MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1750: Boil anti-ying sky

"President, is it over?"

Tianxiang and Sister Li also woke up, saw the situation in the hall, and asked in confusion.

Li Yao turned his head and nodded: "After the dragon queen released the trick, it ended. I also got some benefits. The Touch of Darkness has been supplemented a bit, but it's a pity, two legends and three legendary equipment. Also absorbed by the touch of darkness."

As Li Yao said, he noticed that Sister Li and Tianxiang looked at him in a daze, and said puzzledly: "Why, did I just fainted and couldn't adapt, or I was too handsome and made you look dumb."

Tianxiang suddenly woke up and turned her head, with a trace of blush on her face. Sister Li has seen the world, and hasn't experienced it in any place, so naturally she will not be molested by Li Yao.

Nodded naturally: "It seems that you have gained a lot of benefits. Although your appearance has not changed much, it seems to have produced a kind of obscure attraction. It can attract women's eyes unconsciously, and is evil. But this kind of evil is not annoying, but it will, how to say, just like the kind of Yang Guo in the classic novels, you should pay attention to it in the future and keep the little girl away."

Li Yao was stunned: "Sister Li, I have no sense of accomplishment like you, how come I feel that I have been counter-motivated."

Sister Li shook her head: "You'll know by looking in the mirror."

Sister Li waved her staff and an ice mirror appeared.

Li Yao saw that he was staying too. Just as Sister Li said, his appearance has not changed, but there is a trace of evil in every way he looks, but this evil is not the kind of evil, in short, it belongs to him. It feels better than before.

He is quite clear about his position, he can only say that he is a little handsome, but now he feels much more charming than the original.

"Fuck, I'm actually narcissistic, wait, I'll take a look offline."

Li Yao quickly went offline.

After he went offline, Li Yao stared blankly at himself in the mirror. In reality, he was like a change, stealing an evil spirit. Although his eyes were not golden in the game, they were as deep as a starry sky. He watched by himself. Not consciously addicted.


Li Yao summoned his own mech. Li Yao was completely speechless. After putting on the mech, Li Yao seemed to overlap with himself in the game. The ears became the long ears of the elves, the eyes became golden, and he was tall. All improved.

"How could the metal of the gods have an effect when I was at the camp level? Could it be the touch of darkness?"

Li Yao knew the magic of God's Metal, but that was all after he became a demigod. He was only at the camp level now, and this change shouldn't have occurred.

Li Yao didn't struggle. He was neither a scholar nor a researcher, as long as it wasn't a bad change. Anyway, he didn't like to provoke my sister-in-law, and he didn't care too much about appearances.

"How." Sister Li asked seeing Li Yao online.

"It's the same offline." Li Yao shared the image kept by the communicator just now.

Sister Li and Tianxiang looked at it, but Tianxiang was very surprised.

You know, the main Xinghuo personnel have arrived at the base, and they are considered familiar in reality. Li Yao obviously has undergone such a huge change.

"The temperament is not clear and unclear. Just like me, in the early days of the mall, I was a woman, and I had a capable and strong aura for a long time. Tianxiang's family conditions must be good, and it belongs to the scholarly family. , Influenced by culture, you have a pretty temperament and a bookish temperament. This temperament is inexplicable, but it can improve a person’s perception. It’s just that you’re an improved temperament, I can’t say, anyway. The bad things are good, very good, very attractive, and it is seductive, don't worry about it." Sister Li said.

Tian Xiang also smiled and said: "I will also repeat what Sister Li said. The president will not hook up with Aunt Liang in the future. With your skills in the past, I don't know how many little girls yelled to have monkeys with you, but now they can.

"Come on, don't make fun of me. I don't rely on my face to eat. Let's go, there is no need to stay here anymore. It is important to find someone else."

Seeing the accumulation of ice debris in the passage, it was impossible to pass.

"This is troublesome, we can't dig it slowly by ourselves." Sister Li frowned: "I can control the ice, but I can't make the ice disappear."

Li Yao summoned the Hell Scorpion, motioned for the two to come up, and then said: "I will solve it."

Choosing a passage, Li Yao stood in front of the Hell Scorpion, and suddenly, the dark touch on his shoulder danced wildly.

Unlike the original illusory smoke-like tentacles, the current tentacles are clearly real, with a lot of weird runes.

The touch of darkness melted into the ice fragments, which quickly melted and turned into running water, and Li Yao quickly passed through the blocked passage.

"President, your ability is even more bizarre. You just said that you got the benefit, is this?" Tianxiang asked suspiciously.

"More than that, I'm also a faction level." Li Yao said flatly.

The two of them were silent for a while, they were still senior leaders, and they still did not make up for their origins. As a result, Li Yao was directly at the camp level. Regardless of whether they made up for their origins or but the growth rate was simply not given. Other players survive.

Everyone is rushing to the level now, there is no full level, it is almost as difficult to make up for the origin.

"What's wrong, the disadvantages of making up for the origin have also appeared. I can't hang up now. If I hang up and can't be rescued, I will fall to the rank. The leader of the camp level is not so good." Li Yao smiled bitterly.

"You don't have to come here. From the beginning of the game to now, you have hanged up a few times, not more than three times. It was also when the strength was not strong before, or in the dungeon. Now you are at the camp level, with more than five worlds. It's not easy for you to hang up with the protection of the first-level leader." Sister Li glanced at Li Yao and said.

"Now I am at the camp level, and the tasks given by those big guys in the camp will be very difficult." Li Yao struggled.

"President, you're joking again, it's a low-level task, don't you look down on it yourself." Tianxiang also said.

Li Yao is speechless...

The three were silent for a while, and Tianxiang suddenly said, "Look at the forum, it's exploded."

The two were taken aback, and Sister Li asked, "What happened? The forum exploded."

Tianxiang did not explain: "You can see it when you open the game forum."

The two opened the forum, and rows of headlines appeared.

"The horror incident, the chaotic camp went crazy, and the civil war was everywhere in two days."

"Break dozens of cities in two days, the chaotic camp will go against the sky."

"This is a provocation to the players on earth, who can stop the upcoming game turmoil."

Li Yao patiently clicked on a detailed post, and was shocked when he saw the news.

Players of dozens of races in the chaotic camp went crazy, attacking the most important resource cities of the three camps from the middle of the night before yesterday's game time, and most of them succeeded.

The alien players publicly clamored, saying that the earth players are incompetent, and the earth players have turned to the sky...

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