MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1748: Everything is empty

Speaking slowly, in fact, it only takes a moment for a finger to appear to form, and then to press it.

In the hall, the Viscount Water Elemental summoned a large amount of water to surround him, and his body was even curled into a ball.

Li Yao and his mechanical avatar spread out the wings of the Valkyrie, and slowly backed away, the fire of life became more and more vigorous, forming a mask to completely protect themselves.

The whole body of the three remaining treatments was stuck on the wall in big letters, and it was still the kind that didn't touch the ground. Especially the two female priests, whose clothes were torn back tightly, pressed tightly to the front of the body, the curves were completely exposed, and they looked very ashamed.

Fortunately, no one noticed their current state, all looking at the center of the field.

At the top of the hall, the blue dragon queen floated, her fingers pressed down, behind her, a phantom of a Titan appeared, as indifferently as the blue dragon queen, a solid pillar-like huge finger carrying countless thunder Oppressed.

Below, the octopus monster seemed to be under tremendous pressure, its body was firmly suppressed on the ground, its size was flat, and the number of tentacles were condensed together, blocking the body from the top, like a shield.

A vague phantom of the ancient **** roared above the octopus body, and met with terrifying fingers.

The two extremely powerful auras collided, and the hall vibrated, and the channel's solid ice continued to appear large and small cracks, as if it could not bear it.


The strength of the blue dragon queen has been raised to the extreme.


The phantom of the ancient **** also swelled to the extreme, fingers collided with the body of the ancient god, and everyone's ears sounded like thunder.

The two Li Yao's figures could no longer remain in the sky, and they staggered to the ground with the sound of thunder, their wings wrapped around their bodies.

The ice in the passage made a cracking sound, and the ice splashed.


The endless thunder light wrapped the phantom of the ancient god, and the ancient **** let out an unwilling roar, and his body collapsed.

The lightning on the finger disappeared completely, and the speed continued to fall at the original speed as if it had not been affected.

"I won't die!"

The vitality of the octopus monster's body crazily condensed to the countless tentacles in front, but everything was in vain.

The will of the ancient gods he summoned was not an opponent of the Titans, let alone him.

The fingers fell, and the tangled tentacles touched the fingers and melted like ice and snow, those tentacles crumbled crazily, and countless broken tentacles sputtered the entire hall.


The finger finally touched Li Yao's broken body that was not protected by the blood-colored armor, and the ice in the passage completely turned into icy debris and scattered on the ground.

There was already a thick layer of firm ice in the hall, and it all shattered when the fingers fell.

The sound disappeared, and everyone saw that the octopus monster was nailed to the ground of the hall by this finger. The divine light in the eyes of the octopus monster had disappeared, gradually graying, and the body twitched unconsciously.

"Wonderful, really wonderful, Liaoyuan, you really surprise me everywhere, do you want me to arrange a few more powerful men to let you kill a few more, I really want to see your limits."

Just when everyone hadn't recovered, the arcanist's disgusting voice came, and his illusory figure also appeared in the hall, looking at the octopus monster that was crushed to death by a finger.

"Damn it, you old lunatic, master, help me kill him." The Viscount Water Elemental became quietly red, and countless ice fragments condensed into an ice dragon, rushing towards the arcanist.

"It's useless, this is my arcane tower. Disperse it for me." The arcanist didn't care. After a wordless exit, the ice dragon summoned by the Water Elemental Viscount all collapsed into ice debris, and the Water Elemental Viscount was casting spells. It also collapsed, and he was even hit back, his body shattered.

"Hahahaha, little guy, you still don't have such a long memory." The arcanist laughed.

"Noisy tongue." The blue dragon queen suddenly looked at the arcanist, her clear eyes were full of indifference: "Your arcane tower can't escape the control of the master, just pick me up and try."

As the blue dragon dragon queen said, it was still the crystal clear finger that pointed at the arcanist.


The momentum that had just dissipated again condensed, and the arcanist's complexion changed wildly. He wanted to dissipate his figure, but found that he was completely locked, as if imprisoned to the void, unable to move at all.

"Damn, you crazy woman."

The arcanist spewed out a breath of illusory blood, and layers of ice on the ground formed a shield of ice blocking him.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

The Titan's fingers that were about to dissipate also followed. Those ice shields that were originally strong were as fragile as paper, and couldn't stop the fingers at all.

The finger finally touched the arcanist's phantom body, and the arcanist screamed and was pressed against the wall of the hall by his finger.


The wall of the hall shattered into a deep pit, the phantom of the arcanist collapsed, and the Titan's fingers exhausted their strength and dissipated into the air.

Emotional fluctuations appeared in the eyes of the Blue Dragon Empress, ending the state of enlightenment and fell directly.

Li Yao activated the Dark Touch to catch her, and the Blue Dragon Queen shook her head slightly: "The power conferred by Titan Strike is exhausted. You can only find my body, but with the master's ability, you will be able to do it without me. Safety……"

Before the Blue Dragon Dragon Queen finished speaking, her body turned into a light spot and dissipated, and the Viscount Water Elemental also dissipated.

The shields protecting Sister Li and Tianxiang also disappeared, and the two women also fell. Li Yao caught them with the touch of darkness and found that the two had fainted with shock.

Li Yao also had lingering fears. He had only heard of how powerful the Dragon Queen was, and had seen the power of Deathwing's final return to the mystery, but he didn't expect the Dragon Queen to be so strong.

This is a world-class leader, so he was killed with one blow.

Thinking of being able to conquer two dragon queens is simply my luck. Otherwise, if he enters the state of enlightenment, any dragon queen's current strength and strength are estimated to have no way to escape.

At that time, the Black Dragon Dragon Empress was unable to play out because of the curse and burning of thousands of years.

The Blue Dragon and Dragon Queen are probably due to the persuasion of the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen, plus wanting to get rid of the control of the Lich King, it cannot be said that it is also her own fate.

Li Yao looked at the three living healers, for fear of their robbery, just turned his head and saw three bodies that seemed to be embedded in the wall, and the white light of their souls had already flown.

It turned out that for the final blow, the wall behind the arcanist was where the three of them were. Although they were not the main targets, the aftermath alone was not something they could bear.

Only then did Li Yao look at the octopus monster's body with confidence. There is a reason why he is so attached, because he feels a part of the breath of darkness.

With the death of the octopus monster, half of the touch of darkness on his shoulder is already ready to move. Li Yao is very much looking forward to what new surprises this touch of darkness can bring to him...

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