MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1711: Export

A blue shock wave spread, and instantly all the players around the mage were controlled by his ring of ice, and they all froze in place.

"Fuck, what are you doing."

The head of the group who was about to jump was immediately imprisoned in place, and almost burst into swearing.

"Succubus, he is controlled by the succubus." a player shouted.

"Damn it." The soldier suddenly said, "Each one's life."

The Paladin in the team launched the Free Hand to directly lift the freeze, and then a group of horses appeared, and he galloped quickly.

But the mage directly activated the ice freeze, freezing the Paladin again.


The volcano finally erupted. Although the volcano is illusory, the magma is real.

With the eruption of magma, the remaining eight players were all washed up to the ceiling.

Even when the invincible skill was activated, it shattered with magma and impact. The Black Dragon Queen’s attack was too strong, and with the blessing of this local field, it was even more powerful.

The eight masters were instantly killed, and there was no scum left.

The runes flashed in the passage, madly offsetting the damage caused by the volcanic eruption.

At this time, with the deaths of several players, the barrier formed by Aqua Guardian was also broken.

Several people have also approached the passage, the blue dragon queen pointed a finger.

An ice bridge formed by hard ice appeared, and everyone did not stop at the slightest, turning directly and entering the final passage.

"Damn it, our defense has been broken, what's the matter."

After turning the corner, more than a thousand yards away is the exit to the square.

In an instant, eight members of the group died. Although the blood-clothed people were dealing with the yelling in the square, they noticed the situation in an instant.

Especially seeing Li Yao and his party rushing over, they were suddenly shocked.

The ultimate move of the Black Dragon Dragon Queen was so fast that the group members were killed by magma without a chance to spread the word.

"Blue clothes." Li Yao shouted, without saying anything.

But the Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress had already understood Li Yao's meaning, a purple light flashed in her eyes, and everyone in Mercedes-Benz was enveloped by the transmitted light, and suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared hundreds of yards away.

In an instant, the opponent's person entered Li Yao's long-range strike range.

"Damn it, take good care of me, I'll go up and intercept first."

The tank of the Bloodline jumped over a long distance directly, and then launched a charge.

At the same time, he activated the shield wall, and priests and auxiliary professions also put magic shields on him.

"Good to come."

The mechanical clone also strode forward and met the charge of the opponent's tank.


Just as the opponent's tank charge was about to impact the mechanical clone, an arrow tower blocked the two.

The arrow tower was shattered in an instant, and the charge of the opposing tank stopped abruptly.

The opponent's tank changed the target at the moment of the impact. If it hits directly, he can control the opponent for a moment, and then with the shock wave, it is enough to control many opponents.

Then their team members will pick up the attack rhythm, not only stop the opposing team, but also fight in a very favorable situation.

But his attacking rhythm has been broken, but this is just a bad start.

At the moment when his charge was stagnant, the huge door-panel sword had already whizzed down.

But after all, he is a super master, even though it is very disadvantageous, he still raised the shield in the best posture.


Several magic shields on the tank shattered in an instant, and then the big sword was still cut on the shield.

The tank felt a brutal force coming from the shield, his arm was overwhelmed and cracked, and his body flew out like a cannonball.


The mechanical avatar flickered and turned into a gloomy light. It went directly to the side of the warrior and above the shadow. It suddenly raised its foot and fell.

Step on the half-blooded tank directly on the ground, and then a sword fell.

Decapitated with a sword, the tank's shield wall can only reduce damage, but there is no way to be hit in the fatal part.

Earth Flame·Endless.

Countless magma **** condensed, and then, with a long flame tail, smashed into the blood-clothed guild people who had also adjusted their formation and charged in the distance.

"What kind of ghost spell is this? Even if the algorithmist's spell has a bonus, it is not terrifying to such a degree." A blood-clothed guild master shouted.

"Liaoyuan, this is not the player squad at all, but Liaoyuan himself. The others are his pets, Meow." Someone recognized Li Yao.

"How is this possible? Isn't Spark Guild on the other side."

The others looked dumbfounded, no wonder that such an unbreakable line of defense was broken in such a short period of time. It turned out to be a prairie fire. All of this was explained clearly.

The leader was a druid, he directly took out a scroll and released a scroll of the earth shield.

The earth rises, forming a huge defensive shield made of earth elements, completely blocking the passage.

"Liaoyuan, your spark is on the other side. If you want to go over and say the above, why kill like this."

The Druid commander acknowledged it directly, not looking at other Just killing their strongest tank in an instant, and then the endless magma ball almost scared them to pee.

This is just a momentary attack, instant magic, if it is magic that requires spells, their scrolls are not infinite, and this scroll is very expensive, very expensive, and it hurts to use one.

"The way, we will walk by ourselves, let us not let it be random. But you should know the rules here, if it is normal, forget it, but now, I don’t kill you, but I will kill others. In my eyes, you have nothing to do with others. Different, so you should die."

The mechanical avatar directly slashed on the earth shield with one sword and one sword, and countless magma **** also crazily crashed on the magma balls, bursting continuously.

Li Yao's body started to charge the dragon to fire, and at the same time, a large number of purple light **** appeared around the blue dragon queen.

Aoneng Impact

Swipe it!

The huge arcane magic bullets are like barrage, continuously impacting on the same point of the earth shield.

In addition to impact damage, arcane magic bullets also have explosion damage, and they hit the same point.

The Earth Shield only lasted for three seconds before it was broken by the arcane barrage.

"Black, you are still so savage, the application of magic is too rough." The blue dragon queen chuckled.

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress was not angry, and condensed her magic: "Sister, I am just giving you the opportunity to show your value in front of the master. If it is only myself, my fire dragon technique will break this shield to pieces."

"Team, disperse, give Liaoyuan a little bit of color to see, we make way because we don't want to hurt both sides, but we are not weak to be deceived, brothers say yes."


The people of the Blood-Clothed League slammed into the sky, and they all took a breath...

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