MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1765: Guild development

The plan has been decided, and everyone has started to get busy. The guild now has 180,000 people, reaching the limit of the sixth-level guild.

Now the super guilds are stuck at the sixth level of guilds. Up to the seventh level can expand the number of people to the super scale of 500,000, but now only those super guilds have reached the sixth level, and most of the first-tier guilds are still at the fifth level. The size of the guild, one hundred thousand people.

Xinghuo now has 150,000 combatants, and pure life professional players account for 30,000, which is almost impossible in other super guilds.

Thousands of other super guilds are already against the sky, and the 30,000 people of Spark City can only dare to play like this with the resources and money of Spark City. Just cultivating these deputy professional players will drag the super guild down. What's more, ordinary guilds can't afford to play.

Xinghuo is desperate for development, almost regardless of the cost. Of course, the so-called regardless of the cost is that the shareholders of the guild, including Li Yao, are operating the guild with the idea of ​​not making money and invest all the funds.

Of course, there are many reasons for being able to catch up with those big guilds.

First, it is naturally fame. Li Yao's fame has been undefeated in all directions. The place where countless players aspire to learn technology, Spark Guild has won the first kill of almost all the main lines, full of glory.

Li Yao's reputation has brought a large number of experts and admirers who have aspirations to technology, and the reputation of the guild can also make Xinghuo not lack of members.

The reason why Xinghuo dare to say that it has completely caught up with the Super Guild is because there are many sub-guilds of Xinghuo, and the total number of affiliated guilds is no less than one million. Countless people stayed in the sub-guild and worked hard to enter the main guild.

Second, it is naturally welfare treatment. Spark's welfare treatment can be said to be multifaceted, and it is absolutely NO1. No guild dares to compare the welfare treatment with Spark, because they can't afford it.

The most intuitive thing is guild repair. The super guild is only open to the main groups of hundreds of people who open up wasteland, while Spark only needs to participate in guild activities, or guild members gather more than forty people to act together, no matter if it is for their own tasks or what. Repairs will be opened, and more than 100 people can receive certain other supplies. This alone has surpassed all guilds and stood at the top.

Then there is the guild point system. The Spark Guild warehouse is famous for its richness. After a while, there will always be people discussing the issue of the Spark Guild warehouse and they are very envious, not unreasonable.

The top items of the guild are always constant. At first it was brought by Li Yao. Later, the members of the guild exchanged for their gas exchange points. In short, the equipment, other precious things and materials are everything. All kinds of equipment, blueprints, materials, mounts, and units, as long as you need them, you can get valuable points by doing guild missions and participating in guild activities, which are much cheaper than the outside world or auction houses.

Even some people are working hard to earn guild points in order to earn gold coins, reselling them to auction houses to make the difference. Spark is also very welcome. In Li Yao and Sister Li's eyes, guild experience and various construction experience improvements are more valuable than this money.

This kind of welfare benefits can also be enjoyed by the sub-guild, which is also the main reason why the level of the Starfire Sub-guild can also soar to the level of the first-line guild.

And doing tasks together all day, building guilds together, will naturally form a great cohesion and give players a sense of belonging.

One of the most important and Xinghuo's only initiative to increase the sense of belonging is the construction of residential areas. Compared with other guild military fortress or functional guild construction style, Xinghuo is a conventional city.

Although it takes a lot of expenses to start investing, it can't be talked about losing money after the scale is formed.

Xinghuo members can use their guild points to find a place to stay in a room, those with better points can buy a suite, and those with high points can buy a mobile building with two or three floors. Xinghuo also builds a small villa with various ethnic styles. , Lakeside, waterfall, forest hut, etc.

This is also the advantage of many places in Spark, but the villa is not something you want to own. It requires a lot of guild points. Of course, guild activities or special contributions can also be rewarded.

In the game, players are treated as recruits and have no place of their own in various places. They can only rent hotels and put things in warehouses, which is too troublesome.

Owning a home is too tempting for the players. Xinghuo began to invest heavily and was ridiculed by many guilds, but now the leaders of the guild who laughed at Xinghuo are all left with envy, making the cohesion of Xinghuo unprecedented.

Just ask, one is a hotel and the other is your own home. The home can raise a lot of specially designed plants and flowers to form a dreamy home, and you can stock your own collection of small pets. The difference is simply heaven and earth.

Some people will say that there is not much difference, but you must know that people have to sleep every day.

This led to a crisis in Spark, and the players tried their best to protect which surpassed other guilds by a level.

Third, the strong cohesion of Xinghuo makes Xinghuo prosperous. And the good guild atmosphere makes members encounter difficulties, as long as countless people call for help.

Those who went there all became friends, and very few people from Spark Guild left.

This is the foundation of Xinghuo becoming a Super Guild, and Li Yao and Sister Li's long-term investment has finally begun to pay off. This is Xinghuo culture.

Everyone was busy separately, and Li Yao was not idle. He himself stayed in the war hall to study maps and various intelligence in detail, and to formulate his own offensive route and strategy.

Especially the Doom Gavel, Li Yao carefully discussed the memories of the last life of the meeting, looking for places to use.

Outside, Li Yao didn't see anyone, which made many guild leaders dissatisfied, but he could only complain in his heart. For the benefit of the guild, at least he could not show that Li Yao was upset on the surface. It would be no good to wear small shoes to them.

Therefore, Li Yao said that they gathered in the square outside at night. At night, most of the presidents came. Only some people who were particularly uncomfortable with Li Yao did not come. Li Yao didn’t care. Needless to say, Qin Fengyi was naturally present. I wrote down my notebooks with Sister Li, and the logistics and the exchange of military exploits fell on Sister Li.

At night, the square of the war hall was brightly lit, and countless guild leaders gathered, waiting for the time to come.

And the periphery of the venue was also overcrowded. If it weren't for the management of the main city soldiers, it would really become inaccessible.

Many anchors also followed to join in the fun, in fact, the three major camps counterattack is no longer a secret, has become the focus of today.

Especially the dark camp, letting a player be the warlord, responsible for all things, is even more noticeable.

And there was a news that the dark camp was going to play a big game, and it wanted to seize a major city by its own strength, which is really incredible...

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