if it can be collected, it will be good."

Li Yao frowned slightly, and the mechanical clone began to repair his arm.

"I can pass, but I can't lead you." The Demon Snake said with a frown.

The Blue Dragon and Queen chuckle: "How difficult is this."

With that, the blue dragon dragon queen stretched out a palm that looked like a crystal, and a small whirlwind appeared in the palm.

The blue dragon's body flickered, and he came directly in front of the poisonous mist.

With the selection of the whirlwind, a powerful suction force came, and the surrounding poisonous mist rolled up and quickly gathered towards the palm of the blue dragon queen.

Soon, all the poisonous fog gathered in the whirlwind. The small whirlwind had turned into a palm-sized green whirlwind, and anyone could feel the corrosive and pungent power from the whirlwind.



With the words of the blue dragon and dragon queen, the small whirlwind turned into an ice sculpture in an instant.

A palm-sized tornado ice sculpture, the ice sculpture is lifelike, glowing with turquoise light, very crystal clear, like a very beautiful emerald.

Li Yao casually caught the whirlwind ice sculpture from the blue dragon queen, and he could feel the biting coldness.

"Awesome, this control of magic has reached the point where it is superb." The Snake Girl agreed.

"It's not a small trick, it's not worth mentioning." The blue dragon dragon queen is still extremely cold.

Li Yao put things away. This is a very good material. It takes precious materials to evolve the eight-headed snake.

After Li Yao reached the level, the Hydra had already evolved the seventh head. Now at the level, the eighth and ninth heads can be evolved as long as the materials are sufficient.

Several people continued on the road, and after another period, another wave of monsters attacked. This time it was obviously a monster that appeared completely, without seeing the teleportation vortex.

However, Li Yao's strength is too strong, how can ordinary monsters stop them.

After killing the monster, Li Yao frowned slightly: "If it has been such a small method, don't use it. It's meaningless. Didn't you say that you need to kill other invaders? Why does this submarine channel have no end."

"Very well, you are really strong. That's interesting." The phantom of the night wind reappeared: "You have proved your strength. It was just the first test. If you fail, you will not pass until the end of life. It is impossible to get out of here. Go ahead, other invaders are playing in the maze ahead."

With the words of the night wind, a huge whirlpool portal appeared in the passage.

Li Yao jumped in without hesitation, and then the darkness before his eyes, followed by a strong sense of weightlessness.

Li Yao's wings spread out and his mechanical clone was floating in the air. Below it was a huge spiked trap. In the trap, Li Yao also saw the bodies of many players.

These players were pierced by huge spikes and hung on the spikes, looking extremely miserable.

Because there is no cemetery here, if you can't be resurrected by your companions after death, then the basic functions are resurrected in the cemetery, and the corpses here will remain forever.

This little trick can escape as long as there are enough means. The blue dragon dragon queen and the black dragon dragon queen float in the air.

Li Yao originally wanted to catch the Witch Snake, but was surprised to find that the Witch Snake actually spread out a pair of demon wings and floated in the air. It suddenly became clear that the Witch Snake was a noble race with double royal blood in the abyss. Not a very strange thing.

Not to mention the succubus, it has wings.

Everyone glanced around, and there were stone passages on both sides of the the owner wanted to choose. "The succubus queen asked.

Li Yao shook his head: "There is no need to choose at all. The upward passage here needs to kill enough sacrifices. Otherwise, the maze will have no exit, and the inside will inevitably extend in all directions. Otherwise, it will be difficult to encounter if there are not many people. There is no way to play. So we just leave."

Li Yao casually chose the passage close to him to fall, and several people gathered again, and then quickly drove through the random maze.

During the period, I also encountered some monsters and organs, but under their crushing strength, these difficulties did not pose a strong threat to the team at all.

The female worm kept screaming in the passage, but the ears could not hear the screaming. This was a fusion of Li Yao's sonic arrow.

The scream of the female worm is equivalent to ultrasound, which can detect all enemies.

Especially the invisible enemy, basically can't hide under the ultrasound of the mother worm.

Since knowing that he can meet other players, Li Yao has not relaxed, the top thieves can still kill him in seconds, so he dare not care.

Finally, half an hour later, the mother worm sensed a thief sneaking.

"There are three little thieves, they should have found us." Li Yao whispered, "I will solve one first."

Li Yao said that he bent the bow and set the arrow quickly. Seeing Li Yao's action, the three sneaking thieves suddenly realized that they had been exposed, and immediately began to attack.

It's just that Li Yao's arrow was so fast that the three thieves launched a shadow attack almost at the same time, and one of the thieves in the front was directly penetrated by the arrow and fell to the ground.

The other two thieves used their skills, and the arrows released by Li Yao were nailed to the wall...

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